Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1170: , [Demigod] body

For a deity, apart from the same divinity that can obliterate part of the [divine energy], even a mortal sacrifices his life can not consume even a small amount of his energy.

How desperate is this?

And even the high-level transcendents who have brewed the divine nature are really just using their own flesh and blood to consume the enemy's ammunition!

I just deified a small part of his attributes, so he is already so perverted, if he really ascends to the **** seat, then he has it?

Complicated emotions flashed in his heart, and Li Rui quickly discovered the problem.


Ordinary pinnacle rough...No, ordinary angels don't have my qualifications!

Whether it’s [Blood Sanctification] gaining [Divine Blood] or [Evening Ascension] gaining [Divine Power], the angel who has just ascended the throne of God also has five mortal attributes, either high-defense and low-offensive, or It is a crispy skin with high offense and low defense, and its weaknesses are quite obvious!

Of course, the strengths and weaknesses here are relative terms. Compared with ordinary things, their so-called "weaknesses" can still be crushed, but they have not opened up the essential gap like deification attributes!

Only when it comes to [Half God], at least half of the attributes are completely deified, it is considered fleshy and output.

And if you want to be a perfect one, without any weakness, then you have to be [True God]!

But what about yourself?

With the power of the [Blood God Orb], it is possible to transform [God Blood] into a myth-level [Attack Power] or [Spell Strength], plus [God Energy] transformed from the [Chaos Return to Origin Zihuang Jie]...

Obviously it is only the original stone steps, and he has collected four deification attributes!

Regardless of the difference in quantity, in terms of quality alone, he is already a real [half-god]!

At this moment, Li Rui suddenly realized that [Blood God Orb]'s [Turning Blood into Blade] is a top attribute that does not lose [Divine Power·Blood Sea]!

Especially for him who hasn't set foot on the **** seat yet, there are two more deified attributes out of thin air, directly raising his destructive power to the height of the god!

A torrent of high-temperature energy spurted from his mouth and nose, Li Rui calmed his emotions, and he seemed to have a deeper understanding of the so-called mythical creatures in his heart!

Just like the [Chaos Angels] on earth, powerful and weak, smart humans can always find a way to restrain them.

In addition, the opponent's brain is not sober, such an angel will not play to his advantage at all, at best it can only be regarded as an enhanced version of the original stone!

This is clearly reflected in [Hellfire], [Shen Nine], and [Nine Infants].

Think about the [Hellfire], withstands the indiscriminate bombing of [Mechanical God Sect], and fell down after being beaten for seven full hours. How much meat is this?

With this defensive power, why do you want to go inland in a naive way?

I can't fight and hide in the sea, and when the blood is full, I change to another port to land, and gradually cannibalize it. At most a few months, the entire North American continent can be turned into a wasteland!

The thoughts in his mind were like electric flashes. Just when Li Rui was shocked by his own destructive power, the sluggish celestial spirits finally recovered, and complex and clear instructions immediately echoed in the Nether Energy Network.

"Keep ten times the distance between all warships. Storm warships build a joint force field wall to prevent the enemy from moving. Others can attack freely!"

"The Dark Archon gathers and prepares to launch [Conversion]!"

"The Temple of Light launches [Psychic Storm] to cooperate with [Energy Backlash] to weaken the enemy."

"The Dark Temple is ready to [Void Kill] at close range!"


The sudden intensified attack exchanged Li Rui's attention.

Although nearly a hundred warships were destroyed in one blow, it was only a drop in the bucket for the Golden Fleet that spread throughout the galaxy.

The remaining starships are still "buzzing" in the distance like flies, releasing unpleasant energy rays!

Do you like kites?

The stellar beast squinted his eyes, and his pupils showed brutal killing intent.


[Armor of Thorns·Divine Transformation] After the divine is injected, the anti-injury effect can follow the line of cause and effect and take effect on ranged attacks, and the magical damage will be converted into divine damage.

Zi Zi Zi~

The starship that hit the target suddenly burst into a brilliant gloom, the thick nether energy shield rippling like water waves, and the solid hull slowly deformed, as if it was gradually distorted by some invisible force.

"what happened?"

"Suffered a divine attack on the causal level!"

"What about the source?"


The intelligence agent moved for a while and slowly raised his head to look at a bright and magnificent star on the big screen.

Following his gaze, the captain knew the answer, and a trace of fatigue appeared in the original angry eyes.

How much [authority] is hidden in the monster?

How will this battle be fought?

In the center of the battlefield, the huge "star" started again, easily catching up with a starship to tear it apart, and at the same time spit out a beam of starlight energy, penetrating the two glow ships in a straight line!

[Dark Sacrifice]!


Against the backdrop of the splendid blast, the ferocious dragon beasts backhanded and destroyed a golden battleship, and the viscous void energy gathered on the scythe and claws. UU read www.uukanshu. Com finally condensed into a dark sphere like a drop of water and threw it into the distance.

[None of the ball]!


God's power is endless, and the terrifying behemoth has no worries, swaying its own power recklessly, turning most of the galaxy into a slaughterhouse.

[Dark Matter]!

[Runes imprisoned]!

[Wild scream]!

[Thorn of Fear]!


The endless flames contained an icy breath of death, and the [Mechanical God Religion] fleet ambushing in the distance watched Li Rui rushing from left to right in the enemy formation, seven in and out, his chin slowly fell to the ground.

Normally, the trajectory of a star is fixed, because at a cosmic speed, any sudden turning will cause a huge tear. Coupled with its own huge inertia, the star that suddenly changes its trajectory will basically split naturally.

Many meteors are captured by the stellar gravitational well after this end.

But today, the long-standing common sense of astronomy has been subverted!

Have you seen a serpentine maneuvering star?

The most terrifying thing is that this snake-shaped mobile star also takes into account the magic turret, melee crushing, long-range anti-injury...

Just like a hedgehog, a large star field will be cleared wherever you go!


Swallowing the saliva in his mouth, the head captain was the first to recover and issue a clear command in the hive thinking.

"All battleships begin to accumulate energy, and the frigate expands the shielding force field, and all advance at a constant speed, reaching the battlefield!"

The people in the fleet pulled away from the picture that subverted common sense, and executed the instructions in an orderly manner, but the shock in their hearts could not dissipate for a long time.

Is this the power of the gods on earth?

Ignore the laws of physics and treat the laws of the universe as a plaything...

The incomprehensible posture was deeply engraved in the mind, and under the link of the hive thinking, a glimmer of understanding suddenly surged in the hearts of everyone.

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