Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 546: , I hate fairies!

Grace nodded and put down the file in her hand, a slight disgust in her eyes.

"I don't know who the other two courts are? I hope they are not the same guys..."

"You can rest assured, [Magic Union] focused mainly on [Yortenheim], [Mechanical Protestantism] is exploring the stars, they didn’t send high-level leaders into [Izumo Kingdom], it’s just that they participated in the formation of the court The highest responsible person here can basically ignore them."

"That's good……"

Grace looked out the window, her eyes deep, and her pure gold pupil exuded a mysterious luster.

Soon, the Security Council’s temporary extraordinary courtroom was secretly held at [Advancement Base].

There are not many forces participating in the trial, but each is a one-on-one force and belongs to the existence of the stomping continent.

But today they can only sit in the jury position, with the first four high-back seats that are too large.

One of them is engraved with the pattern of the Holy Trinity of the Son, Holy Spirit, and Father, with countless angels lingering around.

The other one is more like a high-tech mechanical creation, with dense mechanical gears and pipelines in tiny gaps, with a thick steampunk style.

There is also an engraved complex and gorgeous magic rune, which represents the magical circuit of the magical gold lines flashing, mysterious and elegant.

The last high-back chair is composed of nine five-clawed golden dragons, and the faint golden luo is flowing on the chair. The golden dragons seem to come alive, watching the mortal below with their majestic and sacred eyes.

The four seats high up in the arc occupy a small half of the room. Even if no one is sitting up, the invisible pressure makes the transcendents enter the heart tight, and even the voice of the speech can't help to lower down, afraid of being disturbed. What a great existence.

Helen Ariel sits anxiously on the plaintiff's seat and waits for the trial to start.

I don't know if the terrible man will appear in court...

It should be possible, even if it is [China], in the face of the blame of so many forces, at least have to apologize to give a statement?

Helen Ariel was entangled in her heart, and wanted to hear Li Rui's confession of apology, and was afraid to see him again.

Last time, Li Rui left the entire team with a lingering psychological shadow. Almost all her companions would wake up in the middle of the night, and she heard the unexplained sobs in the night of Wan Laiju several times.

Iron-bone clank, tough guys who can smile to face life and death, were so tortured by Li Rui so miserable, every time Ariel saw their expressions with strong faces and laughs, her heart was like a poisonous snake biting.

So she ignored the high-level opposition and forcibly brought a dragon of the town to the extraordinary court!

Maybe she has no power to retaliate against Li Rui, but for the sake of her companions, she must let Li Rui admit her mistakes and ask her partner a justice!

Thinking of this, she seemed to have found courage in her heart.

Clenching her fists, she looked back, and an old man with a broken arm nodded slightly, cheering her on.

Ariel smiled a long time, breathing out a long sigh of air, looking at the four seats above, her eyes becoming firm and calm.

"All rise!"

With a soft drink, the two side doors slowly opened, and everyone stood up in unison, looking at the judge who had entered with awe.

The first to enter the meeting place was a kindly white old man with a smile on his slightly blessed face, gentle and wise eyes, which made people feel good at first sight.

Neil Hansen, [Magic Federation] Director!

After seeing him, Ariel relaxed most of her mood immediately, knowing that he was a kind elder and had more confidence in this trial.

Next came a middle-aged black man whose half of his cheeks were covered with metal, and even his eye sockets were replaced by sophisticated mechanical structures.

The dark red light shone through Elle's body through the electronic eye, staring at her vest.

[Mechanical God] The man... I haven’t seen it... I don’t know if he supports us...

Inwardly still anxious, a beautiful girl suddenly grabbed Elil's eyes.

The splendid hair is like gold casting, and the deep and delicate facial features are extremely unreal. The pure gold pupil seems to be able to see through all the sins of the world. Gently swept, everyone on the skin is like an electric power, and the dense chicken skin is erected. pimple.

She looks like an angel...

Ariel looked at her indifferently, with a hint of admiration in her eyes.

But soon she recovered, looking at the empty dock, feeling sad.

If Li Rui refuses to appear in court resolutely, [Round Table Knights] can't take him at all, as long as he drags it on, he will definitely not get it.

[China] Why is it so overbearing, and even refuse to apologize?

Ariel was distressed and her eyes were slightly red.

But soon, in a nightmare, there were countless figures in his eyes, and Ariel's expression gradually became dull.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly changed, and everyone silently exchanged sight, caught off guard by this strange scene.

They came to see the excitement, but the excitement is a bit too irritating...

Watching Li Rui walk up to the high platform, he sat on the high-backed chair composed of five-clawed golden dragon, and respected the hearts of the people standing.

Well, Mai Pi, we came to see you in embarrassment, not to salute you!

But no one dared to defy the authority of the extraordinary court until the judges sat down, and the clerk on the side nodded.

"After the ceremony, please sit down."


Everyone sat down in unison, and immediately a loud noise of discussion began.

Only Ariel stood staring blankly, staring at Li Rui who looked down at her in disbelief.

"Cough, please sit down, plaintiff!"

After the clerk reminded again and again, Ariel only tolerated her emotions and sat down.


A cold voice came from Grace's The noisy court was silent for a moment.

Looking at the crowd of lingering chills, Li Rui surprisedly glanced at the birdman beside him.

As the saying goes, this guy's strength has grown too horrible. I don't know if Xi Yi can suppress her...

Li Rui originally thought that his progress was the unique pinnacle in the world, but Grace's cold two words immediately taught him a lesson.

Normal mortals should never expect to compare with these gods. They are not so much practicing, but rather regaining their own power!

Li Rui felt like a stunned young man in a poor family. He worked hard to earn a million, and was complacently looking at the deposit. When he turned around, he saw that a rich second generation withdrew one million from the account. Suddenly the passbook is not fragrant!

I hate fairies!

Uncomfortable, Li Rui stared at Grace's beautiful face, thinking about the next time she met her in the canyon, what posture would she put on the wall?

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