Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 799: Rebellious Kitty

Chapter 801 Rebellious Kitty

After finally taking the weapons from the hands of the two elder brothers, Li Wei acted like a baby and threatened them to agree not to go to school.

"What about the love letter? Take it out and burn it!"

"I have returned!"

"Both? There are many?"


An annoyed kick on Li Rui's calf, Li Wei reluctantly put his head on his brother's chest to drill.

"Oh... our cabbage has grown up, she was only so tall when we first met."

Huang Juncai stretched out his hand and gestured around his waist, his eyes were melancholy and relieved, filled with the old father's dismay.

Li Rui pressed his sister's head, and felt the same in her heart.

In the past few years, if you want to ask who in the team has changed the most, it must be the kitty.

From the sick little guy at the beginning to the slim girl now, time seemed to make up for her sluggish development, as if blowing a balloon.

If someone did such a thing a year ago, Li Rui would definitely learn from the FBI to give him warmth.

Three-dimensional copper smelting does not require trial, can it be shot on the spot?

But now, it's time for someone to dare to write a love letter to her openly!

Damn it, it's still very upset to think about it!

Li Rui looked at the shotgun thrown aside, always feeling a little itchy fingers.

In a daze, he seemed to understand Luo Li's father's mood a bit.

Taking a deep breath, as if to exhale the depression in his chest, Li Rui said in a low voice.

"Xiaowei, you are still young, don't believe the rhetoric of those dogs, men don't have a good thing!"


Seemingly choked by his own saliva, Huang Juncai looked at him with pain on his face, feeling inexplicably received a wave of full-screen AOE.

He opened his mouth to speak, but thinking about Li Rui even cursing himself, he finally thought about it carefully and gradually frowned.

Dog day, it seems to be right, it makes sense!

With a slap on Li Wei's shoulder, Huang Juncai rarely stood on the same front with Li Rui and looked at her seriously.

"Your brother is right, men don't have a good thing, they are all greedy for your body, mean!"

The confused little cat looked at him with a puzzled face. Although he felt that he was not right, he felt that his words were particularly convincing.

Quietly giving a thumbs up to Huang Juncai, the two eldest brothers dragged the kitten aside and gave her an ideological and moral education class.

"Oh... two idiots!"

Aya Kii watched the farce from a distance, rolled her eyes and shook her head, and then moved her gaze to the tablet again.

"Hehe, isn't this cute~"

Teacher Hannah watched Li Rui teach her sister with great interest, holding her chin and smiling.

Luo Li frowned slightly, always feeling that she saw her father's shadow from Li Rui.

The two seem to have similar skills!

To sum up the central idea is: you are still young, you should concentrate on practicing now, and it will not be too late to fall in love in a few decades.

"Brother!! Ow~"

Li Wei was so angry that he screamed, and a trace of water vapor stained his **** eyes.

Glancing at both of them bitterly, she rushed into her room and slammed the door.

The two who stayed on the spot looked at each other and sighed together.

"Oh... the rebellious period."

"Okay, okay, stop sighing, come and sit down, I have something to tell you."

Teacher Hanna patted the sofa next to her, raising her eyebrows with style.

However, after more than a year of getting along, Li Rui had long been immune to her daily teasing and sat beside her without any pressure.

"Is there any news on that plane?"

"Hey, it's really boring."

"So I was right."

Li Rui broke free from the melancholy of his old father and grinned.

"Well, we have a family that has developed well over there, and there is a secret passage to sneak across."

"However, none of us understands the language over there. Would you like an interpreter?"

When it comes to business matters, Hannah teacher gradually becomes serious.

Li Rui rubbed his chin and fell into distress.

Temporary learning is definitely impossible, besides, that plane occupies a vast area, and it is the top ten super-giant secret realm among the known crystal wall planes.

The diverse ethnic structure makes the language in it more complicated than the earth, even if you want to learn it, you can't start.

But finding an interpreter to follow is also very annoying, not only needs to take care of him, but also the risk of leaking secrets.

Why can't we set a standard lingua franca like the Japanese used in the planes of the two thorn apes?

Can only say that the real world is trouble!

Looking at Li Rui's frowning eyebrows, Teacher Hanna hesitated for a long time, and finally gritted her teeth severely.

"Actually, I have a solution..."

Taking a surprised look at her, Li Rui reacted quickly.

"It's expensive?"

"do not know."

"do not know?"

"Well, maybe you don't have to pay any price, everything goes well, but maybe you will come up with all kinds of weird moths. That person is like a mess now, unpredictable."

Seeing Hannah teacher's dim and complex expression, Li Rui hesitated for a moment, and patted the back of her hand.

"You don't have to force yourself, this kind of small matter will definitely find a solution."

However, Teacher Hanna seemed to be determined, and her frowning brows quickly relaxed.

"It's okay, I haven't seen her for a long time anyway..."

"Gluck, miss me? Baby?"

As soon as the voice fell, a coquettish chuckle sounded in the living room, and everyone was excited and looked aside in disbelief.

The sweet voice that moved the heart like a feather made their hair creepy.

Before she spoke out, no one noticed anyone there!

A tall and plump beauty walked out of the shadows, her elegantly swaying waist and flawless figure were like a ball of flame, igniting an evil thought in everyone's hearts.

Her face is 90% similar to Hannah teacher, but she has a more mature and sweet charm, which looks like her twin sister.

"Is this your residence?"

She looked around like a curious baby, swept over everyone with a smile, and finally fell on Li Rui.

"Is he the lucky one you see? It really looks delicious~"

The pink tongue licked on his Li Rui trembled all over, only feeling that all the blood flowed down his lower body uncontrollably.

"Rua~ You greedy his body, you are mean!"

At the critical moment, an angry figure stood in front of Li Rui, and pointed at the opponent's nose without fear.

The beauty who looked like a ripe peach was taken aback, staring at the fierce snake in surprise.

"What a funny little guy, who is immune to my charm."

"Huh! For the sake of Teacher Hannah, I won't pursue your trespassing into the house, let me go."

Aya Xiyi waved her hand without raising her head, speaking impatience.

The mature beauty blinked and was about to speak, when the snake in front of her opened fire again.

(End of this chapter)

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