Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1183: , The problem is not big

Depressing the throbbing of my heart, just as the [Mechanical Theology]’s intellectual brain began to perform high-speed analysis, the honeycomb network linking everyone was suddenly disconnected, and everyone fell from the collective consciousness, staring at each other in disbelief.


The quantum network is unimpeded, why is the honeycomb cut off?

Wait... cut off?

Some of the strongest original stone steps seemed to think of something, and couldn't help but secretly startled.

The masters of [Zhonghua] have a spiritual power called [Sword Intent], which has been trained to the highest level. It is said that even cause and effect and concepts can be cut off, not to mention the mere thought links...

But... just the escaped [Sword Intent] destroyed the hive network, then how powerful will his direct attack be?

Just a little fantasy, the few original stone steps couldn't help but shudder, shook their heads lightly, and left behind the desperate horror picture in their minds.

Soon, the hive mind that was cut off by [Sword Intent] was reconnected, and the [Mechanical God Cult] fleet accelerated forward and saw the spectacular "stars" slowly converging and extinguishing.

"True-sama, are you okay?"

After a long journey, a group of people finally came to the final battlefield. Dozens of the strongest transcendents broke into the universe physically and slowly flew behind Li Rui in awe.

The perfect body with its back to the crowd raised its head high, as if enjoying something or admiring something.

In the area in front of him, the fragmented space-time is violently squirming and healing, and within the huge range, the universe seems to have been gnawed by some kind of giant beast, revealing the deep dimension that does not belong to the material world.


Swallowing, as the high-level members of [Mechanical God Cult], they have not seen a similar sight, but such a magnificent scale really opened their eyes!

Closed his eyes to absorb the endless flow of energy and blood, Li Rui did not move, and everyone did not dare to urge him. He could only stand quietly behind him, using the quantum network to communicate while watching the universe repair his "wound".

"I have never seen such a magnificent scene with the naked eye. Is this really the damage that a strong man of our same level can cause?"

"You think too much. The gap between people and people is sometimes larger than that between people and dogs. Both are original stone steps. The gap between you and Li Rui is probably between people and dogs..."

"Shut up! Ottoki!"

"I'm just telling the truth."

"But you are not as good as Mullen, so isn't the gap between you and Li Rui..."


"I take back that sentence."

"It's late, I have recorded the memory just now, and I am synchronizing to the shared thinking."



"I may not be a human, but you are a real dog!"


"Okay, stop making trouble, have the data been recorded?"

"It's all recorded."

"What about the spiritual spectrum? How about the warping rate change? This level of space-time cracks is precious information, a rare encounter in a century, and every detail must be perfectly recorded!"

"What is a rare encounter in a century. If you need it in the future, call [Indestructible True Dragon] to help and send it out?"

"Very well, Ottoki, this task is left to you."


Silently glanced at the solemn back, the sturdy steel body trembled slightly, and he lowered his head in disbelief.

"When I didn't say anything."

This level of existence, I don't know one day, he will suddenly ascend to the position of God!

Let a deity do things for you?

Even if they are willing, can you afford it?

A self-awareness, [Mechanical God Cult] everyone greedily recorded the distortion of the universe, until the change subsided, Li Rui slowly turned around.

The ordinary facial features still seemed to be shrouded in a mist, but seeing Li Rui's appearance made everyone startled.

"True-sama, are you okay?"

Can't help but ask this question again, everyone looked at his chest cavity directly exposed to the vacuum, and there was a trace of pain in his eyes.汜减bxwx.*C*o汜

Broken lung lobes, white bone stubble, spreading granulation, and faintly visible peristaltic heart...

This injury has long been dead 10,000 times on ordinary transcendents, and the opposite is [Indestructible True Dragon], they will ask against their will, otherwise they will be able to open the table directly after covering it with a white cloth!

"Suddenly hurt, but not a big problem."

Looking down at the hollow gap deliberately kept, Li Rui smiled slightly.


It’s not a big problem!

This question looks big, okay!

Your heart is exposed!

Uncomfortable smash it, smash it, the original stone steps headed tentatively took out a bottle of crystal clear potion, and handed it to Li Rui in pain. Sacrifice like sacrifice like

"Lord True Dragon, this is the latest [Life Potion] produced by [War Academy]..."

Before he could finish speaking, Li Rui chuckled and shook his head.

"It's useless, this injury involves [Curse], I can only cultivate it slowly by myself."

Everyone's eyes moved slightly, reminiscent of the previous rumors, and their gazes at Li Rui brought a trace of sincere respect.

It turns out that he really suffered the curse of [Angel], but even so, he came to the forefront of the war without hesitation!

Many high-level minds of [Mechanical God Cult] rolled over, looking at Li Rui with complicated eyes.

Respect, admiration, ashamed...

This time, not because of his strength, but because of his character!

He is not only [the eldest son of China], but also the patron saint of mankind!

"By the way, where's Grace?"

"Master Grace has returned to the flagship to rest."

Li Rui nodded and returned to the fleet with everyone, but his spirit penetrated through the thick armor and sensed the faint light of the falling asleep. UU reading www.

I fought for a long time in another battlefield, and rushed over to help me through the long time and space, and even used the power in the [Highest Heaven] body...

A trace of warmth surged in his heart, Li Rui smiled and shook his head.

The first time I saw such a weak side of this guy... I had to find a chance to laugh at her...

Suppressing the thought of melon skin in his heart, Li Rui turned his attention to himself.

"The war is over, you participated in the killing of 47 hero-level units, and won a brilliant victory, S-level evaluation, basic reward × 2."

"You have gained 7,319,002 experience points."

"You got 9251200 gold coins."

"[Feast] swallowed the enemy, you gained 1897 permanent HP growth."

"[Feast] swallowed the enemy, you gained 1983 permanent health growth."

"[Feast] swallowed the enemy, you gained 1602 permanent HP growth."


"[Overgrowth] Absorb the withering vitality, you gain 981244 permanent health points."

"[Mysterious Sword·New Midway Island Counterattack] Victory, harvest the entanglement of cause and effect, and permanently plunder the enemy's elemental quality. You gain 5099 attack power."

"[Mega's Soul Stealing Volume·New Midway Island Counterattack] Victory, harvest the entanglement of cause and effect, and permanently plunder the enemy's elemental quality. You gain 8121 spell power." Mi He Mi

"[Leviathan's Armor New Midway Island Counterattack] Victory, harvest the entanglement of cause and effect, and permanently plunder the enemy's elemental quality, you gain 31905 points of health."

"You have obtained eleven rough stone treasure chests."

"You have upgraded!" ×85

I like the infinite **** installed in the city, please collect it: () The infinite **** installed in the city has the fastest update speed.

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