Suddenly, Li Rui stopped and let the bullet hit him like a raindrop.

Dangdang Dangdang~

The crisp popping sound jumped on him rhythmically, and the dazzling sparks were particularly dazzling in the night.

In addition to a slight sense of bouncing, Li Rui did not even feel the kinetic energy that a rifle bullet should have!

It stands to reason that with so many bullets hitting him, Li Rui should be pushed upside down even if he is not injured.

After all, the tide tyranny of bullets far exceeds the real waves.

Li Rui suddenly remembered what Wang Lei once said.

"Footsteps in the void, not moving like a mountain!"

[Eternal Unbroken Unrestricted Tribulation] Practice to a high depth, but ignore the laws of real physics!

As long as I don’t want to retreat, I can stay in one step!

So I have touched such a mysterious realm?

With a happy heart, a "brilliant" grin was raised on the face of [Hidden Mask].

Bathed in the rain of gunfire, Li Rui seemed to wander in the garden in the early spring, and walked towards the enemy's defense line in a hurry, relaxed and comfortable.

Dangdang Dangdang...

In the increasingly dense sound of bounce, Li Rui's surrounding fire seemed to cover him with a majestic and inviolable armor.

"Impossible! How could there be such a monster in the world!"

"Go to die! Go to die!"

"Don’t come over!!!!!!"

Li Rui's footsteps seemed to be on their hearts.

Every step forward, they put heavy weights on their nerves that are on the verge of collapse.

People, in many cases, are not afraid of sacrifice.

What they fear is a meaningless sacrifice!

As long as they can leave a trace of blood on the enemy, they will not be so desperate!

However, Li Rui, like a natural disaster, came slowly, steadily, and irresistibly.

Their senseless resistance didn't even touch his eyes.

On the contrary, there is a trace of pity besides full of abuse.

It seemed as if the **** above him looked down at the ants who opened his teeth and danced claws.

"We failed to penetrate the enemy armor!"

With a grin, Li Rui helped them utter their inner lines, and then slowly raised his right hand.

The blood-colored pattern on the arm creeps madly, and the blood crystal sword grows to more than two meters in less than a second.


The violent flame burned on the sword, forming a few meters long and fluctuating flaming sword awn outside the blood crystal sword.

Then, in the desperate expression of the enemy, the red light flashed.

[Sacrifice]! 【new moon】!

Crescent Moon: Your next basic attack will slash all units in a larger cone, and the slash damage is increased to 60% to 100% total attack power + 10% of your maximum health physical damage (the more The higher the damage to enemies near you).

And what is Li Rui's current health value?

Over 15,000!


As if a nuclear bomb exploded on the ground, horrible flames and shock waves swallowed the entire street in an instant.

Shock waves oscillated back and forth in the narrow streets, tearing the defense line of hundreds of people into pieces.

The fragility of the flesh and blood body is undoubtedly revealed at this moment. [The new moon] The physical swordmand spread out to cut the firearm and the flesh and bones into powder, and they were stirred together by the high-temperature air waves produced by [Sacrifice], blowing out hundreds of meters away. .

The people within the core killing area "disappear" directly, and the remaining "victims" together may not be able to put together several swallowed bodies.

The glass of all the surrounding buildings exploded and the smoke was dispersed. Li Rui stood on the street like the end of the world, rubbing his brows.

The nerves tingled, and Li Rui knew that he was using too much force, and it affected the soul injury.


Faint pain groaned into his ears, Li Rui raised his head, looking at the dark human figure not far away.

Can someone actually take a [new moon] without dying?

Bronze level?

As expected by Li Rui, the tenth-degree burn patient who was struggling to move outward glowed a dark red light.

Although he looks miserable in appearance, he has not completely lost his combat effectiveness.

Seeing Li Rui approaching step by step, he turned to beg for mercy.


Li Rui: "............"

I'm sorry, I don't understand...

So Li Rui folded his hands and bowed slightly to him.


The expression on the man's face was very exciting, but the expression was fixed on his face forever.

The blood-colored Jianmang flashed away, and a head flew into the sky, floating a few meters away.

[Dark Harvest]! 【Indestructible grip】!

Knowing what they have done, Li Rui didn't want to talk nonsense with such supernatural beings.

Leave him a whole body, even if you respect him.

Crossing the headless body, Li Rui paced gently towards the center of the walled city.

Guns roared there, very lively.

Slowing down the pace, just a few hundred meters away from Li Rui for more than a minute.

The vitality of qi and blood diffused in the air was transformed by the system into verdant green and invisible to the naked eye, and it merged into Li Rui like cloud mist.


+1 health!

+1 health!

+1 health!


When the tingling between the brows and hearts completely cleared, Li Rui reached out and grabbed a hand, and a mysterious card flew out of his fingers.

[Tyrannosaurus Cogas]!


The majestic and fierce golden Tyrannosaurus condensed in front of Li Rui, making a beast-like roar.

"Go, open the way for me."

A greasy monster over two meters tall raised its two claws, swept away a claw on the ground, and rushed to the corner like a tank.

"Ah! Monster!"

"Dinosaur! How could there be a dinosaur?"

"Shoot! Shoot! Don't stop! No escape!"

Listening to the unclear cry from the opposite side, Li Rui walked leisurely along the footprints of Tyrannosaurus, and had time to see how it changed.

[Tyrannosaurus Cogas] (Black Iron Tier Primary Tank)

After this period of battle, Li Rui obviously felt its progress from the trainee tank to the junior tank.

Probably increased my own full attributes by attributes would also need to be added by 1% to 2%, and the whole probably inherited my own attributes of about 7% to 13%.

Normal Black Iron Tier has no advantage against it. If you count Li Ruihua's whistle equipment special effects, runes, hero skills, summoner skills, Tyrannosaurus can support a few tricks against the Bronze Tier extraordinary.

But even if there is no power, Li Rui's almost cheating ability to abuse vegetables is also reflected in it.

As long as it cannot be destroyed in a short period of time with superb strength, it can rely on [greedy gluttony], [the taste of blood], [dance dance], [hex technology gun blade], [overlord blood armor]... ...Waiting for the various abilities to **** back the blood bit by bit.

It's like a stone in a thatched pit, smelly and hard, and it's back to blood!

Can you ignore it?

It kills ordinary people and awakeners and thieves quickly, completely a meat grinder.


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