Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 777: , [Lover’s Blessing]

The illusory soul that was invisible to others collapsed into an infinitely small singularity, warped time and space under the action of the system, and passed by in a flash, instantly returning to the depths of the rune land inscribed with his original information.

And as the soul pulled away, the deformed corpse on the ground also disappeared like a phantom.

"Brother, I'm so uncomfortable"

My sister's words came in my mind, but the sweet and soft voice in the past became piercing and sharp, like the neighing of some kind of monster.

"Xiaowei, close the five senses, don't listen"

"It's useless that voice comes from the bottom of my heart"

Feeling his sister's voice became more and more weird, Li Rui's brain turned wildly.

This is mythical pollution. Without divine protection, mortals cannot resist

Then why did Xiao Wei persist longer than Xiao Huang? By the way, she hides between my flesh and soul, and pollution must penetrate my spiritual barrier before it can affect her.

But I can’t resist pollution by myself, so how can I protect Xiao Wei?

As his thoughts flowed, Li Rui's heart suddenly moved.

"Xiao Wei, come into my left hand"

The surging divinity was poured into the left arm, and the golden **** clothing turned from virtual to solid on the front of the fist, gradually spreading to the elbow.

Borrowing the personality and shielding nature of the **** clothing, Li Rui clearly noticed that his sister's distortion had stabilized, and he was quietly relieved.

But the price is that the Cthulhu Origin in his right arm rioted again, and the flesh and blood that he finally recovered was torn apart, filthy pus and blood flowed out.

Supporting the ground with his sword, Li Rui stood up leaning on the densely cracked blood crystal sword, and looked at the other two figures that were crumbling towards him.

"team leader"

Luo Li and Teacher Hanna, who have spiritual armor, have no obvious physical aberrations, but their pupils have lost their luster and cast a layer of gray.

But just halfway through, Luo Li suddenly stretched out a pair of bat wings out of thin air to cover the sky and the sun. A dark shadow with a wingspan of hundreds of meters bloomed on the ground, and then gently closed forward and kept shrinking.

"No, Dad, I can still fight, I can still"

Luo Li was visibly stunned, and then sensed the familiar breath of blood connection and let out an anxious cry.

Constantly struggling but useless, Li Rui and her looked at each other in the air, their vision was gradually blocked from bottom to top by the shrinking bat wings, and finally the gap broke.

"Anyone who kills Cain will be punished seven times."

An inexplicable threat sounded in his mind, and the spindle-shaped bat-wing cocoon room that was several meters high disappeared in front of Li Rui in an instant.

Through the soul connection of the system, Li Rui understood that Luo Li had entered a mysterious "I am not here" state.

Using the means of being withdrawn from the concept of existence, in a short period of time into a magical state of inaudible, unseeable, unknowable, untouchable, unharmful.

And the existence that can pull her back from this state must also be able to hear the threat of the curse full of divinity.

The protection card left by Prince Abel on her

A glimmer of understanding flashed in his heart, Li Rui secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time understood why that terrible stone steps would allow his daughter to take risks with him.

It turns out that when there is real danger, there is this life-saving card.

At the same time, the Evil Prince who was watching the live broadcast on TV burst the glass in his hand.

"I shouldn't let her fool around with that dead boy"

"You calm down, no one can protect children under their wings forever"

He was suppressed with a burst of shouts, and a mature face similar to Luo Li stared at the screen, his hands clenched together pale.

The air fell into weird silence, and the two beings standing at the apex of the transcendent world could only be like ordinary parents, praying for their children to be safe.

At the same time, Hannah teacher in the battlefield finally came to Li Rui.

Holding Li Rui's shoulders, she showed a poignant smile.

"Ruijun, close your eyes, okay"

Following her words, closing her eyes, a warm touch was printed on her lips, a surging divine power poured into her body, and instantly expelled the Cthulhu origin remaining in her right arm.

The dirty pus was forced out instantly, the granulation squirmed, the skin closed, and the whole arm returned to normal in a blink of an eye.

"You are blessed by your lover."

"Immune to all mental interference."

"Get absolute will and reject spiritual pollution."

"Causality, law, logic and other high-dimensional distortions are invalid for you."

At the same time, Li Rui's mind resounded like nothing.

"I devote myself to you, my lover"

Teacher Lover used a World Destruction Sealed Artifact

The beauty on the fierce battlefield was fleeting, Li Rui suddenly opened his eyes, but there was no one in front of him.

Just about to turn around and look back, there was a dull, sticky, vague sound, as if a monster from the bottom of the ground whispered behind him.

"Don't look back, it doesn't look good"

After a pause, Li Rui froze in place, with mixed feelings in his heart.

Bless me with all the divine nature, how can Hannah teacher resist pollution?

A pair of rough, sharp claws wrapped around his neck from behind, gently straightening his slightly slanted head.

"Look forward and save the world"

The nausea was sticky, as if the sound of pus tumbling blocked Li Ruixin's hair.

Taking a deep breath, he looked straight ahead and took a slow step.


The golden red flames disappeared in place instantly, and in the next second, he had appeared thousands of meters high in the sky. The gilded blood spread along the right arm, penetrated into the blood crystal sword covered in the cobweb cracks, and turned the sharp and narrow monster sword instantly recovery


The glazed sword light that traverses the world seems to be splitting the curtain covering the sky.

The evil aura that swelled to a thickness of several thousand meters opened the canyon-like gap, and then slowly closed again.

No, no punch

Without even touching the magic circle itself, Li Rui's eyes flashed with determination.

Can't let it swell

Just about to use desperate means, UU reading suddenly heard the sound of the system without fluctuations.

"The different-dimensional stage is falling, and it is estimated that there are five minutes left to coincide with reality"

His pupils shrank, and Li Rui seemed to have guessed the plan of a group of evil gods.

In the real world, if they dared to carry out such a big magic ritual, within ten seconds, a large group of rough stones holding eighteen artifacts would come and watch them.

But in the isolated battlefield of another dimension, no matter how strong Li Rui, Michael and others are, they will not be more difficult to deal with than a group of rough stones outside.

As long as the magic circle is completely unfolded, dragging the illusory space back to reality, using the flesh and blood of millions of people in a city as sacrifices, and using the Holy Grail of Destiny as the master key, they can get much more.

And the existence that can allow a group of evil gods to sacrifice must be more advanced gods

Taboo knowledge, immortal divinity, the key to a higher ladder

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