Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1167: Gaia inhibition

"Notify all units to enter the extraordinary mode, turn on the hive thinking, and be ready to pick up the enemy at any time!"

The captain slammed back to the command seat, and the complicated science fiction seat wrapped him little by little, and finally formed an angular, egg-shaped cockpit.

Positive infinity... means that Master Li Rui's power goes beyond the physical dimension and enters the unobservable realm...

Perhaps, his power alone can rival the Star Fleet...

With a shocked mood, personal will is integrated into the hive thinking, and the entire fleet is condensed into a whole on an invisible level!

On the other side of the battlefield, Li Rui headed into the void barrier of the Protoss Fleet, and immediately set off a huge wave in the Nether Energy Network.

"A powerful divine creature has ripped apart our defenses!"

On a golden mothership with brilliance, the tall protoss wearing gorgeous armor suddenly turned his head and stared at the void, the nerve cords behind his head were flowing circles of aura.

"I'll kill him."

A group of hazy phantom behind him uttered a dull whisper, and the tall star frowned solemnly, and suddenly his eyes widened in disbelief.

"Fredward, what do you see?"

"I saw a monster."


Before the words fell, an inexplicable scream sounded from the podium below.

"The alert group contacted the enemy, found high-dimensional state coverage, and found a mythical reaction!"

"What's the value?"

"Positive infinite!"


After a brief silence, Fredward recovered from his anger and turned his head to look at the volatile transparent air mass behind him.

"Servaper, lead your dark temple team to hunt him, and I will send a high-level temple to support you!"

"In the name of the void."

The transparent phantom behind him slowly melted into the air, and the nerve cord in the back of Fredward's head radiated ten thousand streams of light, which passed along the invisible phantom energy network to the entire fleet.

And a few astronomical units away from them, a brutal behemoth is slowly condensing, and its huge size is particularly shocking even in the cosmic dimension.

"what is that?"

"Send an attack plane to test!"

Tens of thousands of "tiny" attack aircraft were released on a golden aircraft carrier not far away. These drones spread out like a swarm of bees, and a sharp crystal protruded from the tip, and the surging nether energy was compressed into a light at the tip. The light ball of the eye.


Dense energy rays cut through the dark universe, stirring up a layer of translucent ripples outside the body of the giant beast.

For the first time in the universe, Li Rui released his Faxiang, and Li Rui clearly felt the difference between him and the inside of the planet.

The planet's will instinctively suppresses the destruction of extraordinary power, and his power can be radiated infinitely in the universe!

Is Gaia's restraining power?

In a sense, the transcendent on the surface is equivalent to living on the skin of the transcendent in the size of another planet.

The power of the body may not be weakened much, but the energy escaping from the body will definitely be greatly weakened under the spiritual cover and elimination of another "extraordinary"!

Knowing this, Li Rui felt the horror of mythical creatures even more!

They possess infinite energy, they are the existence that can "kill" Gaia in the true sense!

After a brief loss of consciousness, Li Rui's eyes condensed, standing on top of the hundreds of meters high Zerg Faxiang's head, staring into the depths of the void.

one two three four……

With more than one hundred rough stones, plus thousands of interstellar warships, their own strength is not enough to tear their lines of defense...

With enlightenment in his heart, Li Rui took a deep breath, letting the anger accumulated by the [Curse of God's Fall] torture him all the time to devour his reason.

The hard chitin carapace under his feet is like water waves, the tall figure slowly "sinks" into the Zerg's Sky Spirit cover, and the dark red color of the chest that emits the faint blue fusion light begins to burn.

[The Devil Dragon Comes to the World]!


The ferocious worm opened its long and slender claws and issued a "roar" that shook the soul in the empty space!

Pain, tyranny, bloodthirsty, anger...

Like a trapped beast in a desperate situation, the terrible divine ripples spread throughout the stars, and even the [Mechanical God Cult] defense line that was struggling to support "heard" this roar.

Sharp bone spurs pierced through the gaps in the shoulder blades and crazily spread to their sides, forming a pair of dark dragon wings that covered the sky and the sun.

The short forelimbs swelled to the same length as the sickle and claws, and the gilt inscription appeared on the carapace, surging with energy!

In just a few tens of seconds, a strange-looking black dragon beast with a body length of more than one kilometer stood in the void wantonly, and the whole body began to bloom with the sun-like energy.

【Sun Flame Cloak】·Original Stone Steps

The only initiative-[Sacrifice]: Sacrifice a minimum of 1 point per second and a maximum of 1,000 health points, causing health × 20 × (number of energy levels) points of magic damage to surrounding enemies. (Black iron and the number of energy levels below are regarded as 1)

Inflict 400% additional damage to negative energy creatures.

From a long time ago, Li Rui was very curious, if the [God’s blood] was used as the fuel for sacrifice, what effect would it have?

Today, he finally has the opportunity to experiment unscrupulously!


The hazy outline disappeared from all the detection equipment, replaced by a round energy body that cannot be seen directly!

The attack aircraft that was releasing rays crazily melted silently, and the liquid metal quickly evaporated to form a highly toxic metal vapor, which was released indiscriminately along the energy storm.


The twelve high-ranking templars condensed not far away, like twelve pointers encircling Li Rui in the center.

The surging psychic energy turned into a cage, and he was about to cut the space he was in to emerge into the world, and the magnificent energy body that had been standing still suddenly disappeared.


As if a thunder blasted in the minds of high-ranking Templar warriors, the newly formed space cage was forcibly torn apart, and the huge backlash force reversed spiritually, almost smashing their brains into a ball of paste.

Mountain-like claws swept across the void, quietly piercing through the nether energy shield, cutting a high-ranking templar in half.


Sensing that his companion turned into flying ashes without the strength to fight back, the remaining high-ranking templar screamed, and a blazing fire burned in the eyes of Li Rui.

"Energy backlash!"

Eleven pairs of fists pointed at Li Rui neatly, and the tyrannical dragon beasts who were about to call them one after another froze. The flames in the chest were chaotic, and they were firmly nailed in place.

The magic in the body is disturbed invisibly, as if it does not belong to oneself, disorderly conflicts run wild, blocking the smooth energy circuit and bursting!

Originally, this weak backlash didn’t have much impact on Li Rui, but the [Curse of God’s Fall] hidden in the soul and flesh is like a shark that smells fishy. It accurately seizes the opportunity to attack his soul frantically and let He could not sort out the "rebellion" in his body.

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