Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 382: 、Do not eat people (physical)

Thinking of this, Li Rui couldn't help laughing.

A black iron himself did not take silver as a dish, it really swelled!

"Why did you choose so many goals?"

Luo Li lay on Li Rui's back, and her warm nose blew on her neck and neck, evoking a goose bump.

"Let You Xuan practice hands, I hope to help her to point out some of the most important skills before going to Dongying."

"Why do you help me?"

Zhao Youxuan suddenly emerged from the side, scaring Li Rui's eyebrows.

Telling her these abilities of [Rebirth] and [Back to the City], Zhao Youxuan's eyes grew bigger and bigger, and her eyes were full of excitement.

"I'm not going to die? Can I come back from afar?"

"Well, but you need to hit the bad guy first."

Luo Li explained to Li Rui on her back.

"No problem, I ate them all, wow kaka...yeah~"

A hand knife was cut on her head, Li Rui's face was solemn: "No people!"

Huang Juncai, next to him, turned his head and looked, staring at him with a black question mark on his face.

Not allowed to eat people? Are you stepping on horses to tease me?

How many people have you chewed that you don’t have a B number in your heart?

Li Rui's breath was stagnant and he coughed awkwardly.

"Cough, no physical eating is allowed, anyway."


Zhao Youxuan clutched his head, and felt wronged.

Luo Li squeezed on Li Rui's back and kept shaking. The indescribable Q bomb felt crazy shaking, bending Li Rui's spine.

Later, Zhao Youxuan quietly poked Li Wei's arm: "Apart from physics, are there other ways to eat people?"

Li Wei twitched his lips and laughed twice.

"There may be chemistry..."

Zhao Youxuan wrinkled his nose: "I hate chemistry!"

"Cough, come here, I will explain to you the action plan."

Forcing off the topic, Li Rui began to instill in Zhao Youxuan the justice of the action.

Originally, this guy was still beastly. He didn't want to cultivate a bloodthirsty man-eating beast.

"Li Rui, these bad guys are so bad!"

Hearing the story described by Li Rui, Zhao Youxuan uncomfortably covered her heart. This was her first time facing the darkness of human nature.

Not to hunt for survival, but to kill and abuse for desire!

She never thought that there was such a disgusting existence in the world.

"So, as a partner of justice, we have to walk the way of heaven!"

Gently rubbing her head, Li Rui was very satisfied with her reaction.

In essence, she is a pure and kind child, and believes that she can teach her to be a socially

"Remember, justice may be late, but never absent!"

"And we represent justice! Let us punish the sins of the world!"


Hearing Li Rui's impassioned words, Zhao Youxuan opened his eyes and nodded fiercely.

Huang Juncai looked at her sympathetically and sighed silently: "It's estimated that this IQ is sold and I have to help Xiaolizi count money..."


It was dark in the wet jungle, the stars were dim in the sky, and the ears were full of croaking frogs.

Four figures stood in the darkness, looking at the militarized city not far away.

"Juexinbao, the headquarters of the small warlords on the border of cotton pads, last time two tourists were kidnapped and torn from their tickets, and they were on the domestic blacklist."

Luo Li looked at the information and confirmed the information for the last time.

"His leader Jue Xin-biao is a silver tier. There are three bronze rank survivors and more than twenty black iron ranks. The above information comes from the warlords who are hostile to them. It should be more reliable."

"Well, it's still the same as before. You Xuan is the main attacker and we assist."

Li Rui rubbed her eyebrows and had a headache.

He didn't expect that Zhao Youxuan's S-level evaluation would be so difficult!

Perhaps her basic attributes are too high-level, and you will get a B-level evaluation if you play at the same level.

Looking for higher-level enemies, it turns out that the domestic silver-rank criminals are simply rare.

It's not that they didn't, but they couldn't find their whereabouts at all, and they were all humans with their tails all in one.

Nothing like those forces abroad, blatantly recruiting and buying horses, it is almost rebellious!

For example, this small force completely ignores the cotton pad government. It can produce more than a dozen tons of "white flour" every year and spread it to neighboring countries. Occasionally, there are guest kidnappers, and life is very interesting.

However, they were stared at by Li Rui, and their good days came to an end.

"Xiaohuang pays attention not to let Jue Xin drift away, we have a quick decision, and we have to take classes tomorrow."

"Then let's get in from the main entrance!"

"Uh... no, just sneak in first and wait until it's discovered."

A trace of sorrow rose in Li Rui's heart, and it was impossible not to be discovered. The assassination of these people became more and more "hard core".

It is often killed from the front door, and the back door is worn out!


Four shadows spread out and instantly "melted" in the dark jungle.

A few minutes later, a fierce shouting sounded in the brightly-lit city.

"Monster! It's a monster!"

"Over there! There is another one over there!"

"Go help the leader!"

"Use a heavy machine gun! Sweep him with a heavy machine gun!"

Da Da Da Da~


The heavy machine gun was split into countless fragments by a sword. These fragments swept through like fragments of grenades, turning the five or six gunmen in the front into sieves.

Bang Bang Bang Bang!

Guns, bullets and rain are interwoven into a dead zone without dead ends. It can be seen that these soldiers are definitely not a crowd, and they must have practiced countermeasures against the extraordinary in daily life.

Even a bronze-ranked assassin cannot ignore the power of rifle bullets. Once hit by multiple shots, it will be very dangerous.

In the final analysis, the entire epic level still belongs to the category of human beings, and it is impossible to fight the modern army with one's own strength.

Only at the golden level, spirituality undergoes a qualitative change, and material can be distorted by will and momentum. This has the cost of one enemy and one army.

Of course, Li Rui's perversion is not included.

He has many attributes that are close to, even exceeding the gold standard minimum standard.

In addition to the personal and spiritual changes of these softwares, he is completely worthy of the ordinary golden rank extraordinary in hardware!


The bullets that couldn't escape were shot on the body, and the powerful kinetic energy squeezed them into iron pieces, and then flew high.

The expected blood loss did not appear ~ ~ Li Rui froze for a moment, his eyes suddenly light up!

【Indestructible True Dragon】

1. Gain 10% damage reduction.

2. Any final damage taken is reduced by 10.

3. Movement speed increased by 10%.

The latest passive that I have worked hard to obtain has such a powerful hidden function!

[Leviathan armor] 10% damage reduction, [Indestructible True Dragon] 10% damage reduction, and then when your resistance is strong to a certain degree, the actual lethality of many attacks will be less than 10 points!

what does this mean?

It means that you will be immune to any damage less than 10 points, and you will never be afraid to set fire again!

Suddenly, Li Rui stopped and let the bullet hit him like a raindrop.


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