Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 789: Gnawed by a dog

, The fastest update infinite **** installed in the latest chapter of the city!

"But he is still a crude embryo. It needs to be adjusted continuously according to your original spirituality. It must go through a very complicated human-knife fusion before it can form a perfect natal artifact that suits you!"

Luo Li received the subtle eyes instantly, and with a valid reason, she immediately turned her head and said to the old man.

"Dad, I want to go back with the captain to make a knife!"


Prince Abel's breath stagnated, and for a moment he didn't know how to refute.

The resentful eyes turned to Li Rui, and the strange teeth creaked.

The dead boy is so bad that he used such a despicable trick to get my daughter!

But I couldn't say the words of rejection.

That's a tailor-made natal artifact!

Even if he is a prince, the artifacts he controls belong to the common property of the Fanzhuo clan, and theoretically are not his personal possession!

Without the consent of the Presbyterian Church, he could not privately give the artifact to his daughter.

This is why Luo Ligui is the daughter of the prince, but her outfit is somewhat unworthy of her identity.

Both families didn't want to see her, and Prince Abel could only look for help from the outside to buy her weapons.

Seeing the joy of his daughter, the guilt in his heart continued to diffuse, Prince Abel opened his mouth, and his thousands of words could only be turned into a helpless sigh.

"Well, casting artifacts is not a matter of a day or two. Stay with your parents at home for a few days, and then go back to school after a while."

Feeling the loss in her husband's heart, the blond young woman took her daughter's hand and blinked.

After reacting to it, she seemed to have poked her father's sadness, Luo Li glanced at Li Rui apologetically, took his parents' hands, and said briskly.

"Well, then stay with you for a few more days."

Prince Abel's dim eyes flashed with relief, but the feeling of debt in his heart was still stuck in his chest.

On the other side, with the promise of the head of the family, Li Rui put a big stone down in his mind and got up to leave.

"Uncles and aunts, this embryo will be temporarily raised by Luo Li, and I will leave first."

"Wait, let's go after dinner!"

The blond young woman held Li Rui, but where she could not see behind her, Prince Abel waved his hands like a fly, his face full of disgust.

go! Go! Go away!

The corners of his mouth turned up slightly, Li Rui politely refused.

"Thank you Auntie, but I still have something..."

With an apologetic smile, Li Rui took a deep look at Luo Li last and nodded and left.

"Wait, Luo Li will send Xiao Rui off, he doesn't know the way."

The blond young woman fished her daughter out of her father's hands and pushed him to Li Rui's side.

The surprised Prince Abel was about to explode, and was immediately suppressed by a pair of murderous eyes.

In an inexplicably embarrassing atmosphere, the blond young woman escorted the two to the door and raised her eyebrows at her daughter in secret.

Just do it when you get it right, don't make other hooves cheap!

Upon receiving the hint from her mother, Luo Li lowered her head, her pink and blush spread from her earlobe to the base of her neck.

"Then aunt, I'll leave first."

Walking outside the door, Li Rui turned around again to say goodbye.

The blond young woman who was showing her evil smile to her daughter suddenly remembered something and stopped him.

"By the way, Xiao Rui, I just asked how much you can drink. What does your finger mean?"

Li Rui, who turned to go, stopped, raised a soft smile, and once again pointed out a finger.

"One! Straight! Drink!"


The blond young woman with a question mark left in place, the two of them strolled along the quiet garden path. The atmosphere that should have been intimate at this time was strangely embarrassing.

Li Rui habitually wanted to stroke the dog's head and moved his five fingers slightly, but in the end he couldn't start.

"Um... have you been doing well these months?"

The girl who was looking for the topic abruptly, still immersed in her shame, gradually came to her senses, and gave him a vain look.

"You don't come to me!"

"Your [Dawn Secret Realm] does not allow outsiders to enter, why should I come to you?"

Li Rui couldn't laugh or cry.

"I don't care! It's all your fault!"

Kicked Li Rui's calf, watching him grinning, Luo Li pursed her pink lips, and took his arm.

"Huh! I am a knighted person now!"

The awkward atmosphere gradually dissipated, and it seemed that the correct way of getting along had been recovered. Li Rui smiled and nodded Xiaoqiong's nose.

"Oh, the countess is terrible!"


Little Huya opened her mouth to bite, Li Rui quickly closed her hands, her fingers dangling on her face like a dog-shaking stick.

"Oh oh oh~"

She couldn't catch it even after shaking her head and head, Luo Li suddenly reached out and grabbed the devil's claw, gnawing on his finger.

Looking at Luo Li gnawing her fingers, Li Rui's heart swayed slightly with a soft and slippery touch on her fingertips.

"You are a foul!"

"Huh! Kill you!"

Spitting out her wet fingers, Luo Li smashed her mouth and wrinkled her nose.

The two of them disappeared on the garden path, but they didn't know that there was a pair of complicated eyes watching their backs.

"My daughter will marry sooner or later, why are you sad here?"

The blonde young woman was dumbfounded and punched her husband, staggering him.

"She is still young, and she is still a baby in terms of the lifespan of the blood race. It is not too late to fall in love until she is 70 or 80."

Prince Abel was still watching the direction of his daughter's departure, his eyes sad and angry.

The wife behind rolled her eyes and shook her head silently.

"Luo Li grew up in the human world, don't use the longevity concept of time to ask her!"

"Besides, it's normal for the Frostwolf clan to marry at the age of ten or twenty!"

"That's a problem with your race!"

"You have a problem with horse race!"


If there were seemingly non-existent energy fluctuations from behind, Li Rui retracted his puzzled gaze and shrugged indifferently.

There are original stone steps, I am worried about a hammer.

"what happened?"

"It's okay, you continue to talk about that [Cain Talisman]."

"Oh, that's very powerful. The original stone steps must use clan artifacts and then imprint the magic power in the blood of the subject in the blood pool. Two years ago, I went back to the ancestral land to advance. That was when my father gave me I blessed [Cain Talisman], but I was too disheveled at the time and I didn’t even notice this!"

Slumped mouth, UU reading www. Luo Li quickly defended.

"Of course, it's also because my dad is connected to me by blood, and the magic affinity is very high. If others secretly perform the operation on me, I will definitely find out!"

With a noncommittal smile, Li Rui slowed down and finally stopped at the gate dividing line.

"Go back and spend time with your uncle and aunt."

Rubbing the dog's head dozingly, the smile on Li Rui's face made Luo Li a little bit drunk.

There was a blush involuntarily on her face, and she quietly looked around.

Confirming that there is no obtrusiveness, he tiptoes, and the soft touch is lightly printed on Li Rui's cheek.

"I'll be back in two days, and wait for me~"

The blonde Qianying disappeared from the end of her sight with a fragrant wind, Li Rui stood there for a long time, hesitantly touching her cheek.

I... was bitten by a dog?

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