Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1169: , Hentai【divine energy】

One secret diamond, seven gold...

The sickle and claws larger than the mountain shook slightly, and the sharp and vigorously tore through the void, [Dark Harvest] quietly launched, shredding several lucky people into fist-sized pieces of meat, and then mixed with gold armor to be gasified.

The dark red energy that was unobservable by others exploded, and a blood-red soul fragment rushed into Li Rui's heart, nourishing a red rune deep in his soul more gorgeous.

The outermost defense was torn apart, and the giant star beast plunged into the golden fleet. The sacrificial flame lingering around the body seemed to be the most terrifying solar storm, rushing the neat formation to pieces.


A light streamer was released on Li Rui, the mysterious system rune tampering law, ignoring the huge mass of the star behemoth, giving it a flexible speed that is completely inconsistent with its size!

【Ghost Walk】·Original Stone Steps

Increases movement speed by 80%, and makes the hero gain dodge intuition when moving, ignoring the collision volume of the unit to a certain extent, and lasts for 1.5 hours.

At the level of the original stone steps, many of the rune skills of the system began to show an unreasonable side, and there was a faint tendency to override the bottom rules of the universe.

Therefore, even if the body swells into a small star, the ferocious behemoth is not at all cumbersome. It rushes from left to right in the golden fleet in the form of a star, drifting in a Z-shape, leaving only a piece of melted warship wreckage wherever it passes. !

The blood of the gods covered the claw blade of the sickle, and the red, thin as the wings of a cicada, was the sharpest weapon in the world.

The phantom energy shield with weak divinity can be broken by a poke, and the gorgeous and beautiful warship armor can't even stop for an instant. It is like butter cut by a hot knife, and the place of contact disappears in an instant, leaving only the warship. A transparent incision divided into two.

The splendid blast exploded, and the surviving Protoss who abandoned the ship were burned through the shield by the "solar storm", and immediately triggered [Dark Harvest] under the sword aura lingering in the void, silently cracked into fine pieces of meat, and gasified in a flash In the universe.

The golden battleships at close range saw this terrifying battle turn around, but many of the huge and heavy hulls were overtaken by the stellar behemoths before they had time to accelerate. The golden red light flashed and the gorgeous and powerful starships turned into It became a pile of scorched and melted garbage.

However, in the cosmic dimensional war, the distance between each warship is quite far away. Even with Li Rui’s power, it is impossible to achieve a range attack. It must be called one by one, and several slow-running ships must be dismantled. After the unlucky ghost, the remaining golden starships have spread out in a spherical shape, and he can only choose one direction to chase at most...

Starships farther away are still continuously attacking. Although it contains only a weak divinity, it accumulates for a long time and consumes a lot of divine blood.

In just a few minutes, Li Rui's system panel had one point of God's blood worn away, and after being set on fire for an hour or two, the [Savior Spirit Blade] would be beaten out!

Want to fly my kite, do you really think I'm a nasty critic?

The brutal and bloodthirsty eyes wandered between the stars, the giant stellar beast swallowed invisible energy in the void, and an evil and dark magic halo burst out of its chest cavity.

The scorching [sacred blood] converges and condenses in the chest cavity again, turning into a crystal clear red crystal, the deification attack power is transformed into the deification spell strength, the only few [divine powers] are all injected into it, a magnificent and holy The atmosphere of destruction fills the entire starry sky!

"High-dimensional divine response! Exceeding the detection limit!"

Repeated warnings came from the Nether Energy Network of the Golden Fleet. The commanders of all warships were on the verge of an enemy, staring at the expanding star, and a deep anxiety surged in their hearts.

What does he want to do?

The divine energy compressed to the limit condensed into a stable form under the system law. Li Rui only felt that his chest seemed to be burning with flames, and a hot magical power went up the esophagus and reached his throat.


Some kind of melon skin dubbing sounded in his mind, and the stellar monster suddenly opened its mouth and shot a "tiny" purple-black sphere from the depths of its throat.

The purple-black sphere that blurted out quickly expanded, like a burning evil meteor, dragging a long tail flame and shooting into the distance.


There was a screaming cry from the golden battleship facing the attack, but before they could move the battleship, the purple and black meteor seemed to skip the middle process and directly collided with them in a teleportation manner.


The purple black divine light dimmed the entire starry sky for an instant. After a few tenths of a second, an insignificant small spot of light instantly expanded into a purple star, followed by a divine shock wave like a star ring.

All those who watched the battlefield were blinded by endless weird rays of light, and the world fell into chaos.


The invisible impact swept across the entire star field, and after several seconds, the disturbed vision slowly recovered, and what caught the eye was a chilling picture.

The position where the Golden Battleship stood just now is empty. UU Reading www. even broke through an irregular creeping crack in time and space, and even the endless void below can be seen along the crack.

Outside of the core kill range, dozens of golden battleships lost their original luster, the hull was twisted into a strange shape, and the side that was subjected to the impact completely melted, even revealing the internal keel.

Farther out, the surviving warships are turning hard to escape, but the visible purple and black energy is attached to the armor, making the brilliant and gorgeous gold quickly dimmed.

The illusory ice crystals firmly wrapped the ship's body. Before they could escape from the realm of death, the purple and black invaded into the ship's body. The entire battleship immediately turned off, like a lifeless dead thing, suspended in silence in the universe.

【Flame Breath】·Original Stone Steps


Devil dragon form: Flame Breath will explode violently after being hit by a collision or reaching the target location, causing 5000 (+80% spell power) additional magic damage and forming a magic flame field. Enemies in this area suffer 500 (+40% spell power) magic damage every second.

As if being caught by someone's neck, the star spirits stared at the battlefield sluggishly, unable to return to their senses for a long time.

You know, each starship is the distance of astronomical units, and at the same time it is shrouded in a thick phantom energy shield.

But even so, nearly a hundred golden battleships were destroyed by a single blow. This attack range, this lethality... is totally incomprehensible!

On the other side, after shooting out all of his own [Divine Energy], Li Rui felt a short-term weakness, but soon "new" energy emerged out of thin air in the depths of his soul!

The endless source of energy is like a clear spring that fills the eyebrows. When all the [Divine Energy] returns, Li Rui carefully senses and finds that the loss is almost negligible, and the surprise in his heart can't help but feel a little shock.

Endless, eternal and immortal, this deified attribute is really unreasonable!

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