Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 779: Killing the gods

Health value: 700,000, 1 million, 3 million, 10 million

Attack power: 12,000, 100,000

Ghost walk

Phase rush

Approach rate

Like a gradual compression spring, Li Rui squatted slightly with his feet, with infinite strength condensed in his body.

The emerald aura emerged from his heart. At this most critical moment, Li Wei resisted the intrusion of pollution and blessed all his strength on his brother.

Meow dance glowing hot incense burner


Shuria's Rhapsody


All bonus effects become extremely terrifying under the increase of life and death balance.

The underlying operating rules of the system and the laws of the plane do not overlap, causing these blessings to be counted as Li Rui’s basic attributes, and are amplified by the posture of regret and the only original divinity.

The end result is that the other-dimensional battlefield cannot withstand the creator’s mighty power, and the entire world begins to crack and annihilate under his feet.

Health value: 50 million 60 million

Feeling that he was about to reach his limit, Li Rui grinned slyly and activated his new equipment.

Gargoyle Slate Armor

The only passive stone skin: if 3 or more enemy heroes are nearby, provide an additional 40 armor and magic resistance bonus.

The only active metallization: Health increased by 40 and hero size increased, but the damage caused was reduced by 60 for 40 seconds.

If the stone skin effect is active, the increase in health will be 100.

More than a dozen enemies perfectly activated the metalization, and his health doubled again. Li Rui's figure instantly rose to five meters, and the energy of blood and blood that exceeded the limit of his control exploded his internal organs. If it were not for the body of God to be immune to death, he hadn't If you make a move, you will explode into blood.

Under the brief blessing of the true **** personality, Li Rui twisted the law and temporarily blocked the negative state of reducing the damage by 60.

After all the preparations were made, the tyrannical black light of destruction covered the sword in his hand, and all the power was condensed and compressed. Li Rui seemed to be holding a miniature black hole, and its existence alone made the plane tremble.

The earth cracked, and countless abyssal gorges that passed through the void centered on Li Rui, spreading like a spider web to the end of the world.

Tian Jue Stance

Sword of Slaughter Lock


My heart felt that when Li Rui squeezed himself to the limit, the giant snake in the sky spewed out a chaotic beam of light tacitly, and easily penetrated the thousands of meters thick divine light barrier.

In the next moment, the world stands still, time freezes, and the world returns to absolute tranquility.

Li Rui raised his eyes and looked down the channel penetrated by the chaotic light beam. He saw the primitive stone stele in the center of the magic circle and the continuum of countless time and space behind it, reaching the bottom of the dark abyss.

It seemed that a dark narrow passage was opened in front of him, and all the light sources condensed, and then a continuous stream of radioactive light rushed towards him.

go to hell

Tian Jue Slaughter Excalibur Released

Shenwei Crescent

Without any signs, the dark sky was brilliant in a ten thousandth of a second, spanning dozens of kilometers, and the magic circle covering the entire sky was divided into two, "slowly" dissociating.

The magical barrier that was several kilometers thick cracked silently, the materialized fragmented magical energy exploded in one direction, and the rest even remained intact.

The violent divine light made the whole world dark, only the "wound" torn by the magic circle bloomed with an indescribable black light of destruction.

The sound seemed to be erased at this moment, and only the silent and cracked magic circle remained between the world and the earth.

After a few tenths of a second, the loud noise of the original explosion of the universe bloomed in the ears, and an undetectable small spot of light instantly expanded into a star, followed by a ring-like energy shock wave spreading.

Immediately afterwards, endless rays of light obscured the line of sight, and the world fell into pure white.


Only then did the aftermath of Li Rui's ejection start blasting on Michael and the others.

The trivial recoil blasted the three blazing angels hundreds of meters away, and the space where Li Rui stood just now had broken through a big hole, and Michael could even see the endless void below along the crack.


The violent energy ravaged the world, the mountain peaks were ablated, the sea was evaporated, and thousands of square kilometers of cities were razed to the ground. Only the edges of the battlefield were left with ruined walls above the ground.

A few seconds later, when the energy storm dissipated, there was only one indifferent man shaking his sword in the sky, looking back at the horrible scene he had created.

Stone steles filled the sky surrounded him, and more than a dozen deformed evil gods staring at him blankly.

I was sloppy

Destructive sexual energy violently conflicts in the body, and the third eternal immortal immeasurable tribulation repairs the meridian flesh and blood in vain, but in fact, every cell has been broken into the most basic particles by the Jingzheyou and Tianjueshu Divine Sword. Under the forcible kneading of the god's body, he still temporarily retained his human form.

"The sinner who killed the gods, after you die, you will fall into the abyss forever and suffer endless torture."

More than a dozen evil gods issued a hoarse curse, and the last trace of divine power turned the language into a yoke visible to the naked eye and entangled Li Rui.

However, Li Rui just sneered, looked around with pitying eyes, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

"Who said I was going to die"

God cursed the fate of no death, Li Rui shook his shoulder, and the real shackles were instantly shattered.

"Hahahaha, how can I, Li Rui, be killed by your evil gangs? You are too high to see yourself. Remember, I am an immortal dragon."

Above the head is the slashed void, UU reading is surrounded by the gods, Li Rui stands in the center of the world, laughing wildly, his magnificent words shook the world, and the tyrannical and majestic figure of that one person suppressing the entire world with one sword seems to be The soldering iron cast a lingering shadow in everyone's hearts.

Can this man really kill?

"Impossible, your body and soul are exhausted and dead, why can't you see the death close at hand"

Before the words were finished, the Slaughter God Sword Intent burst out, and the black light of destruction came out of the body, and the evil gods were tied into hedgehogs.

Because I was born again, idiot

With a sneer in his heart, Li Rui condensed the last trace of strength, and a giant beast that traverses heaven and earth condenses behind him.



The "sky" collapsed, and the sky had been completely replaced by a bottomless black hole-like throat. In a trance, everyone seemed to see a terrifying monster larger than the planet opening its greedy mouth, and "slowly" swallowing the earth.

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