Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 547: , Who is under the court? Why sued this official?

It seemed that a strong malice was sensed, Grace frowned, and gave Li Rui a soft glance.

What are you looking at?

Look at you?

Li Rui held his eyes wide, raised his chin, and stared at her with nostrils.

Grace rolled her eyes helplessly and turned her head to stop looking at him.

The two headed no longer communicate, and the scene fell into a strange silence.

Feeling the heavy air in the room, Li Rui coughed twice and asked with a hard scalp.

"Who is under the court? Why sued the official?"

Ariel: "........."

The court fell into a stranger silence, and the clerk on the side couldn't stand it anymore, and began to take over the process.

"Please ask the plaintiff Helen Ariel to read the indictment."

Ariel stood up in silence, speechless for a long time.

A twisted expression on her face made the clerk's scalp numb.

"Cough, plaintiff Helen Ariel, you can tell what you want now."

Ariel stretched her fingers to the five-claw Golden Dragon seat on the high platform, and opened a faint voice.

"He was clearly the defendant, why did he sit on the trial seat?"

"Uh... that... the principle of temporary extraordinary courts, the seven gods have the highest priority, as the highest authority in the plane [the dragon of the town], in principle, Mr. Li Rui can serve as both [defendant] and [judge] Two roles."

The clerk also explained that it was very painful. The Security Council’s temporary extraordinary court system is only a few decades old, and it has not been used a few times in total. I never thought I would encounter such a special situation.

In other words, is this a deliberate flaw left when the rules were originally formulated?

The clerk condensed his mind, and quickly let go of the hollow god, not daring to think about it.

I'm a record machine with no emotion, I don't know anything!

Hearing the clerk's explanation, Ariel smiled abruptly, and the expression of sorrow was more than death, which made everyone feel distressed.

Numbness read the indictment, and the silver old man Howard Ralph, who was cut off by Li Rui, came forward and made a statement as a victim to Li Rui's criminal facts.

"...Magic fluctuations were sensed at the we rushed to the scene..."

"...When we came up, we saw him massacring many members of the extraordinary organization..."

"... He not only did not listen to the dissuasion, refused to stop the aggression, but also launched an attack on us [Round Table Knights] madly..."

"In summary, Li Ruigui was the Celestial Dragon [Zhen Guo's Dragon], but he ignored his morals and bullied the weak..."


He should have been trying to finish his speech as much as possible, but listening to Howard Ralph's final complaint, Li Rui couldn't help it.

"That... it seems that you were besieging me first? Besides, I was just promoted to the bronze rank. At that time, it was my lowest rank on the field. Did you misunderstand the term bullying?"

Looking at Li Rui's clear eyes, Howard Ralph was choked for a while, and only felt a sip of old blood rolling in his throat.

The other judges could not help turning their heads to look at Li Rui, their eyes shining strangely.

I have never seen such a brazen person!

"What? Am I wrong?"

Li Rui spread his hands together, his face puzzled.

This time even the other judges were refrained, and they could only silently look away.

"I am a rookie bronze master who has just advanced. They were beaten by dozens or twenty silver ranks. The front row silver soldiers beat me around. The rear row archer mage greeted me like a long-range attack without money. There are also countless imprisonment curses, you don’t know how desperate I was in my heart at that time!"

Li Rui struggled to make a pitiful, weak and helpless expression, and grieved and complained about the immoral behavior of the [Round Table Knights].

Then you are desperate to cut them all into sticks?

Also, what the **** is the bronze mage?

Who was the person who cut the sword from the street to the end of the street with the sword on the door that night?

When can the mage be chased by a group of fighters?

Everyone on the scene was the expression of a dog, but he couldn't refute it.

Although it was just a glimpse, this guy's magical skills are really not low, insisting that he is a mage, it seems that there is no problem.

More importantly, his energy level is really only bronze!

If you let go of the results, from the literal data, Li Rui is the real victim!

The world of the extraordinary is respected by the strong, far away from the twists and turns of the mortals, you dozens of silver ranks besieged a bronze, and you lost your face and even complained?

Can't make sense?

Thinking of this, there was a subtle change in the mentality of everyone present.

The original reason for the incident that night was that the small forces saw their money, and as a result, they encountered a "town dragon" that exploded little by little and kicked into the iron plate.

[Round Table Knights] When he arrived, he wanted to make things bigger and smaller. As a result, Li Rui refused to give face, the conflict between the two sides escalated, and finally developed to an uncontrollable point.

The whole case seemed to be inexplicably unfolded, and no one on both sides was justified.

If it is placed in the wild, it is not surprising that even one party is destroyed, only because it happened in the [advance base] as a safe zone, so it has caused such great attention.

"How could the fighting power of the dragon of Zhenguo be measured by energy level? Moreover, the final result also showed that Li Rui was not as weak as he said. We [Round Table Knights] had 17 people who had their limbs cut off by him, This kind of brutality is outrageous!"

Howard Ralph excitedly covered his bare shoulders, only to feel the wound hurt again.

It was so painful that he only broke his arm. How much suffering will the children who have been cut into adult sticks suffer physically and mentally?

As the leader of the [Round Table Knights] in the Kingdom of Izumo, he blamed himself.

"Li Rui, do you have anything to say?"

Golden eyes stared at Li Rui, Grace asked lightly.

Li Rui was silent for a sighed: "I admit that the behavior was wrong at the time."

But before Helen Allier was happy, Li Rui said again.

"However, they were the first to provoke me. I did not take the initiative to shoot them. In the final analysis, they misjudged the form, overestimated their strength, and underestimated my determination."

Speaking of which, Li Rui snorted and glanced down at the stage.

This glance not only swept the two of Helen Ariel, but also swept all the representatives of the forces present.

"The core contradiction, why do you let me compromise?"

If there was a sneer with a finger, Li Rui stood up suddenly, violently.

Ignoring the madness of everyone's face at the scene, he looked down at the stage like a **** above nine days, his eyes cold and blank.

"We are oriented toward peace, but not doing things does not mean that we are afraid of things. Since we dare to target me, we must be prepared to be beaten!"

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