I am a rookie of the bronze rank, why can I always meet super opponents?

Li Rui numb his scalp and began to seriously consider the possibility of a tactical retreat.

This thing is obviously not what they can deal with now. After playing for so long, they are still a spirit guy, and their tentacles are twisted and cheerful.

What about myself?

Li Rui looked at his embarrassed teammate, Li Rui twitched his lips.

I'm so hard!


In the distance, Edmund suddenly disappeared, Li Rui was covered in hair, and the overwhelming thorns and tsunami drowned everything in his sight. The entire [Abyss Hall] was transformed into a sea of ​​tentacles.

Full screen attack! shameless!

Urging all the energy and blood in Dan Tian, ​​the crystal glazed sword gas condensed and compressed, Li Rui straightened the waist plate without showing weakness, ready to resist this move.

But at this moment, the roaring thorns suddenly burst into dense flames, and several layers of aura shields did not block the storm-like bombing, and the roots broke.

Boom Boom Boom Boom!

The entire hall was transformed into a sea of ​​fire, and the twisting thorns were like dying snakes, dancing wildly.

Looking back in horror, I don't know when, there is a strange figure in the [Abyss Hall].

It was a black warrior with a height of more than two meters. The slender armor covering the whole body was somewhat similar to the custom armor of [Nine-tailed Fox], with a strong sense of science fiction.

The armor is covered with purple energy channels, and the gleaming light blooms in the channel. The full-cover mask is like a dark mirror covering the face, and only the V-shaped dark red light penetrates, which is mysterious.

A pair of huge black wings exudes metallic color, patting gently behind him, the whole person is suspended in the air, like an evil angel descending from the sky.

Cruel and majestic.

But what Li Rui cared about most was the two-foot-long sci-fi pistol in his hand. It was this pair of weapons that exploded into a stormy bombing, helping them to stop the tentacle wave.

Except for two pistols, the other is not physical equipment, but spiritual armor!

Li Rui's pupils shrank, and his mind increased vigilance.

Although this guy helped himself, the ghost knew it was an enemy or a friend.

The dark wings flicked and turned, and the black armor warrior landed gracefully beside Li Rui. Under the dark red gloss mask, it seemed that there were a pair of mysterious eyes staring at him.

"who are you?"

Li Rui clenched his left fist slightly, and the pale gold 氤氲 circulated on the gods' gauntlets. Once the guy had a hostile tendency, he would smash him with a full face on the spot.


The slick mask dispersed instantly, revealing a familiar and charming face.

"Ruijun, it's embarrassing~"

Li Rui's alert expression became dull, he never expected to meet her in such a place!

"Rigor, how did I see Teacher Hannah, am I dead? Have hallucinations?"

Huang Juncai got up dizzy and fumbled to find the North Star.

"Small Huang, you have no hallucinations, but I didn't expect to meet you in such a place."

The armored Hannah teacher seemed to take off her usual enchantment and became heroic, even her charming eyes were sharp.

"What are you doing? Go away! That's not something we can deal with!"

There was another magic tide behind him, and Li Rui turned to look at Edmond, who was re-condensed, and suddenly there was an inexplicable touch.

The incarnation of the coming of the evil spirit seems to be less coercive!

The energy is still inexhaustible, but the supreme personality brought by the soul, the irresistible suppression seems to be getting lighter...


Suddenly a flash of light flashed in his mind, and Li Rui finally understood why the evil spirit had repeatedly hung up.

If according to his teleportation style when he first appeared, Li Rui could not support it for a minute at all, but then he could only stand on the spot and attack with tentacles, threatening to drop 90% at once.

It turned out that at another level, Ayaka was fighting against him!

Having figured out this truth, Li Rui couldn't help but feel a little anxious. The confrontation on the divine level is far more dangerous than the material level. No matter how strong Aya is, it can't be the black iron level. Even if the evil **** on the opposite side can only drop a will Nor is she able to resist.

You have to help her and share the pressure from the material level!

Just about to lift the sword, a powerful armor suddenly caught him.

Looking back, Hannah's eyes had faded from the usual laziness, and the crystal clear purple pupils became deep and dark.

"I’m here to track the lost seal, now I’m pretty sure that it has become the cornerstone of building this [paradise], otherwise you think such a wide range of reality is stripped, the rules of depth are distorted, and the projection of the kingdom of God can be casually Did it?"

"Seal? Can you destroy the cornerstone of building a paradise?"

Li Rui's eyes lit up and finally saw the dawn of victory.

As long as this space is returned to normal, the evil spirit will be a scum after losing the projection of the kingdom of God!

He will be able to kill the serpent by himself, and now there are a few more fairy teammates around him, still afraid that he will have a Muniheka?

In the final analysis, the secret area of ​​[Tisabel] where Muniheka is located is separated from the [Izumo Land] by countless planes, and there is no special divine coordinate channel. Li Rui can give him the divine power projected by him Swallow it!

Evil God's will is irresistible to all mortals, and you can't confront it without divinity.

But once they have mastered the divinity, they... are just more powerful transcendents!

"I can extract that seal, but it needs your cooperation."

Hannah said without a drag.

"How to cooperate?"

At the height of the crisis, Luo Li also put down her usual resistance to her and asked.

"Don't look at me, no matter what happens! I hear any sound! Absolutely! Absolutely! Can't look at me!"

Hannah said one word at a time, looking around everyone, sternly and solemnly.

"What will happen? Will it die?"

Frightened by her expression, Zhao Youxuan asked in fear.

"More scary than death!"

Hannah didn't mean to be joking at all~www.wuxiaspot.com~ looked straight at her.


Everyone swallowed and spit, and before they made a decision, there was a shrill roar behind them.

The evil spirit's will, which had been on-hook for a long time, seemed to suppress Ayaki, and set off the offensive again.

"Okay! We will stop him for you. Despite your hands, I will never look back!"


Li Rui tore up the only clothes left on his body and **** the eyes of several teammates three times, five times apart.

"Push for me!!"

Li Rui raised the blood crystal sword and drove them out like a duck, trying to take them away from Hannah.

And there is a telepathic shared vision. As long as Li Rui is behind them, even if his eyes are tied, several teammates can still see their movements, but they are slightly uncomfortable.

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