Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 787: Save the princess

The unchanging mood of Mount Tai has disappeared, and no amount of power can eliminate the tension in his heart.

With a squirming body shape, Li Rui returned to her original appearance, tidyed up her clothes, and actively triggered the hidden detection enchantment.


Knocking on the door, he took a deep breath and forced a nervous smile.


The door opened, and a beautiful mature young woman paid out his head.

"Who is knocking at the door? Let me see if it's my dear Davarishi or the **** little Bourgeois!"

The ancient spirit looked left and right, and finally made a big circle before his azure eyes fell on Li Rui.

Li Rui: "..."

I finally know who Luo Li’s personality is.

"Hello Auntie, I'll give Luo Li something, is she at home?"

With a sunny smile, Li Rui tried his best to behave as harmless as humans and animals.


Sweeping up and down with a smile that was not a smile, the young woman who looked like Luo Li led him into the room and suddenly turned her head and shouted upstairs.

"Luo Li, a little villain is coming to you."


An invisible ripple pierced Li Rui, making his chest tighten.

Immediately afterwards, a sea of ​​blood that obscured spiritual vision poured out from the gorgeous staircase on the second floor.

A majestic and terrifying figure walked out in a sea of ​​blood, with his dreamy figure hanging on his arm.

"Stay back and let me kill him!"


The double-barreled rifle in Prince Abel's hand was crisp and loaded. Li Rui only felt a tingling pain in his eyebrows, and the head felt locked.

"Dad, don't do this!"

Luo Li was ashamed and helpless to hang on her father's arm, but she couldn't stop him at all.

"What is the ghost shouting again? Put down the gun!"

A sweet drink sounded beside Li Rui, and Prince Abel, with a destructive aura, instantly stagnated, and his whole body froze in place.

Hesitant to speak, hesitant to speak, the majestic and ferocious prince fought with heaven and man in his heart, and finally dropped his shoulders under the threatening eyes of the blond young woman.

Quietly relieved, Li Rui exchanged gazes with Luo Li without a trace, entangled with her eyes, both of them raised shy and gentle smiles on their faces.

But this smile lasted less than 0.5 seconds, and an eye-catching figure was stopped between the two.

A terrifying gaze full of killing intent stared at him condescendingly, sending a clear message.

Look at the head and it will blow you up!

But it was not the first time I saw him a little rookie who couldn't even bear his eyes. Li Rui looked at each other neither humble nor humble, showing a polite smile.

"Hello, uncle..."

"Who is your uncle!!"


The rifle was loaded again, as if the actual killing intent caused some precious porcelain to crack.

"Abel Robin!"

The Hedong Lion Roar roared again, and the monstrous ferocious might melted instantly as snow met the scorching sun.

Seeing the somewhat cringing blood prince, Li Rui felt a trace of anxiety inexplicably.

Luo Li... won't it be so fierce in the future?

"You two sit down and sit down!"

With a roar upstairs, the blond young woman turned her head and gently said to Li Rui, "Come on, sit here first, and I will pour you a glass of water."

He couldn't help but brought Li Rui to the sofa to sit down, and Luo Li, who was about to move behind him, was grabbed by his father's wrist and could only sit on the opposite corner aggrieved.


Chong Junmei's "youth" smiled honestly, and all she got was a death stare full of killing intent.

What to look at?

Dug out your eyes!

Remove your dog's eyes, or you will be shark within three seconds!

Various threats were conveyed to Li Rui clearly and unmistakably, but he could only continue to giggle as if he didn't understand.

No way, who called him Dad Luo Li?


A glass was placed in front of Li Rui, and the young blond woman sat next to him with a gust of fragrance, and looked up and down with interest.

"Thank you auntie, you are so kind!"

He took a sip from the water glass subconsciously, and Li Rui's pleasing smile instantly solidified.

The violent burning sensation spread from the mouth to the stomach, and he squeezed out a reluctant smile and swallowed the remaining liquid in his mouth forcibly.

"Auntie, isn't this water?"


After a dull impact, the thick wine bottle was severely stopped in front of him.

"Did you see the words on this? The water of life!"

Li Rui: "..."

Even with countless MMPs in his heart, his face can only show a polite but awkward smile.

"Auntie, although it is called the water of life, there is no water in it."

"How not?"

The blonde young woman glared at him dissatisfiedly, looked carefully on the formula of the wine bottle, and quickly pointed to a place to show him.

"Look, there are 4%!"

Li Rui: "..."

Hemp egg! You ignore the words 96% alcohol? !

Countless words were swallowed back when they reached their lips, Li Rui took a deep breath and forced a sensible smile.

"Auntie, you are right."


With a triumphant smile, the blond young woman took out a glass from nowhere, poured herself a full glass of life water, and clinked glasses fiercely with Li Rui.

"Nothing to entertain you, cheers!"

Li Rui: "..."

You entertain me with pure alcohol early in the morning?

Looking at the other two with a distressed look, he found that they were all painful with twitching eyes. Li Rui gave up his illusions and gave up his life to accompany the gentleman.

He could see that Luo Li's mother had the highest status in the family!

Although she was a little teasing about herself, as long as she was good enough, she might let Luo Li go when she was happy!

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and Li Rui sneered in his heart.

Stupid mortals, let you see the horror of the empty stomach pouch today!

Raise your head, swallow, pop~

A drop of clean wine glasses rested on the table with a crisp sound.

Li Rui's face has no different color, but every cell in his body is twitching.

He felt that what he was drinking was not wine, nor the so-called "water" of life, but a flame, a blazing flame!

From the tongue to the throat, esophagus, all the mucous membranes seemed to have been burnt once, burning with pain.

"Hahaha, refreshing!"

The blond young woman was bored without showing weakness, and UU reading filled them up again.

After a few cups, a faint blush appeared on the blond young woman's face, and she did not know where to take out a few bottles of the same stout water of life.

"It's not fun to use a small cup, come, Davarishi, vodka!"

Twitching his eyebrows and taking the bottle, Li Rui looked at the two people on the other side of the sofa again, showing a confused expression.

Do you usually drink this way at home?

However, both of them silently looked away, not looking at him.

With a sigh in his heart, Li Rui unscrewed the bottle cap, spoke to each other, raised his head, tons and tons...

"Oh, arrogance! As expected of the man my daughter is after!"



"Katerina! What are you talking about?"

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