Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 360: , Knowledge and reason

But it seemed that he had discovered his thoughts, and there was a smile on Luo Li's face.

"You don't want to leave me alone to investigate this matter, the coach is not your coach alone."

"Ah... you take a break today. I will report this to the advisory board. Tomorrow we will go to the hospital to ask if they know where the coach sent Xiao Pengfei."

"We will meet at school tomorrow morning."

"Uh... alright."

Realizing that Luo Li did not want to attend class at all, Li Rui's mouth twitched slightly.

The sophomore led his team to win the Golden Dragon Cup championship. With this result, it is not difficult to send the Emperor to the University. It doesn't matter if the cultural class is not taken, but Li Rui still has a clear understanding in his heart.

Knowledge is also a kind of power. Without the knowledge and the will of the mind, the advanced person is nothing but a plaything in the hands of others.

Being controlled by others without knowing your fate!

Learning can not only cultivate rational thinking and exercise logic, but more importantly, teach the way to know the world!

Only by learning this method can humans get rid of the shackles of species, open their "eyes", and observe the "truth" of the world with "rationality" beyond biological senses.

This "rationality" is also the strongest armor against "chaos"!

At a low energy level, the role of "rationality" may not be too obvious. Once it reaches a high energy level, or even a critical moment that crosses the sky of mankind, the rational thinking cultivated from an early age is the most powerful weapon to resist distortion and depravity.

This is the reason why Li Rui desperately wants his sister to go to a good school!

He can help her to shield her from the dangers from the outside, but the pollution and distortion from the mind can only be faced by herself.

The three correct views established by the education institute are the best flood control dams, which can resist the erosion of dark floods.

"But only one day tomorrow, I will leave any questions to the advisory bureau afterwards. There are obviously extraordinary factors involved. We are not professional and don't have so much energy to investigate it."

Driving the car, Li Rui sighed and decided to support Luo Li and investigate alone.

The smell that remains for a few months can "pollute" Luo Li, causing her to fall into a slight confusion and distortion. The target organization behind it is very likely to master the Divine Seal.

As for the possibility that the enemy is directly mythical, Li Rui did not consider it at all.

Within the enchantment of China, all divine creatures are part of "China", or may be friendly forces that have undergone "recording."

Any strange divine power that appears on the land of the heavenly dynasty will instantly touch the nerve of the "dragon" and attract the attention of the true god.

Just like what he experienced when he built the altar before.

As long as there is no mythical creature on the opposite side, according to your current defense, it should not be seconds, then [Flash] can gain a ray of vitality for yourself!

Li Rui did not squint, thinking about the next plan in his heart.

Luo Li observed his serious expression, slightly deflated his mouth, knowing that he didn't want to take himself, he felt wronged and unwilling.

After obviously advancing in his own rank, his strength has improved a lot. How do I feel that the gap between him and the captain has not narrowed in the slightest?

Is it always a drag oil bottle?

Thinking of this situation, Luo Li's already depressed mood was even more depressed.

Feeling the low air pressure in the car, Li Rui turned his head and looked at it, rubbing her head with a smile.

"What are you thinking about? If you weren't your dog's nose today, I couldn't find any clue."

Luo Li glared at him dissatisfiedly, but did not dodge the head scratching on his head, letting the warm big hand caress over his head.

"You have a dog nose!"

"Good, I am a dog nose."

Li Rui rubbed the dog's head in anger and narrowed her eyes.

The car drove directly to the vicinity of Luo Li's house, and was shocked by the majesty of Luo Li's father. Li Rui put her down from afar and dared not get too close.

When I returned to my home, I found that both Loli were paralyzed on the sofa and playing with mobile phones, and giggled.

Li Rui nodded comfortably, and piled up the hidden exercise books on the dining table.

"You two come over, there is something good!"

"What good thing? I want! I want!"

Zhao Youxuan kicked up from the sofa like a spring, and immediately fell into Li Ruihuai's arms.

Li Wei was only a second late to her, firmly occupying half of Li Rui's arms.

Looking at the two watery eyes full of anticipation from Lori, Li Rui showed a kind smile.

"May 3, Huang Gang, Queen of the Queen, there are twelve sets of questions this year, don't worry."

Zhao Youxuan: "........."

Li Wei: "............"

"Ooooo... I hate my brother/Li Rui!"


The warm sunlight penetrates the glass and shines on the warm jade-like skin, exuding a warm luster.

Li Rui woke up from several hours of cultivation, and his stomach groaned.

Rubbing his stomach with sour water, he sensed that there was nothing in the empty stomach pouch, and Li Rui deflated his mouth and gave a soft grunt.

Qigong, energy level, and passive advancement together, the speed at which he digests additional attributes increases dramatically, but the corresponding cost also increases.

If you want to quickly digest a large number of attributes in a short time, the extraordinary ingredients required will be a very large number.

Fortunately, he still has [greedy binge eating], although the ordinary food "nutrition" is a little worse, but it is better to eat a lot, not to mention he also has a free VIP card!

After the survey today, let's draw a lucky Haidilao!

After three or five more times, the medicinal properties deposited in the body are almost digested.

Secretly whispering, Li Rui glanced at the system panel, raising an endless sense of satisfaction,

【Li Rui】

Race: Human·True Dragon

Energy Level: Black Iron (Spiritual Enhancement)

Health: 13391/13391 [Undigested Extra Health 1062]

Mana: 2107/2107 [Undigested additional mana 803 points]

Armor: 249 (×103%)

Magic resistance: 288 (×103%)

Attack Power: 377

Spell Power: 371

[Extraordinary Evil Force]: 40/40

Seeing that the extraordinary energy storage was actually full, Li Rui could not help but sigh.

After I advanced, I became long hasn't I been out to collect garbage?

You have to find an opportunity to convert the energy storage of [Supernatural Power] into spell power, but that’s 40 points, a third of the big hat!

Inexplicably urgent, Li Rui felt that the itinerary was full, and there was a sense of joy and fulfillment.

I'm really getting stronger at a speed visible to the naked eye!

He sent two Loli carrying a heavy bag to the school, and Li Rui took the other Loli to the hospital.

More than a year ago, when he visited Chen Bin as the captain of the new nine-tailed fox, he met his son Chen Pengfei here.

He came to the front desk to explain his intentions, put the electronic certificate distributed to him by the Advisory Board on the table, and soon someone came out to receive the two.



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