Thinking of this, Li Rui couldn't help but shook his head.

How many mortals can have his condition, so extravagant that they can choose [authority] by themselves?

Even the Angel Order is an illusory dream. How many people will consider the hidden dangers of demigods and even true God orders?

As if 100 billion cash is in front of us, who would consider the equity structure of the world's richest man?

It must be the first to grab the money.

Only his hand-held system, who firmly believes that he can reach the end of the extraordinary, will start the construction of uniqueness from the golden level.


Caressing his chest, Li Rui exhaled a sulky breath, annihilating the traces of restlessness deep in his heart.

It happened to be silent for a while, digesting the potential, and waiting for [Rebirth] to cool down by the way.

My foundation is not deep enough, and haste is not enough!


"Michael, is he really not dead?"

Looking at the human figure disappearing in the wind in the video on the screen, a tall and burly man asked in a low voice.

He has a tough face, his facial features are like ancient Greek stone carvings, and his body is even stronger. Sitting there is like a volcano that is ready to move, and his body is full of violent and destructive power.

"Spirituality and physical body are absolutely annihilated, and logically they should be dead."

Michael's voice was soft, looking at the screen in a daze.

"However, none of the three of us saw his [death]. The cause and effect of his fate is still entangled with us. I have a hunch that I will meet him in the future."

Grace added, her eyes a little bit resentful.

After the three of them took the initiative to withdraw, they did not see Li Rui disintegrating. She had only one thought in her heart.

Didn't you die on this horse?

Turned to ashes!

"It should be Aya Xiyi. She is in charge of death-related authority. Only she can help Li Rui escape."

Michael looked far away, and looked at the brawny man beside him faintly.

"Ulie, can you see how she modified [Death]?"

The solemn and solemn Ulay slowly shook his head: "The power of the Chinese God System is known for introverted and secretive, especially when it touches the realm of death, even I can hardly see the clues from the surface."

After a pause, his tone became solemn.

"However, the summoning circles constructed by evil have the shadow of the [Kabbalah Tree of Life], which is like the tree of evil (reverse Kabbalah), but it is specious. I think I can investigate the relevant mysticism sect, maybe I can find it. Some clues."

"In fact, although this power is huge, it is not impossible to solve it. The most important thing is who is the ritual pointing to? The object of their sacrifice is very strange. Just a trace of power leaks and causes reality to bend and degenerate. This is not ordinary. The ancient gods could even do it in the old days."

Grace shook his head and pointed the finger at the core of the problem.

"The key clue is the stone tablet, but it has been chopped into powder by Li Rui's [Heavenly Slaughter God Sword]. I don't know if he found anything at the moment he destroyed the stone tablet..."

Michael muttered to himself, then suddenly turned to ask.

"Grace, is there a response from the heavenly court?"

"No, they have been playing Tai Chi ambiguously, only knowing that Li Rui should be alive now, but the specific state cannot be determined!"

Grace sighed, but before they could figure out how Li Rui had survived, a beautiful blonde imperial sister rushed in, with anxious expression on her face.

"Michael, the angel army returning to the **** seat is so strange that many angels of power have been downgraded, and some are even close to dissipating, like being eaten by something!"

Michael's body shook, and slowly turned his head, his handsome face gradually turned into a black question mark.


Time flies like a white horse, and a few months have passed in a flash.

[Holy Grail War] The storm caused by it gradually subsided, and the people who witnessed the "War of the Gods" slowly returned to their senses.

After all, life always has to go on.

After venting the extreme fear and restlessness, the most realistic problem is still before people.

Bread and milk will not appear out of thin air, even if the world is destroyed the day after tomorrow, you still have to go to work tomorrow.

And over time, people gradually discovered that their lives didn't seem to have changed much.

The gods I saw before seemed to be special cases. The vast majority of the transcendents around him were no better than ordinary people. When a bullet passed, they would have to kneel.

And as the aura recovery intensifies, the awakening rate among ordinary people is getting higher and higher, and the transcendent is no longer an unattainable existence, but an ordinary person around him.

In this atmosphere, the originally faintly intensified "class" contradictions are alleviated, and ordinary people's resistance to the existence of transcendents has gradually become more vigilant.

Of course, this kind of "class" conflict is more reflected in European and American societies, and the situation in [Chinese] civilization circles is much better.

For example, Li Rui is now watching a fire-attribute ability person swing a large iron pan weighing more than ten kilograms up and down, and the tongue of fire flying up into the sky flies a few meters away, not only frying the dishes in the pan, but also winning The whole house cheered.

"Ruijun, their stir-fried chicken is very unique. Would you like to have another one?"

A beautiful girl with two painted lines on the left and right cheeks asked softly, it was Mr. Hanna who "put on" the skin of [Barrage Angel].

Li Rui, who also used the power of [Too Unreal Dragon] to become ordinary and nodded, looked at the flame show full of visual effects in the center of the cafeteria, and his eyes were a little surprised.

"Why, thinking about Luo Li again?"

Even after changing her skin, Teacher Hannah's eyes are still charming, and the female hormones all over her body are madly distributed, attracting the guests from the surrounding tables.

Everyone looked at Li Rui with a hint of disdain and jealousy unconsciously.

Brother, when I look at you, I know you are rich!

Not caring about the sight of people around him, Li Rui heard the teasing and complaining in her tone, and smiled embarrassedly.

" Can't you concentrate on dating me?"

Teacher Hanna gave him a faintly blank look, and she glanced over her eyes like silk. Li Rui was okay, but the guests at the tables behind them were all soft and felt that their bones were crisp.

Li Rui: "..."

You seem to just tell me to eat special dishes, right?

Why is it a date again?

No wonder Xiao Wei and You Xuan were taken away...

I thought you were afraid that snakes are too edible!

After slandering for a while, Li Rui didn't bother to correct her, scratching her head in distress.

"It will take Luo Li back to the secret realm to inherit the title in a few months, right? I can't get through the phone, and I haven't even logged in to the [War Academy]. What happened?"

If it weren't for her data on the system panel to be normal, Li Rui would have to go to the Secret Realm of the Blood Race to grab someone!

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