Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 798: , I want to be a master!

Chapter 800 I Want to Be a Barrier!

Grinning, Li Rui did not believe in evil, and continued to look back in his memory.

Black Tiger Afu...No, what was the real name of that Black Tiger back then?

It seemed that he was very stimulating, but he was shocked by his own punch.


Forget it, Moniheka has done a lot of good things in the country of Izumo!

[Fallen Paradise] The innocent people who were tortured and killed...

The slightly faded memory resurfaced, and the hot accumulation of gas condensed in his chest, but soon two special things flashed before his eyes.



He plundered his original divinity, and later he even brought his teammates to send it together. Does this guy have a problem with his thinking?

Thinking of the Cthulhu who was gnawed twice by him, but could only be incompetent and furious, Li Rui's mouth rose slightly uncontrollably.

But he quickly realized his purpose, and the corners of his mouth instantly collapsed, his face hurting.

Generally, if you have grudges, you will report it on the spot. There is no unforgettable feeling of resentment. How to accumulate [Dragon Fury]?

Recalling his own growth experience since awakening, Li Rui found that this world is too real...

The said good brainless villain will give the face to the door?

Why are all of them like Lao Yin, and don't give him a chance to play "talent" by pretending to be a pig!

No, it is also possible that I have never played a pig...

Rubbing his chin, Li Rui found Huadian.

Before obtaining [Jingzhe], he was simply a sword of the arrogant man, showing his sharp edge.

Normally intelligent creatures will instinctively feel uncomfortable when they see him, and subconsciously walk around him.

After getting [Jingzhe], his level has reached a certain level. The circles of communication are the top existences in the transcendental world. There is a real chat and laughter, and there is no white dog.

As long as he knows his name and understands a little bit about his past record, there will be no brain damage to provocation him.

After careful analysis and careful thinking, Li Rui suddenly hammered his palm and suddenly realized.

It turns out that everything is my fault!

Being gentle and elegant is a fart, and I will be a master in the future!

After changing the angle of looking at the problem, Li Rui's thinking suddenly became clear, and Ren Du's second line was chilly and couldn't help but wave his hand.

In reality, I am gentle and elegant, noble and glamorous.

Putting on my skin, I attacked, insulting netizens, and full of spirits!

Heaven does not give birth to me mullet, the spray channel is like a long night, come!


A flashing golden and red card appeared between his fingers, Li Rui shook his hand, and the card shattered into particles of light covering him.

A few seconds later, a white man dressed in a tight leather jacket, quite rock punk appeared at the altar.

Walking to the mirror placed in the corner of Runeland, he was tall and handsome, and at the same time he stared at each other with a trace of jealous figure, and the corner of his mouth evoked a smile of "Evil Charm and Mad Juan".

From now on you will be [Rider Rider] Wade Winston Wilson!

Not to mention, the vampire's [Rider Rider] skin is really a bit like a little bit.

Wouldn’t it be so beautiful if they met someone with a sharp heart in the future and they sprayed dog blood on each other and angered out of thin air?

The calm temperament gradually dissipated, Li Rui's eyes became light, and the corners of his mouth always had a sneer that seemed to be nonexistent, and his whole body began to exude a humble air from beginning to end.

After completing this "personal setting" from body to mind, he keenly noticed that there was a trace of fluctuation in [The Return of Chaos, Zihuang Jie].

There was a slight pause in the depths of the pupils, and the insignificant brilliance flickered in the eyes.

Sure enough...【Too Illusory Dragon】Invisible and intangible, acting as different characters, it has a fairly objective bonus to your own cultivation!

And the more realistic and vivid the character, the stronger the memetic feedback it will bring to you.

It's a pity that the simple deformation of [Too Unreal Dragon] may still be seen through. It is absolutely safe to add a hero skin.

Otherwise, I can change a hundred different looks every day and go out to make trouble...

Squinting his eyes, Li Rui felt something.

If the [Eternal Indestructible Infinite Tribulation] tempers the body, then [The Return of Chaos, Zihuang Tribulation] tempers the mind!

Immortal dragon...too illusory dragon...


Body... Soul...

I faintly felt that I caught something, but after careful consideration, I found nothing.

After thinking for a long time, he reluctantly shook his head, restrained his breath and went back to gather his teammates.

Now that the resurrection special effects are unlocked, of course, we must arrange [Guardian Angel] for teammates as soon as possible!

This is the moment waiting for the gold coins specially left for them!

Teacher Luo Li, Xiao Huang, and Hannah can play [Guardian Angel·Sword]. Others don’t benefit much from physical attacks. It is better to play [Guardian Angel·A].

With thoughts flowing in his mind, a splendid gate of light appeared in the center of the altar, and the tall figure disappeared in the shadow that pierced through time and space. Runeland quickly restored its former silence.


The spring is getting stronger and the temperature is gradually rising. With the digestion of extra attributes, Li Rui began to gradually shift his energy to the practice of [The Return of Chaos, Zihuang Jie].

Several important silver skills have already realized the critical point of promotion, and they are almost on the spot.

However, this invisible film is more difficult to break through than imagined. Li Rui instinctively sensed that the key to breaking the game was the [Chaos Returning to the Source of Zihuang Tribulation]!

In terms of analyzing, reconstructing, and learning the law, no exercise can match it!

If you can break through to the third level, no, even if it is only the second level of Consummation, the efficiency of your own enlightenment will be greatly improved!

With a direction in his mind, Li Rui was not too anxious.

He has a very fulfilling life every day now, not only has to digest a lot of extra attributes, but also eagerly learn from the school.

He even took a testimony to Zhang [Diying], bought a copy of "Actor's Self-cultivation", and went to other people's campus to take a class to learn how to be a "good actor"!

There is not much time for him to develop steadily.

The imperial capital is a perfect nest for him, a safe area where he can rest and rejuvenate, but it also means that there is not enough "" and the hunger in his belly is constantly urging him to go out and prey.

The cooling time of [Rebirth] is like a starting gun. When it reaches the last step, it is when the dragon goes out to sea!

Therefore, he cherishes this last peaceful time very much and enjoys his daily life.


After receiving the double-barreled shotgun thrown by Huang Juncai, Li Rui quickly loaded it. Two big men, one on the left and the other, sandwiched Li Wei in the middle, with cold eyes.

"Who is the dog who wrote you the love letter, let us kill him!"


Li Wei was so angry that he stomped his feet, his silver teeth biting secretly, and his shameful eyes pierced like a sharp sword at the leaky snake.

As if realizing that she had pitted the cat, Zhao Youxuan's eyes wandered, pretending to look around at the scenery.

(End of this chapter)

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