Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 778: , I only need 1 moment

These things are enough for the evil gods to take risks

Anyway, the worst result is the loss of a human body

Woo woo

There was a monotonous and depressing sound from the clouds of the void, and a shocking primitive fear flooded everyone's minds.

The whole world is twisted and glued, viscous liquid seeps out of the ground, and tentacles hang down in the sky, like seaweed drifting along with the waves, and like dying and struggling mollusks, creeping hideously.

The smelly liquid dripped from the tentacles, and the entire battlefield seemed to be raining heavily.

The sky was spinning, the feeling of weightlessness made people unable to stabilize the figure, and a deep and vague mutter came from the dark depths of the head.

In a daze, there seems to be some indescribable existence gradually awakening


Li Rui was suddenly excited, and a cold sweat broke out from his vest.

It is not that "He" wakes up, but that we fall into "His" dreams.

A never-ending nightmare

"Michael, you have to take out all the cards, it's going to work hard"

With a roar, Li Rui looked at the two girls next to him, and guiltily conveyed three words on the spiritual network.


However, the two of them just shook their heads, their eyes clear and firm.

Aya Xiyi: "I will help you open the passage."

Zhao Youxuan: "Me too, but can I become a snake"

Unexpectedly, Zhao Youxuan still remembers the agreement with herself, Li Rui smiled bitterly and nodded.

At this moment, a cold and painful voice rang in everyone's ears, and the intermittent voice seemed to be suffering endless torture.

"Li Ruitian Absolute Slaughter Sword creates possibility in impossible, that is the only hope in billions of futures"

The spirit platform is clear, and in an instant, everyone seems to see their own future and their own destiny.

"I alone town Nether, incarnate into a hell, contain the world's greed, hatred, hatred, love and evil desires"

In a deep whisper, Aya Xiyi flicked her sleeves and turned into purple and black lumps and melted in the air. The distortion of the entire world suddenly stopped. The Nether realm expanded to the end of her line of sight, erasing and dissolving the deformed flesh and blood that was creeping between heaven and earth. Awaken everyone from the nightmare


The cyan five elements bloomed, and a giant snake that was hundreds of meters long and comparable to a heavy-duty train emerged in the sky, making a deafening neigh.

Like a dragon flying, the giant snake slammed its head against the divine light that protects the magic circle, and a huge gap was blasted out of the thousands of meters thick barrier.

The evil spirits presiding over the ceremony shook together, and the original massive and huge figure was as small as a bug in front of the giant snake.

The magic circle covering the world was slightly shaken, rippling like water waves.

Immediately, the colorful divine light gathered in the giant snake sky, and all the aura between heaven and earth was sucked into a thumb-sized chaotic source energy core, and any wise life could clearly feel that a destructive force was gathering.

The ritual has entered a critical moment, and the evil gods who can't tell the strength can only watch the giant snake swallow the vitality of the world, refining it into chaotic energy that destroys everything.

Looking at the increasingly obscure and deep Primal Chaos Pearl, they can only pray that the magic circle that is about to take shape can withstand this blow.

But on a more mysterious spiritual level, a stubborn existence is frantically robbing them of control of the world and constantly interfering with the ritual.


The three blazing angels came to Li Rui as if teleporting, the gorgeous wings spread out, and the warm brilliance enveloped the earth.

The infinite holy light blooms in the sky, like a hot sun floating in the sky.

The clouds dissipated, and the holy light penetrated through the void, and an illusory and gorgeous gate that was dozens of kilometers long and completely made of gold gradually solidified.

Suddenly, joyous singing echoed in the white clouds in the sky, as if singing the great existence.

Without any words, everyone who looks at the door understands what it is

Gate of Heaven


The blazing golden halo condensed on the heads of the three seraphs, and amid the quaint and mysterious loud noises, the gate of the illusory kingdom of heaven slowly opened, and endless golden light was thrown into the world through the gap.

Looking through the gap in the door, people can peek into the three star-hot divine energy bodies inside the door.

call out

Three substantive holy lights shoot out from the stars and converge on Li Rui in the material world.


Grace stretched out her hand to support Li Rui's right shoulder: "I give you the power of God in the name of the miracle angel Gabriel"

System: "Blessed by Gabriel, the unique source of God, your damage will be increased by 1000, and you will get the special effect of God's power."

"Power of God: Your attack ignores all resistances below the true God level, and the critical strike chance increases by 10,000 in a short time."

Raphael stretched out his hand to support Li Rui's left shoulder: "I give you the body of God in the name of the healing angel Raphael"

System: "Blessed by Raphael, the unique source of God, your damage will be reduced by 100, and you will get the special effect of God's body."

"The Body of God: Immune to damage below the True God Rank, refuse to die in a short time"

Michael stretched out his hand on Li Rui's vest: "I give you the majesty of God in the name of Michael the Lord of Light"

System: "With the blessing of Michael, the uniqueness and origin, your all attributes will be increased by 1000, and you will get the special effects of the majesty of God."

"The majesty of the gods: your personality is temporarily elevated to the true **** level, and you can control the world's laws in a short time."

"You get unlimited energy, all your skills and talents are forced to cool down, and you get a 10000 cool down reduction"

The purple golden dragon eye contracted and condensed, and Li Rui saw the high-dimensional level Aya Xiyi's difficult perturbation law, and saw Zhao Youxuan swallowing chaotic vitality while enduring the pain of melting flesh and blood.

These shouldn’t be the burdens that their level bears

And what is the culprit of all this?

His gaze shifted, but even with a temporary true **** personality, Li Rui still couldn't see through the essence of the stele.

A group of distorted and disorderly chaos enveloped it, and UU Reading blocked all prying eyes.

"Li Rui, you are not a blazing angel in heaven. The blessing of uniqueness can only last for a short time. You only have one chance."

The voices of Michael and the three overlapped, forming a solemn echo.

An inexplicable fateful solemn emotion arose in Li Rui's heart, and a slight smile evoked at the corner of his mouth.

"Enough, I just need a moment"

As the voice fell, a tyrannical and vast aura fell on him, the terrifying divine light distorted the world, and the magic circle in the sky swayed violently.

Startled and regretted

The all attributes of the majesty of the gods are improved, and the body of the gods is immune to death in a short time, Li Rui started a suicide promotion

The strength that had been nurtured for nearly a year was concentrated at this moment, and Li Rui's attributes on the system panel soared at a terrifying speed.

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