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The corners of his mouth rose uncontrollably softly, and his figure squirmed, turning into an ordinary young man, stepping out the door.


The moment the toes touched the ground, the tall figure disappeared like a ghost, leaving only the subtle temporal and spatial fluctuations dissipating slowly.

Ten minutes later, the ordinary young man came to a secret private house, walked through the deep and quiet path of flowing water, and walked to the door of the house full of classical Chinese charm.

"I shot it at that time, and there was a hole in Michael's wrist that was the size of a fist. The other two birds were scared and dare not move!"

Before entering the door, he heard the frenzied blows inside, Li Rui smiled helplessly and pushed in.

A towering figure like a mountain sits on the main seat, listening to Huang Juncai's humorously with great interest, obviously without revealing any extraordinary aura, but still reminiscent of a giant dragon shrinking between square inches.

With a squirming body shape, Li Rui returned to his original appearance, and the two people who looked over showed surprise smiles.

"Xiao Rui!"

"Brother Rui!"

When I came up and hugged Brother Lei first, Pu Shan's big slap still made the vest bang.

Feeling the familiar movement, Li Rui's mouth raised a nostalgic smile.

It's just that the enthusiasm that made him feel tight and short of breath in the past can be photographed, but now he can go back without pressure.

"Hahahaha, Brother Lei, long time no see."

Bang bang bang~

Seeing the two slap each other happily like brown bears, Huang Juncai swallowed involuntarily with the dull loud noise of heavy objects in the air.

Ma, thank you two big brothers for not killing!

Their small body can't stand them like this!

After some affection, Li Rui and Huang Juncai sat on both sides of Wang Lei.

But after a while, the steaming dishes and old wines were delivered like flowing water, and the three of them were enjoying the food while exchanging recent information.

"Oh...Although you know that you have extraordinary talents, you never thought that you would have caught up with me in just three or four years."

After a sip of wine, Wang Lei patted Li Rui on the shoulder, with mixed emotions in his eyes.

There is envy, jealousy, the gratification of an old father, and the sense of accomplishment of casting a work of art by hand.

"It's all thanks to your support from Brother Lei.

Li Rui smiled slightly, poured him a good wine, and held up the wine glass himself, with clear and sincere eyes.

Wang Lei grinned in relief, and the two wine glasses bumped together.

"Brothers, there is no need to see outsiders, besides, if you can cultivate a inheritor like you, I can rest assured... Forget it, drink!"

Halfway through the conversation, he stopped talking, drank wine with pride, his unruly brows seemed to hide his thoughts.

I can probably guess that Wang Lei is suffering from the bottleneck of energy level. Li Rui sighed in his heart, and he was not very comfortable with it, so he could only drink with him silently.

Even if Wang Lei is a once-in-a-hundred-year king, he is limited by the limits of mankind and has no hope of a higher level.

Sometimes, Li Rui really thanked the system from the bottom of his heart. Without it, he estimated that he was still spinning between awakening and the black iron, and it would be impossible to get to where he is today.

At the same time, he also made up his mind secretly that he could gradually reveal some insignificant secrets to him in the future.

Once he understands his thoughts, he can be absorbed into the team at an appropriate time.

Seeing the burly tangled tendon, Li Rui couldn't help swallowing.

He has been greedy with this golden thigh for a long time!

Unfortunately, the strengths of the two parties were not equal in the past. Even if there was brotherhood, Li Rui did not dare to easily disclose the core information of the system.

Now he is barely able to sit on an equal footing with Wang Lei, and some plans can be slowly implemented...

Just imagine, if you give Lei brother a hero like a dog's head or a promise, isn't that blasting the enemy's head?

With this world's hardest mountain resistance in the front row, his crispy mage can safely output in the back row, lying down and shouting six six six and it's over!

Depressing his excitement, Li Rui shook his head insignificantly.

Don't worry, don't worry, I have time, I will slowly figure out what Lei brother thinks.

With a hearty smile on his face, Li Rui put his arms around Wang Lei's sturdy neck and couldn't help but put it all over him.

"Don't worry about upsetting things, come, today we two accompany you to have a drink!"

Wang Lei was shocked for a moment and looked at him dumbfounded.

"Take a horse, do you think I don't know how much you drink? Always drink, right?"

Although he was swearing, the wine in his hand was still poured into his mouth.

A few hours later, the empty wine bottles on the ground piled up into a hill, even with Wang Lei's physique, his eyes straightened and his face was red.

"I'm not drunk, continue to drink, I know a good place, let alone the big brother does not take care of you, I will take you to open the meat today!"

When he said that, he took out his cell phone and began to arrange an unspeakable banquet, the voice loud enough to be clearly heard from dozens of meters away.

"Ami, arrange a game. I have two brothers who want to open the meat, the young and the kung fu are half, let them choose by themselves... hiccups~"

Huang Juncai's eyes gleamed when he heard, Li Rui was so frightened that he quickly grabbed his cell phone and turned off.

"Brother Lei, you are drunk, I will take you home!"

"I'm not drunk! Hiccups~"

Seeing that he was already looking at the air and talking, Li Rui sighed in his heart, and Huang Juncai helped him into the car.

During Wang Lei's unconscious "light" struggle, Huang Juncai took off on the spot like a sky monkey, screaming and drawing a beautiful arc, disappearing outside the wall.

Fortunately, Li Rui was so brutal that he forced him into the car.


"Did you explain it to your family?"

On the high-speed train on the return journey, Li Rui closed his eyes and asked softly.

"Well, my dad is quite open-minded, but my mother will not let me take risks anymore."

Huang Juncai's face was melancholy, and he looked worried.

"Uncles and aunts are taken care of by Brother Lei, so don't worry."

Feeling his worry, Li Rui opened his eyes and comforted.

"I know……"

Huang Juncai's eyes condensed, UU reading www.uukanshu.com seemed to have made some determination, suddenly raised his head to look at Li Rui, his eyes seemed to be burning with hot flames.

"Brother Rui! We still have time to go back and let Brother Lei reschedule!"

Li Rui: "..."

After a long silence, Li Rui closed his eyes in pain and squeezed out two words from his teeth.

"Fuck off!"

"You are cold, you are merciless, you are not human... 嘤嘤嘤..."

There was no word all the way, and the two returned to the imperial capital quietly and resumed their learning career.

Within a few days, Luo Li, who had been detained for a few months, came out again and wailed back to the team.

So far, all the active members of the [Secret Banquet Association] gathered, and Li Rui took them to an old forest tens of kilometers away from the school.

The secret road leads directly to the col. At the end of the road, a disguised steel gate stands proudly.

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