Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 804: , You can shut up

Chapter 806: You Can Shut Up

The pitiful little face was full of red tooth marks, densely spreading to the base of his neck, looking angry and funny.

"Li Rui, am I going to die? Is it too late to get the vaccine now?"

"Don't make trouble, Luo Li does not have rabies."

"But the animal world says that many wild bats carry the rabies virus... and she is a bunch..."

Zhao Youxuan was worried, always feeling a magical poison spreading in her body.

After uttering the key word string, Li Ruimin keenly noticed that Luo Li's ears twitched slightly, and quickly covered Zhao Youxuan's mouth to prevent her from continuing to die.


"Hmm, don't shout, do you still want to be bitten?"

Holding the struggling fierce snake, Li Rui came to Luo Li's side and diverted her attention.

"How about? Take advantage of it?"

"team leader……"

Luo Li returned to her senses, her eyes full of resentment when she looked at him.

"My sword became a rabies..."

The corners of his mouth twitched unnaturally, Li Rui held back a smile and touched her head.

"It doesn't matter, you see that some of Dongying's sword names are also stupid, but in the eyes of future generations, these names are powerful and domineering."

After a pause, Li Rui pointed at the magic knife in her hand and chuckled.

"In the final analysis, the majesty of a weapon comes from killing. As long as it is strong enough, even if it is called a dog's tail, it will make all living beings afraid and yearning."

"On the contrary, a piece of rotten iron, it's useless for you to give it a name like this."

Seeing Luo Li's thoughtful expression, Li Rui nodded secretly and continued.

"So, how much power can you use now?"

When it comes to business matters, the big blue eyes suddenly brighten, and the blade is dancing with excitement.

"Although there is a four-level difference between us, I have the confidence to exert more than 20% of his power!"


Li Rui was taken aback for a moment, but he did not expect that Luo Li and [Rabies] would fit even better than he thought!


How does that feel a little weird...

Shaking his head and throwing distracting thoughts behind his head, Li Rui concealed his eyes on the crystal clear blade.

Normally, even if the Silver Step gets a divine tool, they don't have enough power to urge him.

The single-digit power is incredible.

This is still on the premise that the artifact level is at the angel level!

If it is a demigod or even a true god, then squeezing the secret diamond and rough stone may not be able to exert their 20% power!

The most vivid example is Akiko Jingu, who is in charge of "Clouds in the Sky".

What her sword pointed at, even Li Rui had to avoid it.

But Li Rui is not afraid of life and death. He can pierce her with a chopstick.

After all, there are only the strongest people, not the strongest weapons.

Although Luo Li's artifact is only an angel rank, he can display 20% of his power once he gets started. This resonance fit has greatly exceeded Li Rui's expectations. this all the natal artifacts tailor-made?

Rubbing his chin, Li Rui's thoughts flowed, but before he could understand, a yellow-haired head squeezed between him and Luo Li, his "watery" eyes flashed with countless small stars, and he did not stare for a moment. Hold him.

Li Rui: "..."

After a few seconds, Li Rui covered her mouth uncomfortably.

"Brother, it's disgusting, don't do that."

"No, what about mine? Boomboom~"


Rubbing the goose bumps on his arms in disgust, Li Rui quickly took out the thick and gorgeous boxing armor and threw it to him.

Huang Juncai happily took the glove, and before he could put it on, a curious snake rushed in front of him.

"Eh? It's pretty, does he have a name? If not, I'll help you..."


Huang Juncai knelt in front of her neatly, and howled with fear.

"Brother, I thank you and your family, but shut up!"


Wang Lei's eyes twitched unnaturally when he watched Zhao Youxuan's remnants of the wind sweeping the plate of delicacies at the banquet.

"Brother Lei, have you been on your mind recently?"

Although the breath is still strong, there is a trace of fatigue between his eyebrows. Li Rui poured him a glass of cold beer that overflowed with wheat, and asked with a chuckle.

"Oh... annoying!"

Raising the wine glass and touching Li Rui, the cold and refreshing wine was swallowed down the esophagus into the abdomen, as if to quench the heat in my heart.

After a quick alcoholic hiccup, Wang Lei's mood improved, and he began to grip Li Rui to complain.

"It’s good for you kid. I don’t know anything about the world if I hide in the emperor every day. I’m miserable. [Qingqiu Kingdom] riots and find me. The illegal immigrants from the secret land also want to find me if they commit a crime. Kill them all, what's the point of finding me?"

After another sip of boring wine, Wang Lei was depressed.

When encountering problems, what he is best at is sweeping with iron rods. The problems increase and the iron rods are thickened.

As long as I am reckless, there is nothing in the world that cannot be solved.

However, this method of handling problems is only applicable to external parties, and internal contradictions are also involved in this way.

"Illegal immigrants from other worlds around the world are a big problem. We are not bad. Haven't immigrants in Europe and the United States already taking to the streets to protest wage inequality? This problem can only be solved by national policies. No matter how strong you are, it will not help. ."

While drinking and chatting, Li Rui patted him on the shoulder and said with relief.

"But what is going on in the [Qingqiu Kingdom] riot? Hasn't it been suppressed before?"

"Oh...don’t mention it, those foxes make a fuss every day. The [Yin-Yang Harmony Sect] has never been wiped out, and will re-emerge every time. This time it’s only a six-tailed demon fox who has an amazing charm. If the monks are not enough, just grab me and go to the tank and do it!"

Unable to curse an swear word, Wang Lei suddenly reacted, and quietly looked at the few children at the dinner table and found that they were all focusing on robbing Zhao Youxuan for food, and he was relieved.

There are children You have to be careful.

The corner of his mouth was concealed and turned up twice, Li Rui put up with it and filled him with beer again.

I'm professional unless I can't help it.

After simmering the wine, Wang Lei lowered the volume and continued to complain to Li Rui.

At his level, a lot of things can only be boring in my heart. It is rare to have a friend who is equal, like-minded, and the key is still trustworthy to drink with.

"[Indestructible True Dragon] is indeed firm-willed and free from spiritual charm, but it is not professional after all. I have been living in the clubhouse for two weeks after returning from [Qingqiu Country]! When I came out, I swung my feet!"

Wang Lei shivered with lingering fears, and there was a trace of fear in the eyes of the fearless tiger.

"I understand!"

Li Ruixin patted him on the shoulder sadly, and glanced at the girl who was eating gracefully not far away.

(End of this chapter)

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