Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 378: , We dare not ask!

But this advanced annexation method takes a long time, ranging from a few decades to more than a few hundred years, such as dripping water through the stone, and the moist substance is silent.

It's no wonder that the above ideas will diverge from "China".

The concept of time in the will of civilization must be very different from material life.

Moreover, once there is a fluctuation in the middle, maybe you have to give up your efforts, and you can’t say that the above considerations are problematic.

So... in the end it still depends on the input-output ratio!

"So what do we have to pay? What can they get?"

Wang Lei did not answer his question directly, but smiled mysteriously.

"Xiaorui, what do you think is the safest place in every city?"


Li Rui pondered for a moment and said uncertainly, "Military camp?"

As the ultimate manifestation of national violence agencies, the military is arguably the most violent and powerful "organ" of every country.

Wang Lei smiled slightly and gave him a thumbs up.

"Really, the army!"

"The blood is blunt, the enemy is full of evil, no matter how strong the phantom creatures dare not face a thousand-man barracks."

"But there are not only military camps where evil is avoided, but also all places with symbolic signs, such as courts, police stations, schools, government buildings, etc.!"

"For example, the lion at the door of a bank, the head of an ancient prison door, and the two sides of the public hall, the modern police badge, national emblem, national flag!"

Speaking of which, Li Rui already vaguely understood the meaning of Wang Lei.

"The will of civilization projects reality, and the power of "China" will be used to deter demons and demons!"

Wang Lei nodded appreciatively: "Yes, we have the strongest civilized will. He blends all religions and cultures into one, chaotic and complete."

"Everywhere, majestic and sacred, this is the place where other countries envy us the most."

Li Rui: "So Dong Ying also wants to use the power of "China" to deter demons and demons? But what do they use to carry... Oh! Dragon!"

Halfway through the question, Li Rui reacted on his own. There are too many elements of the dynasty in Dongying's culture. Anything you use can carry the symbolism of "China".

But in this way, their unformed will to civilization will be weakened or even swallowed.

Wait, do they have their own civilizational will or say that they accepted too much of the "China" gene during the period of ignorance, so... This stepping horse is a game of thousands of years?

No wonder Dongying went crazy to start the Asian war, maybe they found that they could not give birth to the will of civilization, and they could only find a way to seize the "Fate of Heaven" and turn themselves into "China"?

Countless black thoughts flashed in Li Rui's mind, and then pressed them to the bottom of his heart.

Some things...we dare not say, we dare not ask!

"In fact, more than dragons, Shintoism originated from Taoism, Tai Chi, Eight Diagrams, Yin and Yang Five Elements... 90% of the symbolic signs commonly used by Dong Ying can carry the power of "China."

Wang Lei explained a few words casually, Li Rui nodded, more convinced of his guess.

"Actually, if you just borrow "China" to suppress the luck, they will not object to it, but they also want us to send extraordinary people to help them demons and demons. Ha ha, without real benefits, ghosts will help them."

Wang Lei snorted with a trace of sarcasm in his eyes.

Li Ruiwen turned his eyes and said in a deep voice: "Brother Lei, I want to go to Dongying."


Wang Lei looked straight and stared at Li Rui in a puzzled manner.

Looking at his determined eyes, Wang Lei understood what he said, and the curse reached his mouth, and finally it turned into a helpless sigh.

"I haven't seen someone like you who has vengeance like this. The principal criminal responsible for Nine Infants has already been laid back. Do you still want to kill him?"

"[Guxu Sect] is not dead yet, I have no idea."

Li Rui's voice was a little dull, and it seemed that the dying appearance of coach Li Wei and Chen Bin was dying.

"'s not as dangerous as it is domestically!"

"Brother Lei, I have been able to protect myself. Besides, I am not stupid. Will I not run if I can't win?"

After a pause, Li Rui decided to give Wang Lei a little insight.

"Brother Lei, I have many means, even in the face of myth, I can save my life."

Wang Lei's eyes lit up and looked at Li Rui in disbelief.

After a long time, he sighed with relief and helplessness: "It seems that you really remember what I said, now I can't even see you, just go, if you want to go, one day you have to leave Nest, go outside and wander, but I didn’t expect this day to come so fast..."

There is a trace of pride and reluctance in Wang Lei's eyes. The growth rate of his little brother is really incomprehensible.

With a promise from Wang Lei, a trace of warmth rose in Li Rui's heart.

Wang Lei didn't ask him any secrets from beginning to end. This unconditional trust is really rare.

The two changed topics, chatted for a while, and finally had lunch together before Li Rui got up and said goodbye.

Came outdoors, looking at the blue sky, Li Rui took out the phone to dial out.

"Hey, coach? I agreed to the things you said about going to Dongying before."



Qingfeng sword chopped on the golden butterfly energy, making a crisp popping sound.

Yi Kaicheng's arms were shaking, and he looked at the little figure unwillingly.

Not only can I not beat Li Rui, can he even beat his sister?


The magnificent golden butterfly-shaped orb bloomed again from Li Wei's fingers and instantly blasted on Yi Kaicheng's sword.

The five fingers that were numb and trembling could no longer grasp the hilt, and Qing Fengjian fluttered out in a swirling motion.


There was a burst of exclamation in the crowd, watching the swords flying towards them like propellers, and watching the lively crowd of melons frightened with cold sweat.


In the sound of Jin Tie's fighting, Li Jian changed from motion to motion, and Li Rui gripped the blade with **** firmly and fixed it in mid-air.

"The winner, Li Wei."

With a flick of his wrist, Qingfeng Jian was thrown back into the ring and fell into Yi Kaicheng's hands.

Li Rui jumped into the ring, grabbed his sister's hand, and looked around.

"The team trial is officially over. Tomorrow I will report the exchange list to the organizing committee. Disband it."

Li Wei was a little shy by the many eyes of the audience, hiding behind Li Rui timidly.

"Ah! Xiaowei is so cute!"

"It looks like a doll!"

"Awei is dead!"


Despite the ghost crying wolf from the Rui led her sister down the ring.

Later, she will go to one-on-one supplementary class with Zhao Youxuan. The training in the team is of little significance to them.

"Brother, can I go to Dongying with you too?"



Li Wei buried his face in his brother's waist and smirked.

"Don't just think about playing, there will be teachers who will give you one-on-one supplementary lessons. By the way, you have to add basic Japanese to your courses recently."

Suddenly Li Wei's movements froze, and the corners of his mouth that were rising happily gradually deflated.

"Ooooo... I hate my brother."



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