Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 775: Golden Dragon Body


[Divine Power·Torture and [Silent] both work together. Although only a few seconds, it is enough for Li Rui to explode astonishing damage.

"Dark matter!"

Raising his hand and pointing, a cloud of void suddenly bloomed in the air, Li Rui stamped his foot on the ground, and disappeared into place in an instant.


[Walk in the void!

Carrying a huge amount of void energy tore through the space, Li Rui descended like a meteorite, and the destructive magic power surrounding his body overlapped with matter, forming a ring of purple-black void ripples.

The recently expelled [Divine Power·Torture was renewed, and the fierce soul smashed it down. These human bodies were unable to concentrate on tearing the space apart, leaving the already formed twisted enchantment, and could only vent all their anger on Li Rui.

The attack carrying the law of theocracy expands infinitely, and the twisted and twisted energy will disrupt the time and space along the way into a chaos, and all the material energy it touches is swallowed and turned into nutrients to expand the attack itself.

Looking at the chaos that obscures all eyes and shrouded himself, Li Rui had no sadness or joy in his eyes, mobilizing his own divinity, and running with all his strength [eternal immortality and immeasurable calamity, fully inspiring the mysterious concept imprinted on self-existence.

Golden dragon scales imprinted with simple and obscure cloud patterns appeared around him, and the seal script composed of pure energy in the void twisted around, forming a phantom golden dragon entrenched on him, blooming with magnificent aura.

I am eternal in time, enduring endless calamities, crossing the bitter sea, reaching the other shore, immortal and immortal!

[Immortal, [Immortal, [Immovable, [Immortal...

The concept of emptiness is materialized and condensed into a stalwart body that coils around a golden dragon.

At this moment, Li Rui's coercion expanded infinitely in the eyes of all spectators, as if the entire different-dimensional space would be crushed by the "weight" of his existence.


[Corruption, [Dissolution, [Chaos, [Torture, [Death...

More than a dozen divine power energies fell on the illusory golden dragon, like a breeze blowing on the face, without arousing any reaction, and quickly dissipating without a trace.


Not only the human body of the evil gods, but even the Gaowei magic net watching the battle fell into a dead silence.

Only the short-haired girl who has seen Li Rui's difficult time has been mentally prepared for a long time, feeling the violent energy that is like a volcanic eruption, and the magical condensation of nuclear fusion above her head. When her mind moves, her whole body is blurred, and she is about to open the space-time channel. , Escaped the twisting enchantment.

Anyway, Li Rui's [theocracy·torture] did not have much effect on her, and the unbearable soul flogging of other human bodies would bring her pleasure!

The illusory golden dragon entrenched all over his body disappeared in a flash, and in just an instant, most of the divinity that Li Ruiwen had cultivated for a long time was consumed.

Mysterious and mystical [Eternal immortality concept faded from his body, Li Rui keenly noticed the actions of the short-haired girl, and raised his sword with a grin.

What run?

A ball of pitch-black magical power shot out along the blade, accurately hitting the short-haired girl, and shook the hazy breath of her body.

[No ball!

The hero fires a virtual ball at the target, causing 65 (+70% spell power) magic damage and interrupting the target's skill guidance.

The overflowing energy will surround the hero, providing a shield that can absorb 60 (+30% spell power) magic damage. The shield lasts for 2 seconds.

Strange magical power poured into the body, causing the girl's spirituality to tremble. It was such a momentary interruption that the space-time passage that was about to be opened was closed again.

The translucent ball-shaped twisted enchantment is like a cage, generally confining all human bodies to a square inch, and can only watch the world and the earth slam out!

"Do not!"

Void energy condensed into a basketball-sized purple-red meteorite falling from the sky.

Dragging a little bit of starlight and dark flames, this meteorite full of destructive aura brought a trace of sadness.

At the same time, there was a muffled sound that made the scalp numb from the depths of the earth, and the ground seemed to roll over with boiling water. The terrifying magic power compressed to the extreme formed a volcanic eruption, venting tyranny to the whole world.


Li Rui withdrew and retreated. The aftermath of the spell was like a harmless breeze under the action of the system law, gently blowing on his face.

But in the eyes of others, the entire world was torn in half by a thunder.

The boundary between heaven and earth became blurred, and the bottom-up and top-down tyrannical magic collided together, blasting the hapless ones caught in the middle, and unleashing infinite destructive power on them.

And while Li Rui was hitting ten enemies one by one, the teammates who had already begun to read articles were also full of strength, and at the moment when the magic collision weakened, they tacitly slammed all the attacks up.

"The Spear of Saint Longinus!"

"Six Nether Records·Huangquan!"

"Emperor Decree·Five Elements Against Yin and Yang·The Heaven and Earth Are Dead"


The highly condensed divine attack was compressed and released in a small area, and the conflicts of diametrically opposite forces violently turned this small area into an invisible chaos, full of colorful turbulence and tumbling, refining all the materials in it. Into the most basic energy and particles.

The colorful energy ball slowly rotates, like a black hole vortex swallowing the surrounding matter and spiritual energy.

The hurricane visible to the naked eye gradually takes shape, continuously expanding the magic orb, allowing the pressure inside it to expand infinitely.

Looking at the Chaos Orb with a diameter of less than ten meters, Li Rui stood on the edge of the killing range, surging in his heart, and his clothes were hunting and hunting.

But at this moment, the perfect round ball trembles suddenly, and the surface is irregularly bulging, as if something is about to come out of it.

The pupils suddenly condensed, and Li Rui had only time to transport his defenses, the colorful chaotic magic ball burst, and the entrapped aura that escaped easily erased everything along the way.

The substantive energy slowly dissipated, more than a dozen ferocious skeletons suspended in mid-air, carrion, thorns, turbid spring water and other symbols attached to the bones gradually turned them into mountain-like horrible monsters.

Or in other words, this is their true face...

The body of the evil **** walking on the earth!

"Why wouldn't you die obediently?"

"Why can't we understand our compassion?"

"Struggle will only bring despair more terrifying than death..."

"Since your ignorance cannot be redeemed, let us take you to the darkest abyss..."

Layers of whispers echoed between heaven and earth, and the whole world trembled slightly, as if fearing their majesty.

A dozen broken stone slabs turned from virtual to solid in the palm of the evil god, and then slowly gathered together to form an old and worn square stone tablet.

It seems to have gone through hundreds of millions of years, with chaotic marks all over every corner of the stele. Just by looking at it, you can feel a primitive and primitive atmosphere.

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