Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 357: , The murmur fades

After a long time, Li Rui couldn't bear the atmosphere of the cold war. With a long sigh, he brought together Zhao Youxuan's affairs.

"...The basic situation is like this. After eating people's soft mouth, the flat peach is too fragrant."

After talking for a while, Li Rui inexplicably added: "I really have nothing to do with her."

"Huh! What's the matter to me? I'm not your girlfriend."

Luo Li snorted, but the curvature of her mouth slightly increased.

After sharply capturing the rain and rain on Luo Li's face, Li Rui's tense nerves finally soothed.

"Oh, how are you doing this time? I feel like I'm making progress."

Naturally diverging the topic, Li Rui looked at her panel data and only thought that this guy was the destiny protagonist!

【Margaret Robin】

Race: Blood Race·Frostwolf

Energy Level: Black Iron (Spiritual Enhancement)

Health: 5327/5327

Mana: 2264/2264

Armor: 103

Magic Resistance: 179

Attack Power: 223

Spell Power: 219

Life mana has almost doubled, and double resistance and double attack have also increased by 50% to 80%. From the perspective of advanced income, Luo Li is even more exaggerated than Li Rui!

"Hahaha, let me tell you, this time I went back and packed up all the bizarre and bizarre bichi. You didn't see their incredible eyes, it was... cool!"

Speaking of happy things, Luo Li got interested and started talking to Li Rui about her face-slap experience this time.

"...After defeating them all, I was the first [blood bather] to enter the blood pool, and the energy I absorbed in one breath was also among the best in the previous [blood bathers], stronger than my dad's back then! Haha, the rest The hundreds of **** can only fight for me to absorb the rest!"

Luo Li proudly lifted her chest, Li Ruiyu aimed at duangduang's special effects, quickly condensed her mind, and looked straight.

Blood pool?

No wonder Luo Li's progress is so terrifying, it turns out that it is not just advanced income.

Well... sounds like a good thing, if you become a [blood bather], can you **** it dry?

Or maybe this thing can only be enjoyed by blood races?

Thoughts flashing across his head, the car quickly drove to the door of the base.

After getting out of the car and walking into the deep and quiet passage, knowing the purpose of Li Rui's bringing her, Luo Li couldn't help raising a look of anticipation.

[Rebirth], [Flash], [Back to City]......

I didn't expect to get such terrifying power in the Black Iron Rank!

If my dad knew what the captain was doing for me, he wouldn’t scold him every day at home... right?

The dazzling white woven lamp lights up, illuminating the entire underground space like daylight.

At the top of the pyramid, a light door bloomed silently in the void, and Li Rui led Luo Li into the rune land.

Coming to this familiar secret realm, Luo Li's heart raised an endless sense of security, involuntarily lying on the ground.

During this time, although she uttered a bad breath, she was very nervous both physically and mentally. Until she returned to the top secret space belonging to "them" with the most trusted captain, she really relaxed.

Li Rui grabbed her arm and dragged Luo Li who wanted to fall to the ground.

"Be good!"

She couldn't help crying and patting her head, Li Rui asked her to stand in the middle of the altar.

"Does it consume 1 chaos essence, and backup teammates have their roots?"


The chaotic essence on the panel lost one more moment in an instant, and Li Rui felt an inexplicable sense of urgency in his heart.

Just like squirrels, there are some things that are obviously not used, but you need to reserve some to be at ease.


A phantom was pulled out of the body, flashing a mysterious aura, and suddenly condensed into a golden dot, which disappeared into the gray mist of the rune land.

[Rebirth], [Flash], [Back to City] Three-piece set!

The remaining three upgrade options Li Rui was in deep contemplation.

After thinking about it for a moment, I feel that an assassin like Luo Li is most afraid of being controlled, and Li Rui gives her priority to give her [purification].

The reality is different from the game, and maybe a few seconds will decide the life and death.

And how often do you have wet shoes by the river?

Just like Yasuo, Luo Li, who likes to wander in the enemy heap, will soon be educated. This [purification] is her life-saving card!

The remaining two upgrade options, Li Rui, haven't been entangled for too long. [Strangle] [Weak] Bring her directly!

These two skills last for a few seconds, enough for her to hit the enemy with two or three ranks higher, even if she can't create a miracle, she can also create a chance for her to escape.

Finally added the skills to the last teammate, all the upgrade options they accumulated in the previous period were transformed into combat power, Li Rui inexplicably raised a sense of satisfaction.

My own small organization is getting stronger and stronger!

I used to worry about Luo Li E's overturning to the frontless wave deep in my heart. Now I can loosen her dog rope and let her go out to laugh.

It's okay if the waves are over, and the base will be reborn!

There was a pride in his heart. Li Rui looked at Luo Li who collapsed on the ground and smiled.

Adding too many points at a time, and massive amounts of knowledge impacting the soul, Li Rui can understand her feelings.

Sitting cross-legged, pillowing her head on her lap, Li Rui gently pinned the hair on her face behind her ears, revealing her deep and delicate angel look.

This guy...with his eyes closed, still looks personal.

The corner of the mouth unconsciously raised a gentle smile, Li Rui admired the face like an artwork, gently stroked the delicate skin with the back of his hand, feeling the baby-like smoothness.

"what are you doing?"

Luo Li didn't know when she opened her eyes, her cheeks were red, and Li Rui's eyes were glared like silk.

"It's nothing."

"Humph, pervert!"

"The two of us are familiar with each other. If you talk like that, I will accuse you of slander."

After pinching Q's fat face, Li Rui smiled.


Facing his tender eyes, Luo Li raised the corners of her mouth with an unbearable curvature, and her heart was as sweet as honey.

He snorted softly, and the thick and resentful grievances of Li Rui brought back a "cousin" gradually dissipated. He closed his eyes like a coquettish, gently raised his chin, and his face covered you with touching me and coaxing me.

Feeling her good Li Rui kept holding her hand, caressing the dog's head and squinting her crescent eyes.

The two of them lay and lay together in the rune land and chatted, until the night came outside, and Luo Li stood up reluctantly.

After leaving the base, the moon in the night sky was sparse, and Luo Li opened her arms, and Meimei stretched her lazy waist. The special effect worth 50 million US dollars could make Li Rui's eyes flicker.

On the way back, Li Rui and Luo Li discussed things about tomorrow.

"The coach is missing?"

"Not sure yet, but I plan to visit his house."

"Then I will go too."

Luo Li frowned. Coach Chen Bin was a good person and loved by his teammates. He really had something wrong, and any nine-tailed fox player would not turn a blind eye.



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