Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1182: , 1 net catch all

The gate of heaven, which was unknown in length and width, gradually closed, and the singing of praise slowly subsided.

With the divinity of the flesh and blood and soul withdrawn, Li Rui felt an indescribable weakness, which not only originated from the body, but also from the soul.

Looking at the obscure chaos in the soul, Li Rui's purple and golden dragon pupils slowly contracted into a straight line.

Originally, he was in the leading position in the race against [Curse of God], but after this battle, he was obviously overtaken!

While repairing the flesh and soul, while reflecting on his own choices, Li Rui found that his plan itself was not problematic.

If you just stay on the earth and wait for those [Chaos Angels] who don't know when they will arrive, maybe he will be slowly eroded and polluted within a few years.

He needs more "nutrition"!

Need to "run" harder!

Need to touch the "end point" one step faster than [Curse of God's Fall]!

And to achieve this goal, there is no better choice than StarCraft, which stretches several galaxies and affects several major races!

The only thing he didn't estimate was that the enemy's methods would cooperate with [Curse of God's Fall] so tacitly, a back stabbing almost forced him to make a choice in advance!

The stage is not ready yet, and there is a certain chance of winning if it is forced to start, but he still doesn't want to showdown in advance!

After gritting his teeth, the stellar behemoth began to frantically swallow the energy in the universe, staring at the increasingly dense golden fleet with its violent and cold eyes, and a fierce arc was drawn from the corner of its mouth.

Get closer, get closer...

The purple-gold vertical pupil faintly locked on the enemy, but Li Rui's consciousness was used in two ways, moving into the warm divinity remaining in his body.

System: "Obtain the embrace of the Seraph and be blessed by the uniqueness of the original divinity-[Gabriel], your damage will increase by 992%, 991%..."

The bonus value is slowly decreasing. Li Rui knows that this is just the temporary divinity remaining in his body after Grace uses the power of the body. After time has passed, they will completely return to the original body. should run faster...

Seeing the golden fleet gathered like a swarm of bees, Li Rui had a bloodthirsty smile on his face.

On the other side, observing the rising values, the Protoss Commander gradually seeped cold sweat on his forehead.

Originally made up his mind, as long as the enemy moved his toe, he would run away with the Mother Ship without saying a word!

But seeing that the jump force field is about to be successfully repaired, and most of the surviving fleets are gathered around him, he can't help but want to take a gamble!

Just like the protagonist in a horror movie chased by monsters, the commander ignited the "engine" frantically while staring behind him tremblingly. The invisible psychological pressure made his vest run around with a chill, trembling and cold sweating. Risk.

"It is 39 seconds before the jump force field restarts, 38, 37..."

Seeing the Nether Energy Network gradually lighting up on the light screen, the commander's face showed uncontrollable excitement, and his gaze passed through the side of the window and cast into the distance.

That terrible Holy Spirit hasn’t moved yet...Yes, with such a serious injury, He must hurry up to repair and heal, and he may not have the heart to control us...

Looking away from Li Rui, the commander clenched his fists excitedly as he looked at the Golden Starship that was still rushing towards him frantically.


Hurry up!

No time to explain, get in the car!





The countdown to the ear sounded like thunder, and the commander only felt his chest was stuffy, as if an invisible big hand was pinching his heart bit by bit.

Seeing the last starship shot into the enveloping range of the jump force field, the commander collapsed onto the chair, his mouth raised a surviving smile.

If you step on a horse, I would rather die directly than playing such an exciting game...



But when the Nether Energy Crystal regained its light, and the blue aura once again enveloped the Madonna ship, the sights of the Protoss were suddenly obscured by a piece of golden red.

After a few tenths of a second, they seemed to understand something.

There is no sign, there is no void cloud, the stationary stars in the distance fold space-time in a way that they can't understand, and jump directly under their eyelids.

And the light that shrouded my sight... is the flame of destruction he emits...

This thought just came up in his mind, and the low-level celestial spirits directly gasified, evaporating illusory auras and rising into the void.

But the high-ranking Protoss had a little more thinking time than them.


Why can he fold time and space without warning?

The energy body of the constant star, his existence alone is enough to cause a depression in time and space!

And the existence of this kind of volume wants to hop and shuttle, and it will inevitably cause violent tidal fluctuations in the void dimension before it is activated, but the probe did not issue any warning just now...

With deep incomprehension and despair, the remaining celestial spirits watched as the star beast raised its scythe and claws that were larger than the mountain range, and the heads that were hidden behind the flames of the divine seemed to show a grinning smile.

"Our Lady of the Ship folds in a single body!"

"Interfered by the divine nature, the void is blocked. It takes 17 seconds to break it..."

The exchange of ideas flowed between the electric light and flint, the commander who had failed to do so stared at the hideous and majestic behemoth, UU reading seemed to want to engrave his outline deeply into his heart.

He is waiting for us... He has been waiting for me...

He wants to kill us all!

A glimmer of comprehension rose in his mind, and the commander's tense nerves suddenly relaxed, and an inexplicably relieved smile appeared on his face.

After suffering such a terrible injury, but still wanting to "eat" us all...What a greedy Holy Spirit...

This time you won, but next time, the Son of El will show you the wrath of God...

Watching the sickle and sharp claws fall, the commander's eyes were calm, and he slowly uttered a few words.

"Born for Al!"


In the next instant, the boundless blade of destruction shattered everything, and with the Madonna ship as the center, all the materials within a radius of tens of thousands of kilometers were turned into dust.

[No Blame Pose]!

[Shenwei Crescent]!

[Crushing and slamming]!

The war has been fought to this point, and all the special effects on Li Rui are active, [Landry’s Torture] +60% damage, [Atama's Reconciliation] +5% maximum health attack...

In the end, all these powers, under the increase of the unique source [Gabriel], turned into a blade of light that tore the universe.

With a slash, Xinghe was dimmed, and the [Mechanical God Cult] chasing behind the Golden Fleet were swept by a layer of invisible ripples, and suddenly stiffened, staring at the dark universe in horror.

In the distance that the naked eye can't observe, there seems to be some terrifying destructive power released, and spirituality is madly warning them.


Run away!

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