The turbulent qi and blood gradually calmed down, and the second [eternal immortality and infinite calamity] digestion speed increased again, and nearly a hundred points of life were grown again in one night.

Looking at his blood volume exceeding 12,000, Li Rui nodded in satisfaction.

The meat gets a horse and the damage is still high. [New Moon] plus [Dark Harvest], a sword can explode more than 3000 damage!

In terms of this fighting power, Lei Ge was absolutely no match for himself when he was in the Black Iron Tier!

Including those who are in charge of inheriting artifacts, the entire epic level is better than their own estimates!

Even if the two artifacts in his hand are crippled and broken, Li Rui is not afraid of them now because of their weak divinity and their scary basic attributes.

[Promotion] [Weakness] [Ignite] [Strangle] [Weakness] [Ignite]......

Brother and sister, a set of summoner skills come down, can I still win if I can't win?

Converging his inner excitement, Li Rui took two loli to the school, and today he will go to the home of Coach Chen Bin with another Luo Li to investigate!

After finishing the morning cultural class, Li Rui asked Huang Juncai to take care of the newcomers in the Jiuwei fox and led Luo Li to the countryside.

Coach Chen Bin lives in a villa area on the outskirts of Modu.

The scenery here is beautiful and the environment is elegant. Apart from the remote location, there are almost no shortcomings.

"The coach will enjoy it. The environment here is really good."

Parked the car outside, Li Rui and Luo Li strolled in the villa area, a huge artificial lake divided the whole area into "fragmented", every family lived beside the water, both sentimental and can guarantee their privacy.

"The environment is good, but driving to the city for more than two hours doubles the peak time. If it were not for Xiao Pengfei, the coach would not have lived so far!"

Li Rui shook his head. Compared with the environment, his straight man thought more about practicality!

Looking down the address all the way, the two quickly came to the front of a "lush" villa.

Li Rui and Luo Li looked at the porch covered with dust footprints and the tall vegetation outside half a person, sighing together.

"It seems that the coach has really not been back for a long time."

Shaking the handle gently, they found that it seemed to be locked. Li Rui and his wife circled around the villa, and all the windows were locked tightly.

"It seems that the coach knows that he has to leave home for a long time and intentionally locks up?"

Finding a window, Li Rui's wrist squirmed with blood and penetrated into the gap, and soon clicked, the tight window lock opened.

"Captain, you must be very profitable to be a locksmith..."

Pushing the window open, Luo Li chuckled with a chuckle.

Li Ruibai gave her a glance and jumped into the house like a monkey.

There was a thick smell of dust in the air, Li Rui and Luo Li carefully patrolled the rooms, trying not to leave any traces.

"There is such thick dust on the floor when the window is closed, and no one has lived for at least a few months!"

"How many months?"

Li Rui frowned, they were still playing the Golden Dragon Cup a few months ago. At that time, Chen Bin didn't seem to show any abnormality?

The spacious villa covers an area of ​​more than two hundred square meters, three floors above the ground, the two came to the bedroom on the second floor and saw a photo of Chen Bin and his son.

In the photo, a pale boy hugged Chen Bin, and under the sunlight, both smiled very brightly.

From the background, this should be taken when Chen Bin took his son to the amusement park. Li Rui found the time from the corner of the photo.

Almost two years ago...

It should be that from that time on, Xiao Pengfei's condition deteriorated rapidly!

Then... the coach seemed to find a new medical institution and tried an experimental treatment for Xiao Pengfei.

Recalling some of the information that coach Chen Bin confided before, Li Rui's intuition told him that the problem is probably due to this unknown medical institution.

"Captain, did you find any clues?"

"No, let's go downstairs and see."

The two men wandered around each room and came back to the first floor.

"This is the"

Luo Li, who was walking towards the kitchen, suddenly stopped and turned to look in the other direction.

"Captain, where does that lead to?"

"Should it be an underground garage? This kind of villa has its own garage, is there anything wrong?"

"Some strange smell."

Luo Li sniffed her nose and walked towards it without hesitation.

Pushing the heavy door open, the two descended down the stairs and were gradually swallowed by darkness.

"Are you dead?"

I tried to turn on the switch and found that there was no response. Li Rui could only take out the smart terminal and turn on the flashlight.

"No one has lived for a few months, it is estimated that no electricity bill is paid."

Luo Li shrugged indifferently. She was a werewolf and a half-blood race. She was born with titanium alloy dog ​​eyes and dark vision. She didn't feel anything wrong with the basement with her fingers out of reach.

Unexpectedly, the underground area of ​​this villa is not small!

In addition to the large garage that can park four cars at the same time, there are five rooms.

Four of them were piled with debris, and the last one was empty.


Luo Li stood in the middle of this room, constantly twitching her nose, her face dignified.

"what happened?"

"Although the taste is very light, some things have been stored here!"


"I don't know. I haven't smelled this kind of smell. It's a bit like the decay of the flesh, but it's very different. It's closer to a spiritual remnant. I seem to hear a desperate wailing."

Luo Li walked slowly around the room, muttering to herself, her nose fluttering slightly.

Feeling a bit wrong with her condition, Li Rui took her hand and squeezed hard.

It was obvious that she was covered with a spirit, the two eyes were facing each other, the confusion in Luo Li's eyes gradually disappeared, and her eyes became clear again.

"what happened to you?"

"I'm okay, I was infected by the residual smell."

Just holding Li Rui's hand as if he wanted to draw warmth from him, Luo Li's eyes flashed with fear.

"In this world, the five senses are not as keen as possible, the more keen the more likely you are to come across scary things!"

"So what do you smell? Is it the seal?"

"I don't know, I have never smelled this smell, with the deepest despair, as if to drag me into the abyss..."

Seeing Luo Li about to fall in again, Li Ruili dragged her away from the basement.

In addition to the invisible smell, the entire villa left no valuable clues, Li Rui drove Luo Li back to the city.

Sitting on the co-pilot, Luo Li seemed to be influenced by the smell, and she was a little depressed.

"Captain, there is nothing to discover here, what are you going to do? Do you call the police directly?"


Li Rui pondered for a moment and looked at Luo Li embarrassedly.

He regretted taking her with him.

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