Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1168: , Mental deficit

The high-ranking templar found the abnormality, and a flash of joy flashed in his eyes.

"Similar to God's evil, Sora has a huge power, but his mental state is extremely unstable. As long as we find the right method, we can completely destroy him at a weak price!"

As soon as the thoughts in his heart were uploaded, the monster not far away let out a terrifying roar, waving its claws frantically, as if attacking an invisible enemy.

In the continuous flames of divinity, the outlines of the masses wrapped in the shadow of the void flicker, and each pass will tear a huge gap in the body of the giant beast.

Unfortunately, when the invisible blade slashed on the black chitin carapace, a layer of golden red and dark light as thin as a cicada's wings flashed away, easily blocking the attack.

The sharp blade enough to cut through the mountains only left unchecked traces, which were restored by the enemy in a blink of an eye.

"Livance, he is too strong, you must find a way to weaken his divine spirit, otherwise we can't get close at all!"

A group of twisted lights and shadows suddenly formed beside the high-ranking Templar warrior headed by them, and Seviper, who was full of blue smoke, even his equipment began to melt, said in pain.

Can you maintain such a terrifying posture even if you are in the energy backlash?

Livings couldn't believe it. Their group of high-ranking templars were far apart. Although they could feel the energy storm coming, they didn't have an intuitive understanding of the power of the core flames!

But seeing that the mighty dark templar was burned through the shield just by approaching him, Livingstone's heart couldn't help but began to sink.

Sora has a huge power... but the power is a bit too huge, right?

Is there really a way to destroy him?

The seeds of doubt began to take root in his heart, but Livingstone quickly shook his head and stared firmly into the distance.

As long as his spirit is flawed, then we can provoke him to self-defeating!

"We need the Dark Archon!"

"On the move."

The dark power field covering the entire star field quietly bloomed, the grid-like dark blue light flickered, and a certain weird outline began to slowly take shape.

"Annihilation is coming!"

After just a few seconds, a nearly four-meter-high spherical energy body shrouded in dark red light appeared beside Livings.

In the dark red light, the upper body of the human figure wearing the evil armor was looming. He stared at the monster in the distance, and his eyes seemed to have two red vortexes.

"Divine feedback!"

In the faint murmur, the behemoth in the distance suddenly roared in pain, and the light in the chest almost came out!

No longer suppressing the energy backed up in the body, Li Rui allowed them to destroy the flesh and blood of the meridians, and his fierce eyes stared at the distant dark archon.

If he is allowed to cooperate with the [Curse of God's Fall] in his body, it will be difficult even for himself to tear the enemy's defense line under the attack of the inside and outside.

Glancing at his tens of millions of lives, the ferocious dragon beast showed its sharp teeth.

Fight if you like, I will fight against you!

The cold and bloodthirsty vertical pupils shrank into a straight line, and the violent gaze made the distant people such as Livings and others feel a chill inexplicably.


The wings of several kilometers long stretched out loudly, and the tyrannical dragon beast gave people a sense of holiness at this time.

In the horrified eyes of all the besiegers, the size of the giant dragon beast swelled again, and the body that was originally like a mountain range looked like a star at this time. With the divine flame emitted by itself, it was a miniature sun!

[Plate Armor of Gargoyle] Original stone steps!

The only passive-Stone Skin: In battle, each enemy hero provides a 3% overall resistance bonus. If 3 or more enemy heroes are nearby, the resistance bonus is increased to 4%.

The only initiative-Metallization: Increase health by 90% and increase the size of the hero, but the damage caused is reduced by 35%, and the maximum duration is 30 minutes.

If the stone skin effect is active, the increase in health becomes 350%.

At Li Rui’s current level, ordinary stone steps are no longer eligible to be regarded as heroes, but in this group of elites besieging him, there are always seven or eight who meet the hero standards. After [Metalization] is activated, his life value will be higher. More than tripled!

Nearly 60,000 dual-resistance bonuses are 30%, and the maximum health value exceeds 50 million. At this time, Li Rui is suspended in the void, and the divine light shines on everything. From a distance, it is no different from the real star!

After the HP was expanded, the small wound of energy backlash was immediately diluted to be negligible.

And with the control of [Blood Sea] divine power, even if there is [Curse of God's Fall] inside and outside, the enemy cannot provoke a backlash of energy and blood, and can only watch a magnificent star tear all obstacles and attack itself like a god. Come.


A desperate comprehension rose in the heart, and a group of high-level churches quietly moved before Li Rui's divine interference covered, revealing the gorgeous fleet of layers behind him.


Thousands of warships fired at the same time, and under the command of a unified consciousness, all the destructive power was concentrated at one point, converging on the chest of the dragon beast. UU reading

The energy in his body was still rebelling, Li Rui could not use [Walk in the Void], a dark green rune bloomed in his pupils.

【Bone plating】·Raw stone steps

Gain 35% damage reduction for the next 4 minutes, and on this basis, the final damage received is reduced by 400 points.

At the same time, the golden red blood, which could not be harmed by non-divine nature, quietly covered the carapace, tumbling and expanding the blood layer as thin as a cicada's wings.

Finally, 【Eternal Immortal Immeasurable Tribulation】 fully urged, adding another layer of illusory golden light on the chitin carapace.

Zi Zi Zi~

The attack that was enough to blow up the small satellite fell on Li Rui, and the expected pain did not come. Due to the unreasonable attributes of [God Blood], he did not even feel the impact!

After a stunned one-thousandth of a second, the tyrannical dragon beast showed a cruel smile.

That's it?

You guys are gone!

The turbulent energy blasted the space in front of his chest into space-time folds, but the star-like monster did not seem to have been harmed at all. The condensed and compressed destructive force was like a breeze, "softly" across his chest and followed The body fell to both sides.

Not only did it fail to stop the enemy's pace, but the opponent's speed was faster. In the nearest battleship command hall, a group of people watched the magnificent stars approaching fast, with the illusion that they were falling towards him.

The hot star in the line of sight quickly zoomed in and quickly covered the entire window side. Under the blowing of the hot divine flame, the invisible phantom energy barrier showed dense ripples visible to the naked eye, rippling backwards from the "windward side" circle after circle.

In the next second, the sharp claws bursting with red blood tore open the Nether Energy Shield, and "slowly" fell in the dull eyes of everyone.


A crisp and silky sense of cutting came from the claw blade. After blasting a void glow ship, Li Rui clearly sensed that several surviving high-level transcendents had escaped into the universe.

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