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With an evil smile on the corner of his mouth, Li Rui grabbed the younger sister who swiped over his head and threw it aside.

"Next, Xiao Huang!"

"Here, brother~"

Seeing Huang Juncai who ran to him, Li Rui grabbed the yellow hair on his head and strangled his neck and whispered.

"I have chosen the most handsome inheritance for you, but if you are not in harmony with yourself, don't blame me for being a bad person..."

Things like Timo, mice, and the like are also suitable for him.

Huang Juncai's chrysanthemum tightened, keenly aware that he had come to a critical crossroads in life, and gritted his teeth.

"Brother Rui, let go, I can bear it!"

Li Rui: "..."

Why is there something wrong with your mouth when it is normal?

Angrily drove him to the center of the altar, Li Rui drew out the "first choice" card and silently communicated with the system.

However, this time there was no moth, Huang Juncai seemed to have a good affinity with the long-range attack shooter, and passed the inspection smoothly.

"Are you sure to start the hero's legacy? The hero is the explorer-Ezreal. The real name of the subject-Huang Juncai."



The colorful beam of light penetrated again, and the glittering cards turned into entangled particles, whizzing into Huang Juncai's body.

I don't know if it was Li Rui's illusion. Under the light, the yellow hair on Huang Juncai's head seemed a bit golden.

After a long time, the surge of spells sweeping the altar gradually calmed down, and the little yellow hair floating in the air touched the toes and slowly opened his eyes.

"What a magical power, use magic to condense into a physical attack..."

He slowly raised his left hand, and as he gently made a fist, a short illusory bow made of pure magical energy flickered.

The right hand gently twisted, and the mana whizzed a few centimeters away from the fingertips, condensing into a marble-sized energy ball.

Virtually twisting the magic ball close to the short bow of energy, the two resonated clearly, as if pulling an invisible bowstring, the arc spread spirally on the short bow and arm, and finally connected to the blue energy magic ball.


A substantial "light" shot out from Huang Juncai's hands, instantly submerged into the chaotic gray fog, and rippled circles.

"Huh? How do you feel that your attack power has dropped?"

Rubbing his chin, Li Rui stared at Huang Juncai with interest, a trace of envy hidden deep in his eyes.

There is one thing to say, Xiao Huang Maoqiang is not strong, but he is really handsome, and he deserves to be the son of fist!

"I don't have any equipment. I can only respond to an emergency with a hand-rubbing attack. We still need weapons to fight."

Huang Juncai shrugged helplessly.

"Hit me a try."

"Huh! Try it!"

Raising his hand was a light arrow shot at Li Rui, but his qi and blood shield was not activated, quietly annihilated outside his body.

Li Rui nodded secretly, although he couldn't cause damage under the protection of the system law, he still probably understood the attack principle of the new inheritance.

The substantive "light arrow" is not real light, and its exit speed is only four or five Mach, and it cannot be compared with the speed of light.

As long as the distance is a few hundred meters away, according to his own speed, he is confident to avoid all the attacks of Huang Juncai!

Even if the skills are all empty, even level A can be completely empty. ADC is really too difficult...

With a concealed grin, Li Rui looked at Huang Juncai's eyes with sympathy.

However, non-pure energy attacks are also beneficial. They will not be deflected in rainy and foggy days. They have "substantial" momentum and can attach terrifying physical damage!

Generally speaking, this attack method is quite balanced, which can be mainly based on magic damage and physical damage.

It's just that the ADC still eats equipment. [Polaris] is slightly above the standard for ordinary silver tiers, but it can't keep up with Huang Juncai's growth.

Thinking of the communication between [Yanhuang Wuku] and [Mechanical God Sect], Li Rui thought silently in his heart.

It’s also tasteless to keep that source in your hand, if you can replace it with that piece of equipment...

The Silver Step [Almighty Stone] absorbs the power of the source sea to condense the source core several times faster than the Black Iron Step, and it can completely support the simultaneous transformation of two artifacts!

If the process goes fast, [Rebirth] should be able to end the casting before the cooling is completed, just in time for the next action.

With cares in his mind, Li Rui came back to his senses, and saw Huang Juncai pestering him in front of him.

"Brother Rui, are you handsome? I don't think it makes a difference?"

Scanning his body, Huang Juncai asked in confusion.

With a grin, Li Rui took out two cards and shot at him.

[Adventurous Spirit-Ezreal]

[Future Warrior-Ezreal]

"Your new skin, play with it yourself!"

Huang Juncai happily accepted the card, and after just a few seconds, everyone on the scene's eyes widened.


Zhao Youxuan sighed in surprise, and kept poking her fingers randomly.

The others couldn't help but crowded around, and were amazed.

"Fuck, good Jill is cool!"

Huang Juncai stared at his hands blankly, and what caught his eye was the body completely covered by mechanical armor.

In the eyes of others, standing in front of them is a tall and slender future soldier!

The complex armor full of sci-fi atmosphere fits accurately on the body, while setting off the perfect figure, it also looks thick and handsome, indestructible!

The half-covering mask concealed his eyes, and a narrow icy blue line was shining brightly, right across the eye, as if through it, he could see the unruly handsome face behind.

With Huang Juncai's thoughts, the heavy armor on his left arm deformed wildly, turning into a cool energy cannon with the caliber of a fist.

Zi Zi Zi~

The dazzling magic power gathered in it, and the brilliance inside was faintly visible shrinking and condensing toward the center.


Amidst the roar of excitement, a blue and white energy arrow poured into Li Rui's chest, striking him for a moment.

It took a few seconds for him to react, and he reached out and scratched his chest.

"Little plum, is it handsome? Is there a mirror? I want to appreciate my handsome appearance!"

Huang Juncai jumped up and down like a baboon with a successful mating~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In the end, it was Zhao Youxuan who used magic to condense a water mirror to satisfy his wish.

Ying stood tall in front of the water mirror, looking at the figure in the mirror, Huang Juncai forgot his words for a moment.

Li Rui looked at his long and slender figure, and shook his head regretfully.

Alas... It's a good guy, but it's a pity that he has his mouth open!

If he were dumb, he would have found a girlfriend long ago!

After a while, Huang Juncai recovered, his figure dissipated like a phantom, and countless light particles condensed into a card.

[Future Warrior-Ezreal]

Carefully put away the card, a few seconds later, a blond youth with a temperament that was so handsome that he was not like a mortal appeared in front of everyone.


Zhao Youxuan exclaimed again, poking her fingers on Huang Juncai's body, stabbing his teeth and grinning.

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