Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 793: , Cocoon metamorphosis

, The fastest update infinite **** installed in the latest chapter of the city!

The two pointed ears are raised back high, the facial features are deep and beautiful, and under the sword eyebrows are a pair of star-like eyes.

The most important thing is his temperament, just like an elf prince walking out of the forest, elegant, elegant, with irresistible charm!

The blond boy looked forward to the flow, slowly pulling up Li Rui's hand, his eyes were sincere and pure.

"Brother Li, you will be my father from now on!"

He seemed to sense his thoughts in the dark, Li Rui slapped him on the shoulder, his five iron claw-like fingers slowly tightened, full of murderous warnings.

"Don't use your skin to deceive people!"

"How can you call it a lie?"

Huang Juncai stared at him incredulously, his eyes full of firm and lofty faith.

"Learning from the Bodhisattva to give to the flesh, sacrificing the ego to become the greater ego, such a good deed, I will go to the west in the future!

"I will let you go to the west now!"

Li Rui couldn't help but knotted his eyebrows when he slapped him on the neck. Seeing him crying and hiding to one corner to draw circles.

I knew I should get him a mouse...

Shaking his head, leaving distracting thoughts behind, Li Rui looked at the next teammate.

"Luo Li, come here."

Gently beckoned to her, the blonde Qianying rushed in front of him in a hurry and stood up pretty.

The eyes were entangled, and the two smiled sharply.

Li Rui quickly returned to his senses, let out a foul breath, and focused his attention on the thick stack of cards in his hand.

There are many heroes suitable for Luo Li, but the one with the best affinity is...

Familiarly rubbing the cards, a heroic girl with short hair and white hair was drawn out.

"Are you sure to activate the Hero Legacy? The hero is the Blade of Exile-Riven. The real name of the subject-Margaret Robin."


The colorful beams of light melted the inheritance cards again, and the tide of whistling psychic energy swept across the world, and the blond shadows slowly floated in the beams of light, absorbing the endless light particles.

After waiting for a long time without seeing her digestion completed, Li Rui simply summoned all the remaining teammates to check their heroes.

Fortunately, with the exception of Teacher Hanna, the other two people did not exceed Li Rui's expectation, and the matching degree of "first choice" was quite high!

"Are you sure you want to activate the hero's legacy? The hero is the Frost Witch-Resandra. The real name of the subject-Aya Nozomi."


"Are you sure to start the hero's legacy? The hero is the Embrace of the Devil Snake-Cassiopeia. The real name of the subject-Zhao Youxuan."


Two beams of light descended from the sky and enveloped the two girls in the colorful divine light.

"Ruijun, what about me?"

A pair of plump arms looped around his neck, and the sweet and greasy breath lingered around the tip of his nose, making Li Rui inexplicably drunk.

You are so charming and don’t match the fox best. What can I do?

In fact, Ahri's match is also on the pass line, but the other card's appearance is so good, Li Rui pondered for a moment, and decided not to take a risk.

"Are you sure to start the hero heritage? The hero is a bounty hunter-Miss Doom. The real name of the subject-Hannah Sakbas."



The last teammate rose into the air, and the energy in the altar stirred each other, setting off psychic ripples visible to the naked eye.

Looking at these cocooning partners, Li Rui's eyes shone brightly.

When they all grow up, the [Secret Banquet Association] may really become an existence beyond the Seven Gods!

The Valoran Divine Element...has already seen its first signs!


As time passed, the white snow wrapped in silver gradually melted, and the earth changed into new emerald green clothes.

With the permanent altar close to the imperial capital, Li Rui and the others no longer have to sneak in to practice hero skills, and return directly to the city one by one, allowing them to toss in the wider runeland.

And as Li Rui gradually upgraded all their skills to the Silver rank, he had a surprise discovery!

[Rebirth] The progress of enlightenment has grown wildly!

Previously, he only raised the [Rebirth] level for Xiao Huang, who was also unlucky. Li Rui didn't feel any bonus at all.

But when Aya Xiyi and Zhao Youxuan's [Rebirth] levels were raised, some mysterious insights appeared in my mind every day.

Especially for Aya Xiyi, Li Rui feels that if she is promoted to gold now, she can immediately bring [Rebirth] along with her!

This guy's savvy in this aspect is simply not human!

"The system, the Summoner skill does not have [Unlocking Cheats], why can I gain the insight of my teammates?"

Sitting alone at the core altar of Runeterra, Li Rui asked thoughtfully.

"Secondary hosts have a soul contract with you, and their experience can be synchronized to your soul, but they cannot obtain it directly because of the rune talent. You must create the [Unseal Cheats] for them to learn. Understanding, and the skills of summoners are public skills. When you reach the level that requires perception, their experience will naturally fill your gap."

Li Rui: "..."

After a long silence, a few words appeared in Li Rui's mind.

If you want to get it, you must give it first!

Knowledge will not disappear. Two people will have double happiness. With academic master teammates in different subjects to help learn, Li Rui seems to see a scene where he will become a master of all disciplines in the future and raise all his rune talents to the true **** level. .

I have 10,000 true god-level laws when I send a flat A. Who can hold it?

Maybe the planets can burst!

The broken star is not a dream!

After calming down the excitement in his heart, Li Rui set his sights on the skill he had studied for several months.

As an upgrade option disappeared, the icons on the system panel bloomed with cool aura, and the illusory and sublimated figure seemed to come to life, softly rippling.

【Rebirth】·Golden Stage

Store your source information in the core of Runeterra. When you die, you will be resurrected in Runeterra.

The introduction information has not changed, but Li Rui can already clearly feel that after catching up with the corresponding energy level, the cooling time of the skill has been greatly shortened.

Super punishment?

A faint enlightenment flashed in his He carefully sensed the remaining cooling time, and couldn't help but smile with relief on his face.

As fast as more than a month, or as slow as two months, one's own [Rebirth] can be cooled down.

At that time, Huang Juncai and Luo Li's weapons are almost ready to be cast, everything is ready, only Dongfeng owes it!

Seeing the extra attributes that he was nearly exhausted, Li Rui sighed with happiness and trouble.

This wave of gains from promotion to gold is really terrifying. Under the premise of giving consideration to both cultivation and learning, it took him nearly a year to digest them completely.

The feeling of not being able to control the body finely has gradually faded away. Instead, it is free to send and receive, and control freely!

The potential development has come to an end, the skills are almost cultivated, and you can enter the next stage.

With an excited smile at the corner of his mouth, Li Rui cast his gaze on the dazzling equipment library!

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