Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 336: , Source of life

Crossing his arms to protect his face, Li Rui rolled over like a tank.

"Fuck! Don't come over here!"

Looking at Li Rui who was pressing towards him like Taishan fell, Huang Juncai finally felt the despair of the enemy facing him!

That is a sense of powerlessness in the face of natural disasters!

Bullets hit him and were flicked away. When the last bullet was fired, Huang Juncai only saw a palm that covered the sky and covered his eyes.

Grabbing Huang Juncai's head like catching a basketball, Li Rui pressed him to the ground.

"You are dead!"

"Fuck, you cheat, so many bullets are still alive and kicking, director, this guy violates the rules!"

"Your "attack speed" will not work, small-caliber bullets can't break the "warrior's" defense at all."

"Lao Tzu believed your evil, which warrior has your speed?"

"My mage has this speed, do you dare to say that the warrior is not?"

"Shenma Mage, which mage have you seen hard against bullets rushing over Laozi's hair?"

"Am I not?"

"Fuck you!"

"Okay, come again, this time I will use the master template to fight you."

"Isn't it the Master Bracket Physics?"

"how is this possible?"

Li Rui smiled and grabbed him from the ground.

In the following time, Li Rui abused Huang Juncai with a different pattern, but the more he hit Li Rui, the brighter his eyes.

Little yellow hair is like a sponge, absorbing the combat experience crazy, and progressing at a speed visible to the naked eye!

After hitting the back, if it is not relying on the crushing attributes, it will take a lot of effort to win him.

"No longer playing, you step on the horse and hang up!"

Unrecognizable Huang Juncai collapsed to the ground, panting heavily.

"Kaihang? It was only when it was in the secret realm, now you have fallen out without half of my strength, ha ha."

Li Rui helped him sit up and patted the dust that did not exist on his body.

"Half strength? Then what level do you explode with all your strength?"

"Can instantly kill you."

"Second me in actual combat?"


"How many kilometers apart?"


"I do not believe!"

Although he knows that Li Rui rarely lie, Huang Juncai does not believe his attack range will be greater than himself!

This is counterintuitive!

"Oh, so... try?"

Li Rui reached out to him.

"Try it!"

Huang Juncai then stood up with Li Rui's hand, ready to go.

"Wait, you stand farther and exit along the passage."

Li Rui shrugged his shoulders and walked indifferently until he became a small black spot in Huang Juncai's sight before stopping.

"Okay, almost!"

Huang Juncai was proud of his hands on his hips and did not believe that Li Rui could kill him instantly.

Can you second me more than a kilometer away?

The two girls next to her were also staring at the channel, wondering how Li Rui would span a distance of more than a thousand meters and kill Huang Juncai.

"are you ready?"

"Anytime OK!"

"Then when I count to 1, you are dead!"

"Oh, come here!"

Although he didn't believe Huang Juncai's mouth, he took out Polaris with carelessness and firmly locked Li Rui into the sight.

"3, 2, 1..."


The figure disappeared within a thousand kilometers, Huang Juncai's chrysanthemum tightened, and only felt that there was one more person beside him.

Before he turned his head, a hand knife had crossed his neck gently.

"You are dead!"

For three seconds, there was a cry of excitement at the scene.

"Void shuttle?"

In the eyes of Luo Li, there is a bright light, and Li Rui will not let go.

"This is called [Flashing], and you can learn after you advance! Right, come with me."

Adding a layer of strength to them, Li Rui held Li Wei in one hand and Huang Juncai in one hand to the top of the pyramid.

Through the stable space-time door, Huang Juncai, who was like a dead dog, was thrown onto the stone slab, and he burst into moaning.

"Oh ~ the end of the period and ~ Moto ~ Mo... Um..."

Stepped on his stomach with a foot, stuffing the rest of him into his stomach.

"Here you can quickly recover your physical strength. After getting injured, you can go back to the city. The way to open the space-time door is..."

"That... Captain, what is [Back to City]?"

"The skills you can learn after you advance, no matter in which plane, you can return to here instantly after 80 seconds of guided cast."

Before waiting for Luo Li's excitement, Li Rui held her head.

"But! You must not be disturbed during these 80 seconds, any outside attack will interrupt the cast!"

"That's great too!"

Luo Li tore off her big hand, and looked at Li Rui with admiration.

"Um... so good..."

Li Rui scratched his head and wanted to be humble, but think about it, whether it’s [Rebirth] or [Back to the City], or [Flash], which one is not a divine skill?

It’s too fake to be humble!

"Woo... so comfortable!"

Li Wei also learned that Huang Juncai was lying on the ground, and her strong vitality penetrated into her body.

Due to the passiveness of Life-Death Balance, her life is rarely at full value. Li Rui looks at her property panel and finally shakes her head slightly regretfully.

The recovery effect of the spring water is still weakened by 90%, and this guy can only recover 360 life in an hour.

Now her life value hasn't broken a thousand, and the amount of blood lost in a day can be added back with the meow dance. If her life value breaks 10,000 in the future, it seems acceptable to soak in a "hot spring" every few days!

But then Li Rui smiled and shook his head.

When her life is over 10,000, it must be [Natural Force], [Armour Armor], [Armor Armor] ready!

With so many perpetual motion equipment, even if the effect is reduced by 90%, it can definitely offset the negative effect of [Life and Death Balance]!

More spring water is still recovering practice!

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, Li Ruiyun [Eternal Unbroken Infinite Tribulation], the surging blood and blood roared in the body, and under the shock, the whole body began to emit the sound of the waves.

Using qi and blood as fuel, [eternal immortality and innumerable calamity] burns Li Rui's vitality at will, and quickly strengthens his physical body.

Layers of unreal golden scales visible to the naked eye surfaced on the surface of the skin. The burning sensation was released in the bone marrow. Some mysterious substances were injected into the heart with the new blood and flowed through the body along the blood vessels.

[Eternal Unbroken Infinite Tribulation] has reached a complete consummation, it is reasonable to say that there is no way to enter, but Li Rui also accumulated more than 1,000 extra health points, under the pressure of the practice, they will disappear at intervals One point, add to the real health!

The energy collected by the system from the void is transformed into endless life, and the light green breath is like smoke inhaled into Li Rui's body.



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