Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 786: , Golden Stage【Feast】

At the low-level, the effect of the Chaos Returning Zihuang Jie is not obvious, but at the high-level, its importance gradually becomes prominent.

Even at the **** level, compared to the pure attribute competition in the material world, there is a more critical winning factor-"fighting setting"!

To put it simply, my authority restrains the authority to crush you, then you are a younger brother in front of me.

And the strength of authority is not made by blowing it out. The exercises are the key to comprehend the laws of the world, especially the two magical arts like Li Rui's cultivation!

Rubbing his chin, Li Rui remembered the concept of immortality that he was leveraging the eternal immortality and immeasurable calamity, and easily blocked the original divine siege of a dozen evil gods.

At that moment, the one who contributed the most was the Return of Chaos, Zi Huang Jie!

If it hadn't been the cultivation of the return of the chaos to the source of Zihuang Jie to the second level, even if Li Rui had the divine nature, it would be impossible to use the concept of immortality in the silver rank strong action!

From that moment on, he clearly realized that the Eternal Immortal Immeasurable Tribulation and the Return of the Primal Chaos Zihuang Tribulation were really different parts of the same technique!

The two complement each other to give full play to the most powerful force!

Taking a deep breath, Li Rui cleared his mind and began to seriously understand the mystery of the law of rebirth.

Like a complex and sophisticated instrument, many complicated magical laws such as space, origin, and soul are perfectly combined to form a breathtaking great miracle!

It took Li Rui nearly half a year from the inability to start from the very beginning to the clear logic of the superficial rules.

But just to thoroughly understand the entry-level theoretical law model, the rebirth of the Silver Tier will soon reach the threshold for promotion!

During this period, Li Rui spent most of his energy on this skill, in order to keep it up with his own energy level growth.

No way, he hasn't died before, but he didn't realize the importance of skill level until the rebirth began to cool down.

The higher the skill level, the shorter the cooling time. At the same time, the higher your energy level, the longer the cooling time!

If you wait for the rebirth and cooling of the black iron to complete with the golden energy level, it is estimated that it will take nearly ten years!

Throwing down the two upgrade options, this time was immediately shortened. If the skill level can be promoted to the golden rank, the remaining half of the cooldown is estimated to be completed within a few months.

In order to save his life, Li Rui resolutely follows his inner guidance and regards rebirth as the main breakthrough direction!

However, as the two most difficult to comprehend Summoner skills alongside observers, even if most of the effort is invested in them, the progress of rebirth is still far behind hero skills.

Sure enough, what I am best at is eating...

With a sigh in his heart, Li Rui felt the sharp response of the hero of his life, and bet on a little upgrade option.


Feast·Golden Stage

Devour an enemy greedily, causing 1000 (+100% spell power) (+10% maximum health) true damage. If the enemy unit is killed with a feast, he will get a layer of feast effect, each layer The effect will increase his size and provide permanent HP growth based on the target energy level.

(The upper limit of golden life swallowing is 10000 points)

Unexpectedly, the first key skill I broke through was actually a feast, and as expected, there was providence.

Seeing the bonus ratio of the golden feast, Li Rui grinned involuntarily while sighing.

When all attributes are digested, a mouthful of 35000+ real damage is extremely fatal even to the secret diamond rank!

There is still a 10,000 point upper limit for swallowing. By the way, find a few lucky lucky guys who do no evil and take a bite, and they are one step closer to the small goal of millions of blood.

After calming down the excitement, Li Rui's thoughts flowed, combing his own skills, and found that most of them were close to the edge of upgrading.

It seems that the requirements of the golden level are still relatively low, basically as long as you master the principles of the entry level, you can advance.

When the hero skills are advanced extensively, you can focus your energy on passive and talent runes!

Compared with the active skills that can be followed, these things are more obscure and difficult, and I hope to upgrade some of them to gold before the rebirth cooling is completed.

Rubbing the scum on his chin, Li Rui narrowed his eyes, thinking about his next key choice.

Those creatures are widely distributed in most secret realms. If you add that set of runes, you can become their natural enemy!

Hunting, devouring, and completing one's last shortcoming, by the way, collect the fourth eternal, immortal and immeasurable evolutionary bloodline.

Well, in theory, this should be your best choice...

Nodding, Li Rui couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency that there is not enough time.

The power of the system is too complex and huge, and it is impossible to fully absorb it by teaching it in front of oneself.

In addition, I usually have to change my appearance to go to class, learn the extraordinary knowledge of this world, and occasionally have to take a few annoying spirits out to play...

After all, the remaining time is not enough to break into three petals!

Rubbing his temples, Li Rui couldn't help but cast his gaze on a dog gambling rune-Unlocking Cheats!

The understanding of my teammates will also become my understanding. If a **** like Aya Xiyi can help understand the talent runes, it would be better than working behind closed doors!

In addition, don't look at Zhao Youxuan's usual stupidity, when it comes to the use of extraordinary power, she is a true god!

Without any learning, many laws and powers are like instincts engraved in her blood. Just take a look and it will happen naturally!

Normally, this kind of racial talent can't even be explained to her, just like birds are born to fly, fishes are born to swim, and snakes are born to give heads, and cannot be taught to others.

But through the system's unsealing cheats, I might be able to borrow her godly instinct!

Three heads surpassed Zhuge Liang. UU reading www.uukanshu.cóm

What's more, each of his teammates is a dragon and phoenix, even the best Huang Juncai is a genius in long-range attacks!

In some sophisticated runes, maybe he is the real boss!

With his eyes flickering, Li Ruiyin was aware of the correct way to unlock the power of the learning system.

Teammate position... So it was used like this...


The quiet days continued to pass, Li Rui immersed himself in cultivating hard while paying attention to the news of the Twilight Secret Realm.

But after waiting until a certain event was not grand, but very heavy, the succession ceremony of the title was over, he received a distress signal from Luo Li through the future market, and he finally couldn't sit still.

Heading to a secret manor on the outskirts of the magic city alone, Li Rui quietly walked through the gate guard, looking at the classical buildings full of European style, and swallowed inexplicably.

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