According to the barrel theory, this six-dimensional full attribute combination that is more than ten times higher than the same level is simply a boss-like existence.

When all the gains this time have been transformed into actual combat power, he is confident to touch even the secret diamond.

Excited to make a fist, Li Rui thought and opened the skill talent panel.

"The host swallows divine power, and the progress of spiritual deification is improved."

"The host is promoted to the golden rank, the new rune page is unlocked, the upper limit of all skills is raised to the gold rank, the upper limit of all runes is raised to the gold rank, the upper limit of all equipment is raised to the gold rank, [teammate position] plus two, get a blank [inheritance position] ], accept the new hero heritage!"

"Host advanced gold, lift the restrictions on the fixed template of hero skills, and enter the expert mode!"

"The high-level rules of Runeterra are unlocked!"

The rest are regular upgrades, but adding two teammates and removing the fixed template of hero skills makes Li Rui's eyes shine.

Gold rank teammates add two, what about secret diamonds and rough stones?

Even if the number of Secret Diamonds and Rough Stones per level remains the same, when it comes to the Mythical level, should they always be upgraded again?

In this way, his teammates are not as nervous as imagined!

Do not!

Not urgent!

If you do not lose your country, the power of the system can only be shared with the most trustworthy companions.

I would rather short a few teammates than open the harem at will.

Suppressing the thoughts in his heart, Li Rui put aside distractions and quickly understood the so-called expert mode.

In the past, he could only release skills according to the template set by the system, knowing it but not knowing why.

The advantage of this mode is to maximize the power, cast range, and special effect intensity (silence, imprisonment, slowing, etc.) under the premise of instant, which is the best balanced choice.

But this does not mean that it is suitable for all battlefield environments.

After the restrictions were lifted this time, Li Rui was able to adjust every parameter of his skills to deal with different enemies.

The most intuitive is that [Scream of the Wild] used to be a fan-shaped range, and now he can adjust it to a semicircle, or condense it into a line.

However, the expansion of the attack range means that the destructive power per unit area is reduced, and although the shrinking of the attack range can maximize the destructive power, it is easy to be avoided by the enemy, depending on the specific situation.

In addition, he can also choose to accumulate power to increase skill intensity, or infuse mystic spirituality, or even divinity, to enhance skill special effects.

For example, extend the silence of the enemy!

In theory, Li Rui can create a perpetual enchantment covering the entire city, in the true sense-[distorted space]!

Or summon a [dark matter] from the void that can sink the continent!

Or use [Walk in the Void] to step out of the solar system in one step!

There are only unexpected things, nothing impossible!

However, the prerequisite for everything is that he has a massive amount of mana, and an invincible spell strength, enough to move the personal divinity of all laws!

Even if all the conditions are met, according to the effect of the skill, he still has to have a certain amount of time to charge the spell.

And if you want to break through the restrictions and release a large range of high-intensity super skills in a short time, there is a special method!


Thinking of this, Li Rui's heart flashed a hint of understanding.

On the night of awakening, when he saw the ghost devouring his sister's vitality and vitality, something seemed to explode in his mind.

That [wild scream] should be the product of expert mode!

At that time, his own mana was only 19 points, and he couldn't even release a complete [Wild Scream].

But after overdrawing his spirituality, vitality, vitality, and all other potentials, he unexpectedly roared the higher-rank ghost into serious injuries.

It has to be said that Li Rui really mastered the hero skills after turning on the expert mode.

In the past, although he could adjust his skills to a certain extent each time he advanced, he was at most zooming in and out of the casting range. He could not change the real core rule structure at all, and could only use it according to the template.

Now, the system began to reveal some of the lower-level secrets in front of him. Through prying into the skills, Li Rui even faintly realized some of the operating principles of the system!

Perhaps, when he reaches the top of this world, he will be able to turn the system into a part of his power and understand and control it in a true sense!

Looking forward to the future, the smile on Li Rui's face quickly dimmed and even became a bit bitter.

Thinking too far, now the first task is to cultivate the skills to the extent that they can be promoted to gold!

Yes, there are many benefits to turning on the expert mode, but the downside is that Li Rui must learn and practice every skill!

There was no such troubles before, and the mana was poured into the template and thrown out and it was over.

Although the standard template can still be used now, if you want to upgrade your skills, you must penetrate it to a certain extent!

The upgrade options below gold are straightforward, but to upgrade to gold, control and upgrade options are indispensable...

Otherwise, there are 109 upgrade options left, and he can close his eyes and make a random one, two, three, four, five...

More importantly, not only hero skills, but also passive, talented runes, and even summoner skills must be studied with heart and soul. Li Rui couldn't help showing a bitter smile on his face.

In the following days, he will be busy...

It will take a long time to digest the massive extra attributes. Coupled with upgrading the main skill runes to the golden rank, he will be busy like a dog for at least a few years.

Fortunately, [Jingzhe·Do not use] can effectively speed up the learning and cultivation process, otherwise according to his qualifications, the vast system of treasures can make him learn to death!

Fortunately, he has grown from awakening to this point in more than three years, and his span is not only extremely frightening to outsiders!

Even he himself sensed that he was a bit involved.

Originally, God Wu wanted to settle himself, UU reading complemented the shortcomings in theoretical knowledge, but he did not expect that the Manihka human body dived into the earth, and the [Holy Grail War] followed, and he had no time to calm down. Come to study and practice.

In addition, from the only original divinity of the three Michaels this time, Li Rui peeped into something.

If he wants to ascend to the highest seat of God and cast his own uniqueness, then he can no longer absorb the original divinity of other people at will.

Otherwise, when the mythical high-level authority conflicts, the consequences can be quite serious!

In the light of schizophrenia, cut off a part of oneself and use the remaining authority to construct a harmonious and unified uniqueness.

Similar to the ancient Taoist method of killing three corpses!

But this method has a downside. The cut part will become a new "self." This is how many existing evil gods come from.

There is another way, just like Li Rui, from the very beginning, to have an understanding of ideas, not afraid of temptation, and only choose the authority that suits you for integration.

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