Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 377: , Your uncle will always be your uncle!

(If you find that the chapter is missing, it means that the previous chapter has been blocked and has not been released. You can watch it in groups.)

Even if Dong Ying seized the opportunity once every 10,000 years, through the industrial revolution, the national power exceeded the heavenly dynasty in a short time.

While taking advantage of the western brains as dog brains, the Asian War was launched.

During this period, there was something magical about "there is no heaven after Yashan, no China after the Ming Dynasty, and the Chinese Orthodox is in Dongying!"

But even with hard work, he still failed to seize the destiny and inherit China.

In the previous life, they still captured a small half of the dynasty, and this life was directly blocked in the northeast.

With the addition of extraordinary power, the advantages brought by industrial weapons are far less than the crush of the previous life.

In particular, some grumpy older brothers who were hiding in various secrets returned to their homeland, which really shows what your uncle is always your uncle!

Dongying's extraordinary schools met their ancestors and were hung up to fight!

If at that time the number of survivors was so small that they could only launch out-of-limit battles, the battlefield would not be confined to the northeast region, but directly pushed to the territory of Dongying.

Thinking of this, Li Rui vaguely understood why Dongying's royal family came for help.

Regardless of sophistry, as the only country in the world that uses Chinese characters, Dongying Civilization is naturally a member of the Chinese civilization circle.

When they cannot support it, they can use the power of "China" to suppress luck.

It's just, I don't know if I will agree to this kind of thing.

Seeing Li Rui in deep contemplation, Wang Lei thought he was thinking about forming forces and patted him on the shoulder.

"The situation is indeed a bit difficult, but the main thing is still afraid of the erosion of the bottom layer, and minor illnesses will become serious illnesses!"

"Taizu taught us to come from the masses and to the masses for the people, to rely on the people!"

"Under the great wheel of the era of rejuvenation, everyone must contribute to himself, his family, and his country!"

"Otherwise, no matter how powerful it is, it will be divided into more than a billion shares, and everyone cannot be protected!"

"Conversely, everyone is stronger, and the power gathered by more than one billion people will be unstoppable!"

Wang Lei's eyes were bright, and the whole person exuded a divine and solemn light.

"Everyone is like a dragon?"

Li Rui chuckled and asked four words subconsciously.

A smile appeared on Wang Lei's mouth, and his white teeth sparkled in the light.

"What do you think [Eternal Undestructed Unlimited Tribulation] and [Chaotic Return to Source Zihuang Tribulation] came from?"

Li Rui's face sullen, and he remembered Wang Lei's remarks when he first introduced him to exercises.

"These two exercises are the product of the [True Dragon] plan after the founding of the People's Republic of China. At that time, the state mobilized all the extraordinary powers, collected almost all the known secrets in the world, and turned away the essence, trying to create a kind of everyone. They can all be cultivated without danger, and they point directly to the ultimate magical skill of the origin."

[True Dragon] Plan!

A few decades ago, the country foresaw the reiki recovery?

Yes, you can foresee the future with a small black iron step. Those fairies who have lived for hundreds of years, and even "China" itself, can "see" the more distant "landscape"!

Unfortunately, they are only half successful!

Li Rui sighed in his heart.

The more he practiced, the more he discovered the perversion of these two exercises!

It is indeed the ultimate magical skill that directly points to the origin, but not everyone can practice!

Even, they are not exercises for "people" at all!

They are the exercises created by "China" to temper their own "body". He wants everyone to become the dragon of the town!

But "China" is, after all, a collective will of civilization, and he does not understand how fragile and small the mortals that make up his flesh are.

Even geniuses like Wang Lei are stuck in [eternal immortality], and the ordinary people simply can't take the first hurdle!

"Let's think about it for a while. When I stopped you from entering the advisory board, I felt that you and I were actually the same kind of person."

Wang Lei's grin was on his face.

"We are fierce and brutal monsters. We are not under control and can use violence at will. The more bloodthirsty we hide in the dark, the greater the deterrent."

"But once we are shackled and placed on the bright surface, it is the tiger in the cage!"

"If you don't know what to do, the key must be to follow the rules on the surface."

"Lost unruly "crazy wildness" is lost, and even fierce monsters can be domesticated into pets."

After a pause, Wang Leisen's white teeth exuded a chilling luster, and he gave Li Rui a fist gently, with a grinning smile.

"The blood-stained dragon claws and dragon teeth have no deterrent!"

Realizing the meaning of Wang Lei, Li Rui nodded.

"I can try it."

"Well, you have shown the true dragon posture twice, plus the previous credit, the authority of the dragon of the town is almost all activated. If you have any future needs, directly call on the strength and support of all parties. Don’t be polite, this is what you should do Have the right."

Speaking of which, Wang Lei looked at Li Rui with a complicated look.

"In just one year, you actually grew up to this point, really...ah..."

As he said, he patted Li Rui on the shoulder, a smile of relief on his face.

"From now on, you are a mature dragon of the town and the country, and you must learn to be your own."

Li Rui froze for a second and nodded with emotion.

He did not expect that he would grow so fast.

Finally, Wang Lei stepped back two steps and looked at Li Rui up and down with an appreciative eye, as if looking at an artwork he had created by himself.


After a long time, Wang Lei clenched his fists and hammered his heart twice, with a solemn expression: "Chinese forever!"

Li Rui blinked his eyes, feeling his heart, striking his chest with his head raised: "Chinese forever!"

The gentle words are like thunder and thunder. In a trance, Li Rui seems to hear hundreds of millions of people resonating with him. Countless heroic, ordinary, cruel, loving, great, and mean voices are repeating a sentence.

"Chinese forever!"

But such a will resonated in a flash, and Li Rui thought he had an illusion. UU reading

After talking about the business, the atmosphere gradually relaxed, and the two chatted for a while, Li Rui suddenly remembered the previous problem.

"Brother Lei, Dongying came over to ask for help. Can you say yes? Even if yes, what substantial power can they borrow?"

"Oh, of course I don't want to agree, but I can't stand the "China" thinking."


Li Rui frowned in confusion.

Wang Lei smiled slightly when he saw this: "Do you think the land area of ​​tens of millions of square kilometers is sent by phone charges?"

A flash of light flashed in Li Rui's mind, and he suddenly realized.

Civilization erosion, joint rule, naturalization, health, cooked fan, foreign minister, inner minister...

Numerous words flashed through my mind.


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