Li Rui pondered for a moment, undecided, he faintly noticed that there seemed to be something strange behind this matter, and did not want Luo Li to take risks with him.

But he had no valid reason to refuse Luo Li, thinking of the [Rebirth] she had just received, and finally nodded.


"I drop chicken jojioji!!"

As soon as the door was opened, a harsh scream came from the living room.

Li Wei was pressed on the sofa by Zhao Youxuan, her fingers digging desperately in her mouth, but only some fine bones were pulled out.

With a crooked neck, Li Wei's small mouth wriggled and wriggled, and all the meat and bones were chewed and swallowed into his stomach.

"Nothing! Just a little bit~"

The proud mouth opened to Zhao Youxuan, and Li Wei also made a grimace to her.

Zhao Youxuan let go of Li Wei irresistibly. The whole person seemed to lose color and slowly fell to the sofa.

Walking to the living room, flicking his sister's small brain, Li Wei cheered and climbed up to him.

"Brother, you are back!"


After plucking the two cats, Li Rui was free to look at Zhao Youxuan with empty eyes.

"You're snatching chickens from others... um... Phoenix claws?"

I know Li Wei's face is right: "Hesitation will defeat, and decisiveness will be given in vain, brother Xiao Huang said."

Li Rui: "............"

Huang Juncai, what did you teach?

"Wodi... chicken jiojio..."

Zhao Youxuan's eyes were moist, his mouth muttered, and the pitiful look made Li Rui laugh.

"That word chants feet, come, pronounce with me, jiao!"

Raise Zhao Youxuan, Li Rui made up his mind to correct her Trump!


"Chicken, feet!"

"Chicken, jio~"



Li Rui: "............"

Five minutes later, Li Rui gave up, and the decayed wood could not be carved!

If he teaches again, he will be unable to distinguish between his feet and jio!

"Right, brother, a lot of couriers arrived just now. Did you buy it?"

"Well, that's a gift wishing you high school students."

"Wow, really? Li Rui, how nice you are!"

Zhao Youxuan threw himself into his arms, rubbing with joy.

However, Li Wei's face was pale, his body shook uncontrollably, and water began to accumulate in his eyes.

"Brother, I don't want Wusan..."

Realizing that the atmosphere was not right, the smile on Zhao Youxuan's face froze.

"Uh...not May 3rd."

Li Rui's heart was empty and his eyes flickered.

"I don't want Huanggang to write too!"

Li Wei deflated his mouth and cried to show you if there was a disagreement.

"No, rest assured, it's what you like!"

Li Rui twitched his lips and took the two to find the courier piled up on a hill.

In the squealing sound of the knife, countless parts were taken out by Li Rui one by one.

"Wow... what is this?"

Zhao Youxuan curiously picked up a complicated spare part and looked around.

"This is... a computer?"

Although Li Wei has never eaten pork, she has also seen Pig Run. When she saw the last computer case, she instantly understood the purpose of these parts.

"Well, I bought it for you."

Li Ruimali disassembled these parts and began to assemble according to the instructions.

Originally he could buy the whole machine directly, but it was a great pleasure for men to install the machine by himself. He decisively chose to buy these accessories and install them by himself.

Modern desktop spare parts actually have foolproof designs. As long as you don’t miracle, put the small head into the big head. It is not difficult to install the machine with a little hands-on ability!

Connected to a nearly 40-inch 4K display, it lights up smoothly, and a host is assembled in less than half an hour.

"All right!"

"Thank you brother! Mua~"

Crawling on Li Rui, Li Wei was immediately attracted by his new toy.

"Mine! Mine! Time for me!"

Zhao Youxuan jumped around anxiously, pulling Li Rui and running.

I came to my room where I lived for more than ten years. With previous experience, Li Rui was able to assemble the same type of host in ten minutes.

"Thank you Li Rui, you are so nice!"

Zhao Youxuan learned that Li Wei wanted to kiss Li Rui, and scared him to be another iron bridge, his neck twisted to ninety degrees.

The last time this guy gnawed himself, the tooth mark did not disappear for a day!

The point is he doesn't know if the snake is poisonous!

"Cough, no need to thank you, just like it, let's see if it works well."

Unscathed to escape the snake kiss, Li Rui distracted her attention with the computer.

"Wow ha ha ha, so amazing!"

Sitting on the chair, Zhao Youxuan learned Li Wei to tap the keyboard twice, and excitedly passed, looking back at Li Rui with a cute look.

"What is this for?"

Li Rui: "............"

Co-authoring, you don’t even know what a computer is for?

Then you just excited a hammer?

Pressing on her desire, Li Rui patiently taught her how to use the computer.

"You can search for what you want to see here."


"You can chat with people using this software."


"This site has various food documentaries."

"Oh oh oh oh!!!!!!"

With Li Rui's presentation, Zhao Youxuan's eyes grew wider and her small face glowed.

In her childish little head, she had never thought of such a magical device in the world.

Originally, her grandfather's little box that could make a sound was already very powerful, but after coming out for a few days, she knew how vast the outside world was!

"The most important thing is to learn to type. You already know Pinyin. You can also set the dialect mode for this input method. Practice slowly later."

Zhao Youxuan and Li Wei, who were in high spirits, were arrested, and Li Ruishen took them mysteriously and continued to open the express.

As the box opened, two beautiful mobile phones came into view.

"Tianlin's latest flagship phone, the mobile phone card is ready for you, come, one by one!"

"Wow! Thank you brother!"

Li Wei cheered and threw an excited scream on Li Rui.

In the past, Li Rui worried that she would delay her studies and refused to buy her a mobile phone. This time she finally got her wish!

"Thank you Li Rui!"

Zhao Youxuan also took the phone beautifully and played it carefully.

She probably knew what it was for. It was staged on TV. Today, she saw other classmates play it, and she was envious.

"Xiaowei, can you teach Xuan to use these no problem!"

"By the way, you are not allowed to play too long every day, you must sleep before twelve!"

When Li Rui looked at the time, they had to wash them off.

"Brother, are there so many couriers that are also gifts for us?"

Looking at a bunch of unopened packages, the two loli looked forward.

"Uh... I use the rest for myself."

Li Rui's eyelids jumped and stiffened the topic.

When they rushed to the bathroom to wash, Li Rui looked at the pile of packages and sighed.

Let's wait for them to be happy for a day, and then divide these workbooks.


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