Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 776: , Stepped through this tribulation


The terrifying monster that swelled to a height of more than ten meters spread out and rose to the sky as if slowly but urgently.

But Li Rui was keenly aware that they were not running chaotically, but arranged in a strange symmetrical pattern.

In the center, it is the old stone stele that he seems to have known before...

He had seen this thing, and it was snatched from the call "Seaweed" before, and the slate fragments that were almost untouched had the same breath as it!

"Come on!"

The eyebrows were tingling, and the extraordinary spiritual sense was crazy. Li Rui stamped his feet on the ground. With him as the center, a radius of more than ten meters suddenly collapsed, and the spiderweb-like cracks spread to hundreds of meters away!

[The ghost walks fast!

[Phase rush!

A white bowl-shaped cloud burst out above his head. He tore through the air at a violent speed, and instantly overtook the stone monument, without hesitation, he cut the strongest sword!

[Shenwei·Crescent Moon!

[Void Blade!

[Indestructible Grip!

[The thorn of fear!


The violent power shrank into a thin, materialized sword light, and the translucent glass sword qi trembled and buzzed on the blade, as if it was about to be unable to maintain its own form.

A sword that was enough to tear the sky and smash the earth touched the stone tablet without any fancy, but Li Rui's eyes narrowed because of the feedback.


A streamer shot into the earth, and the spreading heavy shock wave formed a wall of gas visible to the naked eye, sweeping the entire world at supersonic speed.

The ground with a radius of several hundred meters cracked suddenly, collapsed in the middle, and the surrounding area was raised high, forming a radioactive pit with a depth of several tens of meters.

In the center of the pothole, Li Rui looked up at the sky, and the blood crystal sword in his right hand was dim and cracked.

From the palm to the shoulder, the entire right arm swelled and rotted, and there was a steady stream of dirty pus flowing out. The thick thorns of the thumb were like maggots tumbling in the rotten flesh, tearing apart white bones.

More than a dozen original divinities raged in his right arm, and the violent pain rushed into his mind, but Li Rui stared at the sky for an instant, watching the attacks of his teammates wear away under the gradually taking shape of the super giant magic array.

More than a dozen evil gods are arranged in a strange symmetrical formation, and the dark aura visible to the naked eye links them together to form a simple abstract pattern.

The concise pattern with a diameter of more than ten kilometers slowly grew out of "branches", and the gorgeous and evil inscriptions spread madly, plumping the entire circle.

Lying on the ground, watching the magnificent formation that gradually occupied the entire sky, Li Rui's heart kept sinking.

He had a hunch that it might be difficult for him to leave another dimension alive...


As soon as the cowardly thought arose, he was strangled to death, and the divine nature in the depths of the body and soul ran wildly, killing and expelling the alien origin in the arm!

Even if I die, I can't take a step back!

[If the immortal dragon loses its courage, no matter how powerful the body is, it will be just a pile of rotten meat!

The immortal is the body, but the eternal is the spirit!

Even after experiencing immeasurable calamity, my sword will not waver at all!


The energy in the body rushed and roared, the bones trembled and the tiger and leopard thunder sounded, and the third stage [Eternal immortality and immeasurable calamity automatically operated, clearly touching a bottleneck!

After nearly a year of cultivation and the stimulation of death, the third stage [Eternal Immortality and Immeasurable Tribulation] finally came to completion.

At the same time, after condensing the will, the bottleneck of the golden rank loosened again, and it seemed that as long as you stretched out your hand and pushed it gently, the barrier that day would collapse suddenly!

However, Li Rui did not fluctuate at all in his heart. He knew that all this was just an illusion.

What is clear now is only the direction of the breakthrough. He hasn't reached the end without months of hard cultivation, and the gate of the golden rank is still far away for him!

The immediate stimulus of the epiphany has not substantially improved the combat effectiveness, but as long as he has gone through this disaster, the advanced gold is just a trick for him!

As long as... stepped through this disaster...

Looking at the increasingly plump and magnificent magic circle across the sky, Li Rui frantically squeezed the divinity in his body, annihilating the alien origin in his arms little by little.


Large round wheels bloom in the magic circle, and mysterious and evil words and patterns are transformed from energy to substance, as if using the entire world as paper to write down taboo knowledge leading to the highest palace of the universe.

"Kabbalah tree of, what the **** is this?"

Grace looked at the speciously complex tree-shaped pattern, only to feel that her flesh and blood had begun to be twisted uncontrollably, as if she wanted to transform into an evil life with self-consciousness and tear her mother body apart.

"Its "roots and whiskers" have penetrated into the foundation of the world, and its "branches" have penetrated into the void, and we are fighting against the entire universe..."

Raphael said tiredly, staring at the ancient stone monument in the center of the formation.

She knew that it was this seemingly insignificant weird prop that condensed all the power of the evil **** into a whole and opened the way to the indescribable.

There were clear and clear warnings from the spirituality. Everyone was anxiously and futilely attacking the magic circle, but apart from the initial formation, there was a slight fluctuation. Later, hundreds of meters thick divine light even gradually forced them back.

A circle of dark clouds gradually expanded at the top of the world, slowly covering the different-dimensional battlefield covering an area of ​​thousands of square kilometers.

The dark and deep clouds seemed to go straight through the void, shadows and darkness swallowed the entire world, and only the gorgeous magical array that exuded evil light shone on the earth.

If the previous battlefield in another dimension was monotonous and dead, then the world now seems to have come alive and become a crazily distorted existence with self-consciousness!

Suddenly, more than a dozen Cthulhu human bodies opened their mouths at the same time, neither male nor female, as if the pain and wailing of hundreds of millions of people shook the world.

The world shook, and the spirit of speech reverberated throughout the plane, as if resonating with this repressive and harsh whisper, forming repeated whispers.

"Through me, into the city of endless pain."

"Through me, into the pit of eternal misery."

"Through me, into the crowd that has never recovered."

"Chaos pushes my noble creator."

"I am the crystallization of theocratic power, mind, and love ~ there was no eternal creation before me."

"I will be immortal with the source."

"Those who enter will sever all hope." (Note 1)

The whispers that made the scalp numb came into my mind, and the invisible voice turned into substance, distorting the flesh and blood spirit a little bit.


Violent and painful wailing sounded not far away, Li Rui turned his head and looked around, and saw a twisted and swollen monster with deformed arms all over his body raising a pistol and slowly aiming it at his head.

"Fuck him, give me revenge!"

There was a frantic roar from the mind network, accompanied by a gunshot, the monster's head burst like a watermelon, and yellow and white mucus spilled over the ground.

Xiao Huang!

Li Rui's pupils shrank, and bloodshot eyes spread wildly in his eyes.

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