Looking at the amazing numbers on the system panel, Li Rui's eyes were far away, and he sighed slightly.

Alas, the summoning object is not powerful. The average silver level can only give less than 100 experience points, and 10 gold coins.

However, the corners of his mouth that couldn't restrain his frantic upwards exposed the true emotions in his heart.

Caleb old iron, since I saw your archangel legion, you brother, I have settled

Try again for every level, Ollie gives

Cheering on Michael secretly in his heart, Li Rui slowly exhaled a sulky breath and forced himself to check the panel data in a calm state.

Li Rui

Race: Human Real Dragon

Energy level: Golden level

Grade: 267

Life value: 3445210213791717 spell power x2 undigested extra life value 97248 points

Mana: 79217921 undigested extra mana 6214 points

Armor: 16861533x110 undigested additional armor 776 points

Magic resistance: 16471498x110 undigested additional magic resistance 810 points

Attack power: 2138 undigested additional attack power 954 points

Spell power: 777738443 mana 2 health x140 undigested extra spell power 3142 points

Li Rui held his chin, thought and analyzed carefully, and finally realized it.

Mom, I'm invincible

When he used the true **** personality to cut out the sword that killed the gods, the so-called golden stage bottleneck was inadvertently crushed to pieces.

He finally understood the happiness of those gods when they were promoted.


What it is

Sorry, high personality can really do whatever you want

After the advanced gold, the huge undigested attributes made him even more excited.

This advanced income is estimated to be several times or even ten times that of normal gold

However, the other gain is no less than it

Eternal immortality

Whoever can't kill me will make me stronger

When being repeatedly devastated, infinitely close to death and then recovering, the eternal immortal immeasurable calamity will provide massive attribute growth

And Li Rui was close to death before. If he glanced at the system panel, he would find that the blood volume was negative.

He completely relied on the characteristics of the body of God to be immune to death for a period of time

Originally, this level of destruction is eternal, immortal, and immeasurable calamity feedback is useless, because once the divine power disappears, he will die on the spot and turn into fly ash.

But there is still a rebirth

This is very unreasonable, there is no fat

The original blood volume of more than 60,000 without any digestion process directly skyrocketed to 90,000

The double resistance has almost doubled, and even the smallest increase in attack power has increased by more than 600 points, reaching 2000

The only pity is that the mana value and spell power have not changed.

Among the remaining 97248 points of undigested HP, half is the result of feasting and overgrowth, and the other half is the natural growth of promotion to gold

In other words, the eternal immortal immeasurable calamity, feast, overgrowth, and advanced harvest add up, and his blood volume has been directly tripled.

Looking at the formula for calculating the true damage caused by Silver Feast of 80070 spell power 5 maximum health, Li Rui blinked and fell into thought.

After all the harvest and digestion are completed, 180,000 HP, 10,000 spell power, and 30 damage to Landry’s Torment will be activated during the battle

E20000's kill line

You know, with the exception of some meat shield tanks, most of the gold ranks don’t have 20,000 full health

Boring to meet

Is it a bit too much

At the same time, Li Rui also realized the horror of top-level exercises.

He has worked so hard for so many years and bought countless armors, but the income is equal to the growth of the feedback from this eternal immeasurable calamity.

Of course, this is the growth of his attributes with his life, and cannot be regarded as a conventional method.

But if a person uses the same technique to continuously loop this process, jumping repeatedly on the edge of death, and he is lucky enough not to kill himself halfway through

A tall and burly figure flashed in his mind, Li Rui finally understood why Wang Lei was called the strongest golden rank in the world

With eternal immortality and immeasurable calamity as death, and not right for so many years of penance, I don’t know how terrifying he has accumulated.

Shaking his head, Li Rui suppressed the eager challenge in his heart.

He still vaguely remembered that Wang Lei mentioned that his immortal immeasurable calamity seemed to be the sixth or seventh stage.

According to Li Rui’s current understanding of this technique, the farther to the back, the more terrifying the gap between each level.

He doesn’t seem to have an advantage in attributes, equipment, skills, or combat experience.

It is still too early for the title of the strongest competition.

Converging his emotions, Li Rui began to study the remaining extra attributes.

The mana value has almost doubled, and the magic power has nearly doubled. The real magic power is almost doubled. Not counting the increase, I really am a master

But looking at that special Faqiang number, Li Rui's eyes were inexplicably sharp.


Everything seems to have been predestined, there are seven intentions in the dark, can it be that you can't escape the arrangement of a spicy man when crossing the other world

Strange thoughts of melon skin flashed in his mind, Li Rui shuddered, cut off distracting thoughts, and continued to move his eyes down.

The best thing is 1600 double resistance. After the extra attributes are fully digested, it will be the same as the blood volume. It has about three times the growth, which is astonishing.

Only the growth of attack power is a little bit stretched, only doubled "insignificantly".

However, including the giant Hydra’s attack boost based on its maximum health of 15 and one sword down to 6000 physical damage

This is not even counted as his various attack effects, if you come to a dark harvest by the way


Dark harvest

Li Rui's eyes lit up and opened the skill panel.

Dark Harvest Bronze Level 6

Damage to a hero unit with a health value of less than 50 will cause adaptive damage and harvest the hero's soul, permanently increasing the damage of the Dark Harvest by 15 points.

Dark Harvest base damage 200 points 32825 adaptive damage growth 15 physical attack power 15 spell power

Cooling time 19 hours

Reset the cooldown when participating in a kill

32825, UU reading www. uukanshu.com grows ten times and feels comfortable

Thanks Caleb old iron, hope people are okay.

Li Rui put his hands together, grateful with a pious attitude.

After the prayer was completed, Li Rui scanned all the attribute changes and let out a long sigh of foulness.

In fact, normal transcendents also have these increases after they are advanced, but they do not have a system panel and cannot directly see the specific numbers. They can only know that there will be a high-speed growth period based on experience.

Is actually the process of digesting potential

In addition, for normal silver advanced gold, the dimensional growth obtained should be only a fraction of its own, or even a tenth of its own.

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