With the support of these energies, coupled with the warm current in the empty stomach pouch, Li Rui can perform the exercises with full strength for 24 hours almost like in the secret realm!

At this rate, you may be able to digest all the extra attributes in less than 10 days!

There was rejoicing in my heart, and a sudden nausea surged in Li Rui's chest, and his brain tingled.

Quickly received the power to calm down the blood and empty his mind.

After a long time, the tingling sensation slowly dissipated.

Spiritual overdraft... can't "strenuous" exercise... even practice exercises can only be based on warm up... so troublesome...

Li Rui deflated his mouth, but fell back helplessly, the large font paralyzed on the stone slab.

The only Luo Li sitting on the ground looked at the three teammates who were lying in a mess, moved to Li Rui, put his head on his stomach, and lay down.

Endless vitality poured into the body, she immediately fell in love with this posture!

So warm... so comfortable...

Just like soaking in a hot spring, the four people have not spoken for a long time, enjoying a moment of tranquility.

"Right, Luo Li, is the target selected?"

"There are many that meet the requirements, but most of them can't lock the whereabouts. I combined the official, Lei brother, and my dad's three intelligence networks, and only a few targets were locked."

Luo Li took out an intelligent terminal from the storage space and handed over the collected data to Li Rui.

"No big problem, let's hunt them tonight."

After carefully reviewing the information, Li Rui raised a grin at the corner of his mouth, and his [Oath of Justice] was still negative!

"But isn't your injury good?"

"I just can't take the lead, and it's okay to hold you back."

Rubbing his supple blond hair, Li Rui propped himself up and began to discuss the night's hunt.


"Riggle, is it a bit wrong for Luo Li to go in from the front door alone."

Huang Juncai looked at a dark figure from the sight and sneaked into the building through the night, asking a little anxiously.

"Isn't there still Xiaowei following her?"

"But the enemy has seven black irons, two bronzes, and a bunch of small ones. If we fall into a siege, we can only hurry outside!"

"Oh, rest assured, Luo Li is the best at dogfights, and she still has big moves."

Li Rui smiled slightly, picked up the night vision telescope and looked at the dark abandoned building.

"Great move?"

"Well, she can release her blood power and raise her combat power to the silver level in a short time, so... don't let the blind cat hit her and float away once she hits her."

Without looking back, he chatted with Huang Juncai, and the dark building in the field of vision suddenly flashed intense fire.

Bang Bang Bang!

The rush of gunshots broke the tranquility of the night. If it was not deserted around this abandoned building, the police would not encircle it in half an hour.

"Ahhh! He's on the third floor! Kill him!"

"Don't shoot! Your own!"

"Ah! I'm shot! I'm shot!"

"Don't shoot! You are on your own!"

"Ah! He is behind, be careful behind!"


A few hundred meters apart, you can hear the screams, Luo Li is like a **** of death hidden in the darkness, quietly harvesting life.

But as the superb people joined the siege, the situation turned sharply.

"The boss stopped him! Block the passage!"

"Guard the stairs behind!"

"Haha, he was injured, kill him!"

"Damn! It's actually a woman. I want her to live better than die!"



A shadow smashed the glass, gliding lightly like a bat, and leaped tens of meters.

But when she landed, she seemed to be injured in her left foot, staggering, dragging one leg to escape quickly.

"Luo Li's acting... bad review."

"I think she acted very well. You see, the panicked movement just wanted to give her a shot at a glance! Well, the target was dispatched!"

Huang Juncai aimed at the gate and carefully discerned the figure in the dark night.

"Galen, there are 30 seconds to enter the preset battlefield."

"Received, you can slow down appropriately, and you can't catch up later."

At this moment, the North Star shook slightly, and the black shadow hanging at the back seemed to be punched with a fist and fell silently to the ground.

And the companions who were chasing ahead of him didn't find that there were fewer people in his family.

"Oh, this night fighting sniper module is a bit interesting!"

Feeling a completely different shooting touch, Huang Juncai excitedly framed the next target into the sight.

On the muzzle of Polaris, there is a dark muffler dozens of centimeters long.

Polaris, which was originally weak in gunfire and sound, added almost no movement when shooting.

The only drawback is that the power is greatly weakened, but in the face of the low-level transcendence, it already has excess power, plus Huang Juncai can attach abilities, in fact, the black iron level is still a shot!


After the undetectable muffled sound, another black shadow fell silently, and a big hole with a thick cup appeared on his head.


In the empty wasteland, the two bronze-ranking superheroes finally stopped Luo Li, and the two joined forces to beat her to the left.

Was she too reluctant to face two bronze steps with one awakening step?

Li Rui observes the battle situation through a telescope and is ready to support him at any time.

But at this time a group of people surrounded him, and Luo Li's eyes lit up instead.

[Pioneer Blade]!

The sharp blade concealed in the waist knife blasted out, instantly bursting into an arrow-shaped cage, wrapping everyone in.

Unintelligible shadow marks of other people were suspended on the heads of everyone. Luo Li's figure was like an arrow moving through the crowd, and from time to time brought up the rain of blood.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Huang Juncai is no longer concealed, taking advantage of the opportunity of their deceleration in the cage, harvesting their lives as much as possible.


Watching a companion's head explode in front of his eyes, white Huahua's brain covered his cheeks, and a black iron-rank transcendent screamed mournfully.

However, the cry can only make the public more depressed. The two bronze steps can't keep up with the speed of Luo Li's "happiness". She can only watch her walking through the crowd like a ghost.

Sharp blade impact!

Sharp blade impact!

Sharp blade impact!


The broken limbs are flying all over the sky~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After being filled with passives, Luo Li's shot speed is surprisingly fast, and he can cut four or five knives in one second, and instantly cut the enemy into pieces.

boom! boom! boom!

Far and near, the two teammates resembled a ruthless grim reaper, reaping the evil soul efficiently.

In less than a minute, the enemy collapsed. Except for a few supernatural beings headed by, other people scrambled to escape, no matter what their leader ordered.

However, with less than ten people left, just after escaping from the battlefield, a lotus-shaped trap quietly bloomed.


After the violent explosion, only a few extraordinary persons with scars remained on the scene.

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