Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 535: The evil spirit will come

Obviously without eyes, Li Rui seems to be in line with the most terrifying existence, the irresistible fear dominates the brain, the trembling body is completely frozen, the thinking is frozen, and even [purification] can not be used!

"Return my source... Come back!"

The strange voices of non-males and non-females drilled directly into their heads, as if living creatures twisted their minds.

Li Rui watched as Edmund teleported to himself, sticking his palm to poke his brow, as if to dig out his brain.

At this very moment, Li Rui's body suddenly burst into a clear and aura of light, and the force bound around his body exploded like a glass, making a crisp and crackling sound.

【Mikeel's Crucible】

The only initiative: remove all restrictive effects from a friendly hero, including but not limited to dizziness, imprisonment, taunt, fear, silence, and slowdown, and provide the hero with a slowdown immune effect for 5 seconds.

While successfully purifying an effect in this way, it will provide the friendly hero with 40% movement speed for 5 seconds.

Last time, the auxiliary three-piece suit I bought for Li Wei made contributions again. Li Rui felt a little pressure on his body and felt a pot of ice water dripping from his head to his feet. He was sober and immediately withdrew.

"Don't go... mine... the origin!"

The sharp and distorted echoes distorted the space, and Li Rui did not hesitate. The backhand was a weak one thrown out, and at the same time a wave of golden ripples shot from his body.

【The Final Chapter of the Magic Book】

Fire 7 waves at the designated area that can cause 60 (+20% of spell power) magic damage. Any enemy heroes hit by 3 or more waves will be imprisoned for 2 seconds.

The roaring dark red magic storm only allowed Edmund to pause a little. The golden ripples were scattered by the blue and black of his whole body before the body. The runes of imprisonment combined by the three ripples did not last for a second and shattered. The crystal powder cracked into the sky and dissipated in the air.

This guy is not Edmund!

Even if it is dull, Li Rui also reacts at this time. What he is facing is not the tentacle monster he just criticized, but the deity of the evil spirit who has lowered his will!

Ma, isn't it just a bit of wool?

So irritable? Immediately ended in person? What about you as a deity?

With bitterness in his mouth, Li Rui once again evoked verdant life energy, and his speed skyrocketed.

【Meow Dance Brilliant】

Heals 482 health and gains 70% movement speed. Decays within 15 seconds.

Almost turned into a streamer, Li Rui's body ripped open the atmosphere, and roared the fighter flying at low altitude.

But the escape was only in vain. The tentacle monster who was behind him a second ago suddenly appeared in front of him in the next second, with no hint, as if he had been standing there waiting for Li Rui to throw himself in the net.

Li Rui's proud speed seemed so weak in front of the teleport, too late to brake, the thorny tentacles of the sky bloomed, and Edmund opened his arms as if he was about to be embraced in his arms.

"We...will be integrated..."

"Who wants to be one with you!"

Li Rui burst into a chill, held his sword in both hands, and did not retreat and advance, bursting into a more terrifying speed.

The blood crystal sword spreads to three meters long and one foot wide, and the sharp tip of the sword is condensed with a substantial glazed sword awn, just like a "rocket", bombarding the enemy with an invincible momentum.

But Edmund didn't seem to take Li Rui's offensive at all, and the thorny tentacles gave way to him, swallowing him like a curtain.


Edmund's head suddenly tilted, and a bullet of thumb thickness was embedded in his temple.

Li Rui's eyes lit up, and Liuli Jianmang brewed to the utmost, and instantly penetrated his open chest.

But the feedback from his hand made Li Rui's face change a lot. He seemed to penetrate into the void without any resistance.

The point where the blade touched the chest was rippling like water waves, as if Edmund in front was just a mirror image of the lake, and Li Rui was about to plunge into the bottomless dark lake.

The "curtain" of thorns that shrouded the heavens and earth was closed, and the light around them was dim quickly. Seeing that he was about to fall into the cocoon of thorns and silkworms, the hill-like worms suddenly collapsed into a white light, and disappeared with Li Rui.


The huge figure appeared hundreds of meters away without warning, Li Rui staggered, and finally stood firm.

There was a force that interfered with the folding of the space, which made him appear a place far apart from what was expected.

Damn it!

Before he finished scolding, there was an evil tentacle monster in front of him.

Xiyi! If you can't figure it out, I can't hold it!

A wave of wailing in his heart, Li Rui like a frightened rabbit, fleeing frantically.

But fortunately, the will of the evil **** was not omnipotent. He seemed very unaccustomed to the physical laws of reality, and was repeatedly moved by Li Rui snakeskin to avoid the devil's claws.

But gradually, the huge thorny tentacles became flexible at a speed that was visible to the naked eye, and terrible magic tides appeared in the whole world, and the invisible pressure flooded the people like 10,000 tons of seawater, which made them breathless.


An armor-piercing projectile nearly ten centimeters long slammed into Edmund at several times the speed of sound, but the translucent ripples swelled across the top of the bullet at tens of meters, and the speed became slower and slower.

The strange and terrifying head slowly turned, and his empty eyes stared at Huang Juncai, who was aiming at him.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

The screams from the soul rang all around, Huang Juncai dropped the North Star, rolled wildly on the ground, and opened a few turbid eyes on his cheeks. These eyes groaned as if he had his own will, and glanced around with a vicious and vicious eye. The crowd.

Immediately afterwards, the bare skin on his hands twisted like living creatures, and twisted thorns grew from one to the other.

"Draft Mom!"

Li Rui's eyes were A deep footprint was drawn on the left foot with his left foot, his sword was held high, and his energy was soaring.

【Giant Hydra·New Moon】

With a sword splitting, the whole world was shrouded in golden red glass sword gas, and the world was transformed into a pure white, leaving only the tyrannical energy to release the endless destructive power.

When the white light dissipated, Li Rui had returned to his teammates, Zhao Youxuan's arm turned into a virtual shadow, grabbed the back of Huang Juncai's head, and pulled out a group of blue and black twisted twists.


Zhao Youxuan squeezed hard, and the air of 氤氲 trying to drill into her flesh was instantly squeezed.

Huang Juncai stopped screaming, and the whole person was lying prostrate on the ground, his limbs twitched involuntarily, and the eyeballs and thorns growing on his body contracted back, leaving a **** mouth like a baby's mouth.

He took out a bottle of "life potion" to irrigate him, and Li Rui looked back, and a strange and horrible figure stood on the scorched black ground, and python-like thorns poured out from under him and burrowed into the ground.

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