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Amidst the shy coquetry and roars, Li Rui silently wiped off the wine sprayed from his nostrils and mouth, pretending that nothing happened.

"Ignore them, let's continue drinking!"

The blond young woman picked up the wine bottle and slammed him, facing her mouth more skillfully than him, looking up, tons and tons...

The sacrificial flame flashed away, and the almost pure alcohol liquid evaporated instantly. Li Rui grinned and raised his head again.

Seeing the two people fighting together like blowing trumpets, the father and daughter frowned helplessly, and stopped talking.

Tons tons tons tons tons~

A few minutes later, there were more than a dozen empty bottles on the ground, his eyes blurred, and the red-faced blond young woman looked at Li Rui's eyes.

"Xiao Rui, you drink really well, and we will have men who can drink in the future!"

Sensibly aware that Prince Abel's face twitched and was about to move, Li Rui quickly turned the topic off.

"Auntie, you are the masses."

"Hahaha, I'm getting old, it doesn't work, now even Luo Li can't win, hiccup~"


Luo Li blushed and protested against her mother's act of exposing her own bottom. If her father hadn't tied her, she would immediately come up and punch her chest.

Ignoring her daughter's wailing, the blond young woman watched for a long time, and found that Li Rui had clear eyes, his complexion had not changed, and he had very little alcohol on his body, and finally couldn't help but ask curiously.

"Xiao Rui, to be honest with Auntie, how much can you drink?"

Blinking his eyes, Li Rui weighed the pros and cons in his heart, and finally smiled slyly and shyly compared a finger.

"10 catties?"

Shook his head.

"10 kg?"

Continue to shake his head.

"Isn't it 100 kilograms? It's boring to drink it and force it out again!"

The blond young woman with a slumped mouth and an unhappy face.

Li Rui grinned when he heard this: "I never waste food. Every food will be digested cleanly with a grateful heart and become a part of my blood flow."

Looking at the white teeth gleaming in the light, the blond young woman flashed in her mind inexplicably an image of a giant beast that swallowed the world, and the vest couldn't help but feel a chill.

This bad boy is no longer that humble boy...

In a sense, his status is even higher than that of the husband and wife!

With this recognition, there was a dignified look in the blond young woman's eyes.

But the beautiful blue eyes murmured, and the emotion disappeared in an instant.

No matter how arrogant you are outside, don't you have to call mother obediently when you enter this room?

Suddenly, with pride in his chest, Li Rui's eyes became more satisfied.

High status, handsome, strong, and the key is to drink, this kind of beetle-in-law is best to be held firmly in his hand, but don't let him be eaten by other hooves!

There was an inexplicable sense of urgency in her heart, and the blond young woman moved her eyes slightly and raised a bright smile.

"Xiao Rui, I haven't thanked you for taking care of Luo Li over the years."

"Yes, auntie."

Li Rui sat upright in fear, feeling that his aunt's attitude towards him suddenly became much more kind.

"Huh! Take care of your ass, and be a fool outside all day long!"

There was a cold snort in the ear, the blond young woman threw a death stare, and the angry prince of blood immediately came down.

"Don't pay attention to him, he just has a strong mouth."

Pulling Li Rui's hand cordially, the blond young woman was careful and nodded in her heart.

It's worthy of being the [Indestructible Dragon], this blood is as thick as the sea and never bottomed out, it must be tough!

Can satisfy Luo Li's mouth in every sense!

After checking her body, the blond woman checked her household registration without any secret, and Prince Abel's face became darker and darker.

"How many suites are there?"

"My sister's name is Xiaowei, isn't it? In the future...cough cough, are you going to live together in the future?"

"Stop smoking? It's okay not to smoke."

"I don't usually drink? You can still drink with Luo Li occasionally~"


Talking about some trivial matters, Luo Li's face next to her became more and more red, and finally she felt almost bleeding.

"Mom, don't ask, the captain must come to see me in a hurry!"

While staring at Li Rui frantically, while wailing in the spiritual network, if not for his parents were in front of him, Luo Li would have rolled on the ground in shame.

Li Rui, who received the distress signal, reacted and spoke actively.

"Uncles and aunts, I came here this time to ask Luo Li to go to a place with me. Some things can only be solved by her personal presence."

"Huh! What's the matter? I'll help her solve it!"

Prince Abel waved his hand and sneered disdainfully.

"This...you really can't help her..."

Li Rui scratched his head in embarrassment. Before he was angry, he stretched out his hand and grabbed it, taking out a huge weapon box out of thin air.

The dense and obscure runes streamed brilliantly, covering the weapon box layer by layer, forming a solid and airtight seal.

Gently put it on the table, the heart-palpitating sharp breath penetrated the barrier, constantly impacting the hearts of everyone.

The husband and wife frowned, but Luo Li's eyes widened.

She could sense a blood-connected intimacy from it, and the things inside were calling her instinctively!

"Captain, is this?"

Without answering Luo Li's question, Li Rui smiled without saying a word, and gently placed his hand on the switch of the weapon box.


Accompanied by a crisp sound, the sharp and cold breath oozes out from the gap, and the biting chill is like a tide surging, waves shocking everyone.


Amidst the roar of tigers and dragons, an unpretentious blade rose into the sky and shot Luo Li directly.

Prince Abel's face changed wildly, and he was about to reach out to grab it. The sharp cold light drew a graceful arc around him, and fell precisely into Luo Li's hands.


Like the combination of two huge energy sources, the invisible spiritual power tide turned into visible ripples, touching the dense defensive array in the manor.

The crisp and sharp buzzing echoed happily, and as Luo Li's chest rose and fell, the sword strength all over the sky converged and the room quickly returned to its original state.

The eyes of the husband and wife changed. Seeing Luo Li's happily stroking the blade's face, their eyes were a little complicated.

Little girl~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I tricked you away with a broken knife?

Not in the female college!

Shaking her head secretly, the blond young woman shakes her melancholy and stares deeply at Li Rui with a strange look.

"Xiao Rui, this is a divine tool?"

"Well, didn't we get a part of the bones of the Yachi Orochi last time. It happens that someone we know can cast, so I asked him to customize a weapon for Luo Li."

Gentle eyes met the clear blue eyes, the excited Luo Li's face turned red, and she bit her pink lips lightly.

"Is that why you asked me for blood last time? Why didn't you tell me?"

"Isn't this trying to surprise you, do you like it?"

"Like! Thank you Captain!"

Rejoicing holding the treasure knife, Luo Li is like an excited dog. If his parents were not by his side, she would have pounced on Li Rui.

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