Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 791: , New support hero

, The fastest update infinite **** installed in the latest chapter of the city!

The cold wind blew out of the tunnel, and the fierce snake rushed in with a cheer.

Sure enough, snakes like this environment...

Seeing her little **** twisting and disappearing into the darkness, Li Rui smiled helplessly.

"Has it been built?"

Aya Xiyi followed Li Rui and asked softly.

"Well, using the previous [Underground Great Wall] project, the progress of the renovation is faster than expected."

"Then can we use these two altars to easily go back and forth between the imperial capital and the magic capital?"

Luo Li hugged Li Rui, her eyes beaming with excitement.

"Yes, using Runeterra as a transit, you can go back to visit your uncle and aunt at any time."

Looking around Luo Li and Huang Juncai, Li Rui smiled slightly.

While talking and laughing, everyone has passed the darkness where they can't see their fingers, and a gorgeous and beautiful hazy brilliance appeared at the end of their sight.

It seems that a huge pyramid made of gold and silver exudes a beautiful divine light. The simple and mysterious patterns and runes are all over the tower, and there are faintly endless energy circulating in it.

When he reached the top of the pyramid, Li Rui glanced at the attacking crystal hidden on the ceiling. With a movement of his mind, a circular light gate burst into light.

After stepping through the light gate, the emerald green life poured from under the feet, and everyone couldn't help but groaned comfortably.

it is good to come home!

"Well, there is an important thing to gather everyone this time."

Clapping his palms, Li Rui attracted everyone's attention and looked around quietly.

The teammates seemed to have faint speculation, one by one excited.

"After such a long time, everyone can't digest the last harvest too badly. Both Xiao Wei and Xiao Huang have also reached the Silver Stage. I feel that I can give you new strength..."

While talking, Li Rui slowly walked to the center of the altar, and as he reached out and grabbed, the carefully selected hero cards instantly appeared between his fingers.

Looking back at his eager teammates, Li Rui smiled slightly.

"Xiao Wei come first."

Beckoning to his sister, the excited little cat suddenly jumped in front of her, hugging her brother happily.

"Don't act like a baby, stand still."

Gently rubbing her head, Li Rui asked her sister to stand in the center of the altar and drew a beautiful card with colorful rays from the thick pile of cards.

"The system starts the hero heritage."

"Are you sure to activate the hero inheritance? The hero is the son of the stars-Soraka. The real name of the subject-Li Wei. The hero has a low match with the secondary host, and there is a greater possibility that the inheritance will fail."

Frowning, Li Rui's movement instantly solidified.

"What are the consequences of failure?"

"The complete hero card is dissipated and needs to be recollected by the host."

"Does it affect the inheritors?"

"No adverse effects."

Squinting his eyes, at this moment, Li Rui realized that he could ignore the appearance and inherit the bugs of any hero.

Multiple complementary heroes are combined together, and thousands of mighty forces are integrated into one. It is not as simple as one plus one equals two!

Big bugs stack blood infinitely!

The small method is infinitely strong!

The vampire then transforms the strengths of the two into addition!

The combination of these three heroes alone can eliminate the need for others to play. With the addition of the late daddy Kassadin, Li Rui has grown into an out-of-spec monster in just three or four years.

And as time passed, his terrible growth curve showed no signs of slowing down.

Instead, with the inheritance of the new hero, he may become stronger at a more terrifying speed until he becomes an unsolvable BOSS!

As his thoughts flowed, Li Rui took back the card in his hand and drew another one.

After opening hundreds of treasure chests in a row, the inventory in his hands is already luxurious enough for him to choose slowly!

This time, the hero match was quite high, and Li Rui did not hesitate to throw the card in his hand upwards.

"Are you sure to start the hero inheritance? The hero is the fairy Qinse——Sona. The real name of the subject——Li Wei."



A rainbow-like beam of light in the chaotic gray mist instantly poured down, covering the cards and Li Wei at the same time!

In the terrifying energy tide, the colorful cards gradually "melted", and Li Wei in the beam of light seemed to have lost his weight, slowly floating.

With the spiritual connection, mysterious knowledge and power began to flow into her body along the channel.

The whistling magic power surging on the face, the teammates looked up at the kitty floating in the air, and couldn't help showing expectations.

After a long time, the brilliance gradually faded, and the kitten in the sky slowly descended, but in the end it still hovered half a meter from the ground.


Feeling her instinctive floating power, Li Rui's eyes lit up, remembering that Sona seemed to be floating in the game!

"Xiao Wei, can you fly?"

Hearing his brother's question, Li Wei opened his eyes and looked at his feet with novelty.

"Wow! I can fly!"

Like a cheerful little butterfly circling around Li Rui, Li Wei had a great time.

"Stop playing, try to see how high and fast you can fly!"

He caught her from mid-air, patted her butt, and Li Rui threw her up.


Amidst the excitement and laughter like riding a roller coaster, Li Wei lightly shuttled in the sky, but his speed was a little faster than ordinary people running.

"Rua, snake-ridden!"

A stream of light flashed, and the two cute creatures that could only roll on the ground now fought to the sky.

"Don't do it, do business!"

Instantly pinched the necks of the two of them, Li Rui separated them in an angry manner.

"Xiao Wei, can you keep going up?"

Blinking his big eyes, Li Wei curled up his limbs and nodded obediently.

After testing for a while, Li Rui found that she was struggling to climb. Even with the blessing of [Miaowu Shenghui], it was impossible to keep up with her own rhythm, so she finally sighed with regret.

It seems that her main way of fighting in the future is to hide in her body. UU reading www.

But after thinking about it, Qin Girl's main skill is halo effect, and occasionally jumps out A, and the person just matches the passiveness of the kitten perfectly.

The cat’s own shield and the piano girl’s shield are superimposed, and when he encounters danger, he hides on himself. If others want to help with the fire, they are dreaming!

And Sona’s three hero skills are all benefited by the [Life-Death Balance] bonus. After the level is higher, the face rolls the keyboard, and the drag battle is simply a nightmare for the enemy!

Thinking of this, Li Rui suddenly realized that he was so strong.

After the external cat is able to resist, fight, milk, and control, it is simply a "Paladin" in another world!

To be reasonable, the [Frost Heart] and [Abyss Mask] halo on Li Wei's body alone are disgusting enough.

Now coupled with the triple melody, set up a sacrifice and stand there so that the enemy can beat them to death!

Riyan Anti-A-Landry has been unable to satisfy his desire to be an improper person. He not only wants the enemy to beat himself, but also makes them feel sick when they see him!

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