"What? Jade Dragon Cup?"

Li Rui frowned slightly when he heard what the assistant coach had discussed with himself.

Sakbas Group has tasted the sweetness of this Golden Dragon Cup?

Are they going to fix this system called exchange, but in fact the system of foreign aid?

Will other schools be reconciled?

If everyone is fighting in chaos all over the world, it is definitely a good thing for geniuses, but for the vast number of middle and lower class awakeners, it is equivalent to less resources!

All the nutrients left to them were concentrated in the hands of a few geniuses, the barriers between countries weakened, the stronger the stronger, the weak became weak!

The whole world will become a fairy playground like Li Rui.

But soon Li Rui smiled and shook his head.

Sachbas International Education Group can open up multi-country channels, and does not mean that other schools can.

The vast majority of education groups are based on the national ethnic group, and are fierce in their own country. Once they go abroad, no one cares about them.

Want your own family to share other people's cake, unless the interests are exchanged, otherwise you are stupid?

Even if the Sakbas Group passed Jianglong, this time the two foreigners were stuffed into the championship team, which caused great controversy.

Although they did not have a decisive influence on the final result, it was Li Rui, the captain who really decided that the champion belonged, but some schools that did not hinder the jealousy incited national sentiment and rejected such stealing.

After all, this kind of "communication" wanders between violations and compliance, and once it gets on the table, it is always unpleasant.

Especially for a proud country like Tianchao, even if only two championship medals are rubbed, many people are uncomfortable.

"Xiao Rui, wise over there is sincere. This year is the 100th anniversary of their establishment of the school. I really want to encourage the morale of the Yulong Cup champion. The conditions for opening are very good."

"Uh... this is just the beginning of school, and it's too early to sign up, wait until later."

The king of the first district of Laozitang went to the suburbs to abuse vegetables and play with mud? Are you free?

Li Rui deflated his mouth, using a trick to drag words.

The Yulong Cup was originally a product of Dongying's imitation of the Golden Dragon Cup of Tianchao. The overall level is obviously a bit different. He used to be a vegetable abuser in the past.

"It's not early, school starts there in April, and your registration is just now."

Damn, how did you forget Dongying Qihua's start time!

Most schools around the world start in autumn, but they just want to be unique and choose in the splendid spring of cherry blossoms.

"Actually, I have no interest in the Yulong Cup."

Li Rui politely said.

"This year is different. All countries in the world have lifted the entry limit for superhumans. Maybe they can meet opponents who are enough to match you!"

The assistant coach started to persuade.

Hearing this, Li Rui blinked and finally raised a trace of interest.

The black iron stage won't win him, what if there is bronze or even silver on one side?

Dongying high school students in some planes are monsters! Especially the kind by the penultimate row by the window!

"Um... let me think about it."

After a moment of pondering, Li Rui still did not make a hasty decision.

The assistant coach finally let out a long sigh of relief. The pressure from the school managers was not small, but he did not dare to be too tough on Li Rui.

A genius like him was always begged by the school. Without seeing him, he forced two girls who failed the written test into the school?

He also has free tuition and fees, and like him, special scholarships, one-on-one tutoring of all subjects, such a privilege does not even have a principal!

Does Li Rui really want to go? He really has no solution at all!

"Oh, why didn't Coach Chen Bin come to work? The team is still preparing to visit him."

Li Rui thought about this and asked with concern.

The assistant coach frowned when he heard it.

"We can't reach him either, it feels like we are missing."


Li Rui's eyes narrowed and he was puzzled.

"Don't you have his information? Phone, address, emergency contact?"

The assistant coach smiled and said: "The phone is always off, the emergency contact is empty, and there is no one at home. We have gone to three trips. If we can't find him, we are ready to call the police!"

Li Rui frowned, and asked after a long while.

"Can you give me the address of the coach? Let's go when we have time."

Li Rui is Chen Bin's proud student. Of course, this kind of trivial assistant coach is of course indispensable, and he readily passed all the information to him.

Chen Rui’s mobile phone number Li Rui already had, the emergency contact was empty, and only the home address was useful. Looking at the long list of addresses, Li Rui kept them in mind.

Back in the training hall, Luo Li and Zhao Youxuan were still fighting each other, surrounded by melon-eating crowds.

"Is it free? Everyone has tripled the amount of basic training today and will spend the night here tonight."

The icy sound was like a Siberian wind blowing across the border, and the whole hall was stiff.

"No, Captain!"

"I'm wrong!"

"Three times it will kill people!"


It took a few seconds before the scene burst into wailing.

Ignoring these iron-and-hank complaints, Li Rui took Luo Li's hand.

"Go, let's go out."

"I also need to go!"

Zhao Youxuan grabbed Li Rui's arm and brought him "heavy" pressure.

"Want to miss classes on the first day of school?"

Li Rui withdrew his arm with great perseverance and gently bounced her head.

"Observed to start class with Xiaoyou, and wait until school to let Xiaohuang take you back."

"No! I have to buy Teacher Ozawa's infantry collection discs after school. It's not convenient at all!"

Huang Juncai screamed, but fell into Li Rui's sharp eyes.

In fact, Li Rui didn't worry about the safety of the two loli at all. This is Modu, one of the safest cities in the world.

But when two such lovely girls go home together, they will always attract some stupid people who feel good about themselves, and maybe there will be a population.

Thinking of that situation, Li Rui couldn't help but numb his scalp.

A beast like Zhao Youxuan, once irritated, shows its original shape...

With a chill, Li Rui quickly shook his head and threw the horrible scene out of his head.

"You must take them home safely! Did you hear?"

Li Rui emphasized the word safety to Huang Juncai~www.wuxiaspot.com~ For a second, Huang Juncai twitched his mouth and understood what he meant.

For the safety of others, they can't be allowed to go around.

Zhao Youxuan is really going to be crazy, Li Wei certainly can't hold her back.

Seeing him nod reluctantly, Li Rui took Luo Li out of the stadium.

"Captain, where are we going?"


"Huh? Did you buy a car?"

"Well, where to go for convenience."

Sitting on a low-key SUV, the atmosphere in the car was a bit dull.

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