"Swallow [Void Glowship], you have gained 1920 permanent HP growth, and the number of feasts is +1."

"Swallow [Storm Battleship], you have gained 1183 permanent HP growth, and the number of feast tiers is +1."

"Swallow [Void Aircraft Carrier], you have gained 903 permanent HP growth, and the number of feast tiers is +1."

"Swallow [High Templar Warrior]×7, you gain 3576 permanent health points, and the number of feast tiers is +1."

"Swallow [Storm Battleship], you have gained 1183 permanent HP growth, and the number of feast tiers is +1."

"Swallow [Light Archon], you have gained 28 permanent health points, and the number of feasts is +1."


No longer stick to living things, golden armor, phantom crystals, divine substances, and even ordinary steel rocks...

All in all, under the "sharp teeth" of the [Uniqueness·Gluttonous Eating] Law of Swallowing, "chewing" into elementary particles that ordinary people cannot understand, continuously sucking [Dark Star] into the chest cavity.

The nutritious particles are absorbed into the body and turned into growth nutrients, and the excess impurities are discharged into the void dimension through the dark core, and disappear forever in the material world.

Carefully comprehending the operation of [Uniqueness], Li Rui carefully engraved every detail into the depths of his soul.

The system revealed the ultimate form of Kogas in front of him, which is equivalent to leaking the answers to the exam in advance!

In the future, when he ascends to the seat of God and begins to smelt the uniqueness of each hero, this will be a ready-made template!

At the same time, looking at himself from a higher dimension, he has a deeper understanding of [Void Fear]. Although it cannot be reflected on the data panel, his mastery of hero skills has reached a new height!

It's like now, [Void Stomach Pouch] has evolved into a [Black Hole Digestive System], and most of the existence in the line of sight is wrapped in a layer of attractive red light, as if inviting him to taste it!

Not only living creatures, but even lifeless battleships, drones, and even...

The line of sight penetrated the battlefield and saw a dim planet.

The planet itself hasn't changed, but the satellites that circulate around it emit red blood that others can't see.

This means that they have entered the [Feast] beheading line and can be swallowed by [Uniqueness·Gluttonous Eating]!

Not only could he feed on the gods, but also the stars, the ultimate form of Kogas made Li Rui's heart throb.

In the dark, he had a hunch that those lofty and immovable planets were not incapable of swallowing, but his current "mass" was too small compared to the celestial bodies in the universe. When he ascended to the throne, he grew into a complete form... …

A magnificent picture emerged in his mind. A zerg, truly comparable to a star, opened its hideous mouth, and the azure planet slowly disintegrated under the suction of its black hole.

The continent collapsed, the hard crust arched high, and then burst apart, exposing the viscous core like egg yolk to a vacuum.

The liquid magma turned into a torrent and flew into the universe, like a fresh and juicy fruit, swallowing little by little into the bottomless throat.

At the same time, the ocean rolled back into the sky, and countless creatures fled in a hurry, but under the supernatural power of the world, the ultimatum melted into the most basic particles and disappeared in the never-satisfying black hole stomach sac!

When the disaster subsides, a planet full of vitality will be wiped out of the universe forever, leaving only a larger, stronger, more ferocious Void Zerg!

[Planet Devourer]!

【The Destroying Giant】

Two terrible words flickered in his mind, and Li Rui vaguely understood that these titles would no longer be an exaggerated metaphor for him, but an objective description in a literal sense!

And this is just one of the six natal heroes in him, and it may not even be the strongest one!

If they wait until they all condense the uniqueness and superimpose on each other, how terrifying his power will be?

There was a hint of enthusiasm in his heart, and Li Rui's spirit moved to the system panel and saw the hero skills that were still in the mortal stage.

The [Extraordinary Evil Power] that breeds the most powerful demon in the universe, and can even attack the Sea of ​​Origin!

Shuttle dimensions, resist the erosion of the source [Void Stone]!

Combining life and magic, the "Blood Contract" that penetrates the truth of the flesh!

Strip the dragon's source material and evolve into the [dragon bloodline] of the exterminating dragon!

Use the mind as a cage to steal the enemy's strongest attribute [Reincarnation Despair]!

And, the [Rune Master] who understands the power of runes and comprehensively increases all system laws!

Anyone, getting one of these powers is enough to achieve the highest **** seat, but Li Rui attributes them all to himself!

What's more frightening is that this is far from his strongest form. When he is on the throne, he can continue to accommodate new heroes, and eventually one person will be in charge of more than double-digit [uniqueness]!

Here is another [Star Casting Dragon King], then he is not much different from the ultimate gods in the myth that controls the birth and death of the universe.

When the evil thought moves, the world falls away, and the world swallows into the belly.

Together with Shannian, create something in the void and cast stars with your bare hands~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At that time, grab some Gaia planet, and pinch one directly in the solar system if you want!

Depressing the illusion in his heart, Li Rui raised his eyes slightly, [Dark Star], hundreds of millions of kilometers away, simultaneously raised his head, and the brutal greed was released in his eyes burning with purple-red divine flames.

Hunger started to surge in the belly!

At this moment, in its field of vision, the starry sky battlefield is really like a dining table full of delicious food. As far as you can see, there is a tempting red blood everywhere!


I don’t know how long my own strength can support [Uniqueness], the hideous [Dark Star] let out a low roar of excitement and plunged into the "crispy and delicious" golden fleet!


Although it was a vacuum with no medium, both sides of the war seemed to hear a pleasant chewing sound. Even if they knew that he was the [Mechanical Cult] of their own side, they couldn't help but chill in the vest, and a trace of instinctive fear surged.

But after a brief shudder, a strange excitement gradually filled my mind.

When such monsters are on the opposite side, they will be afraid, afraid, and curse this evil thing that shouldn't exist in the world.

But when such a monster is his own...


It smells so good!

Who knows the happiness of opening!

For a time [Mechanical God Cult] morale was greatly boosted, and the torn gap in the defense line lost its follow-up strength. Instead, it was surrounded and healed, relying on high-end combat power to support it under the siege.


"What the **** is that!?"

A punch turned the gorgeous desktop into powder, and Isler let out an angry growl, his eyes turned into a thunderstorm, and the entire command hall was silent, and no one dared to look at him.

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