"We must find them back, otherwise we lose the blessing of the supreme mighty force, and our line of defense is just lingering!"

The head of the commander looked fierce, and the armor all over his body shrank like a living creature, clinging to him tightly.

"Hand over the command to the second pick, I'll go for the battle!"

"Marknans! Are you crazy? Do you think you are [Indestructible Dragon]?"

A person beside him firmly grasped his arm, but he slowly broke it apart.

But at this moment, at the gap in the defense line of [Mechanical God Cult], a huge cloud of void bloomed without warning, and all the detection equipment sounded stern alarms at the same time.

"High-dimensional divine response detected!"

"Unknown divine spectrum, the value exceeds the upper limit of detection, do not look directly at the level!"

The two commanders who were competing were suddenly taken aback, and turned their heads to look at the big screen.

There, a terrifying and hideous monster protruded its minions from the void and cloud, grabbed a golden starship, and threw it into its mouth like sucking mist.

Before falling into the weird big mouth, the gorgeous golden battleship melted like a liquid, disintegrating into crystals that are difficult to observe with the naked eye, forming a gaseous torrent, which is continuously injected into the monster's throat.

The body was empty, like a piece of armor, everyone watched the torrent of high-temperature crystals pass through the monster's throat and merged into a purple-red void star in the chest like mist.

If you observe carefully, you can even see the dim light gleaming inside the star, as if it contains another universe!


As if eating delicious food, the ferocious monster, which was huge and resembling an asteroid, roared with joy, and the terrifying purple-red divine energy burst into bloom.

Just the escaping energy formed a void tide, and all the golden starships in the range were eroded frantically by the shock wave.

At this time, the consequences of the massive consumption of nether energy were also reflected. The weak nether energy shield instantly shattered, and the fleet flew to the distance like a paper airplane in a storm.

Just one person blocked the gap, and Augustine at the back looked at the monster on the screen that looked like a **** or devil, and turned his head to look at Li Rui in horror.

"Dark Star."

He calmly met his gaze, Li Rui smiled slightly, and spit out two words unhurriedly.

After a short moment of loss of consciousness, Augustine turned his head and stared at the monster that was slaughtering on the screen, gradually raising a twisted smile on his face.


Unexpectedly, there is such a level in the [Secret Banquet Association]!

If there are more such monsters, there will be no suspense in this war!

Following his thoughts, the ferocious monster in the distance roared and turned into a purple-red meteor, shooting into the depths of the enemy formation without hesitation.

"What the **** is that? Stop it!"

Inside the Madonna ship, Isler's face was livid, looking at the soaring numbers in the various reports, a faint uneasiness arose in his heart.


The sturdy armor is like a piece of thin paper. Under the claws wrapped in the blood of the gods, the hundreds of meters long [Void Glow Ship] broke at the waist, and then decomposed into purple-red particles under the ferocious mouth, and quickly sucked in the monsters. The dark core in the chest cavity.

Huh huh~

The two-dimensional spiritual light refolded and expanded, and several high-ranking templars shuttled to the monster, and the powerful divine attack covered every corner of its body like a tide.

But in the next instant, the sharp claws of the mountains seemed to flicker back and forth at a speed that did not fit their size, and the powerful high-ranking Templar had no chance to make two screams, and disappeared into the monster's mouth silently.

"The attack of the high-level temple is invalid!"

"How is it possible? Even the true Holy Spirit cannot completely ignore them!"

"Guangming Archon, stop it!"

In just a few seconds, the recent light archon had leaped onto the way the monster was advancing, and the humanoid silhouette wrapped in a hot light stretched out his palm. Before he could launch an attack, a terrifying abyss appeared in front of him. Huge mouth.


The jaws closed, and the suddenly accelerated monster swallowed the obstacle in a sprint, without even slowing down!

Unable to stop even for an instant, the noble Guangming Archon disappeared into the enemy's mouth, and all the star spirits in the command hall were taken aback, and then a hint of coolness rose in the vest.

The compatriots who have experienced the last war are still self-cultivating. They have only seen the enemy's supreme power through limited records.

I was still laughing at those compatriots for being too timid, and being scared by a group of primitive monkeys, but when they faced the mighty power, they knew how terrifying the enemy was!

Isler's face is even more ugly. Although he can't say it clearly, he seems to understand Frederick's mood a bit.

That thing, it seems really can't stop it!

On the other side, having accumulated enough divine power, the monster wrapped in the purple divinity opened its big mouth, silent ripples swept across the starry sky, the golden starship within a radius of tens of thousands of miles twisted, and fierce sparks erupted on the armor.


Obviously it is a vacuum without a medium, but the celestial spirits seem to hear the roar of the shocking souls, and they can't help but feel an instinctive shudder. U U Reading www.uukahnshu.com

That is the fear from the soul of low-level creatures facing high-level predators!

It is the great horror engraved into the genes!

Thousands of starships were crippled by a roar, and the monsters resembling the stars looked like tigers into the flock. They happily grabbed the battleships and swallowed them like "broad beans".

Seeing that the noble son of Al was treated as a Chinese meal, a blue storm appeared in Isler's eyes, and his body trembled uncontrollably.

On the other side of the starry sky, Augustine stared at the big screen sluggishly, seeming to understand what is called [Feast]!

That is not a symbolic name. Perhaps for most members of the [Secret Banquet Association], this is really a gluttonous feast linked to appetite!

"It... wrong, what kind of creature is he?"

I have never seen a monster with such an "appetite". The sturdy golden starship is like crispy biscuits in front of him!

A bite and a crunchy!

Even Li Rui, who is known as the "God Eater", would be dwarfed by him!

Augustine suspected that He could even swallow the stars!

"I don't know his race, but I guess it should be an alien species in the ancient universe. Have you seen the core of his chest?"

Pointing to the faint black stars on the screen that are constantly rotating and absorbing "fog", Li Rui said leisurely.

"That may be the visualization of a certain [uniqueness], representing a certain cosmic rule."


Augustine could no longer maintain his demeanor, and screamed in a low voice.

Condense [Uniqueness] before ascending to God, are the members of [Secret Banquet Association] all monsters?

Wait, if you take Li Rui as the standard, it seems that there is one in their association, they are really all monsters!

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