Chapter 807

As if feeling his gaze, Aya Kiyi slowly turned her head, questioning with cold eyes.

What are you looking at?

Immediately lowered her eyebrows and looked away, Li Ruisheng was afraid that she would take a bite when she thought of it.

"Haha, but the six-tailed demon fox is even more miserable. I chopped off a tail, and it won't recover for at least ten years.

Wang Lei didn't notice Li Rui's small movements and continued to say enthusiastically. Suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something and his expression was solemn.

"By the way, when you go out to practice this time, you must do a good job of confidentiality. There are many people who want to kill you."

"Hehe, Zhengzhou no one delivers food to the door..."

Li Rui sipped his beer and smiled faintly.

Looking at his confident appearance, Wang Lei's shoulders fell slightly, and he said with some emotion.

"Yes, you are already able to stand alone [Zhen Country Dragon], oh... time flies so fast..."

Without a trace, he glanced at Li Wei who was rushing to eat with Zhao Youxuan, and Wang Lei gestured in front of him.

"It feels like Xiaowei was only this high yesterday, and she has grown into a big girl today!"

"Thanks to Brother Lei's care."

"Oh...I didn't take care of anything. If I found out earlier that it was a ghost, Xiao Wei wouldn't have to suffer so much."

Wang Lei shook his head quite reproachfully.

Li Rui didn't speak, just poured him a glass of wine, the two clinked the glasses gently, and drank it again.

"Xiao Rui, anyway, you should pay attention when you go out this time. Rejuvenation of the aura has caused the energy levels of the heavens and all realms to rise. Some planes have begun to return to the gods. The troubled times are coming. Don't get involved in the local gods. [ The name of Zhonghua is not necessarily good for them."

Listening to Wang Lei's painstaking advice, Li Rui nodded slightly, smiling without saying a word.

The troubled times are good, only in the troubled times the evil will brazenly publicize, and they can easily find enough "delicious delicacies"!

One day, even those high above gods will tremble under their knife!

After simmering a sip of wine, Li Rui's eyes flashed with an invisible brilliance.


The howling cold wind set off snow in the sky, and on a white snowfield, a team of adventurers braved the blizzard and proceeded along an unrecognizable road.

"Li Rui, I want to sleep..."

A mature woman with purple hair and purple pupils climbed onto Li Rui's back, with a thick and slender snake tail clasped around his waist.

Seeing Zhao Youxuan who was wearing the skin of [Soul Lianhua Cassiopeia], Li Rui rolled her eyes and let her entangle herself like an octopus.

This guy couldn't help dozing off as soon as the winter came, and even the little cat called her an albino pig in the "team voice", but he seemed to be really sleepy.

"Teacher, how long will it take to arrive?"

"Wait, let me see."

Wearing a pointed hat, big red long hair braided in twists, and wearing a classical European costume, her eyes are solemn and oppressive, taking out the magic map and carefully identifying the direction of the team.

Can't help but admire the skin of [Emperor Miss Doom] again, Li Rui had to sigh in his heart.

Big or you are big!

Look around my teammates again, [Witch Lissandra], [Assassin’s Creed Raven], [Adventurous Spirit Izeril], plus [Odyssey Sona] hidden in my body. If someone could recognize them, he would stand upside down and eat Ollie!

"At our current speed, we will be able to reach the nearest town in two hours."

It didn't take long for Teacher Hannah to put away the map and said in a charming tone that did not match the majestic and cold appearance.

"Two hours... It's too slow to walk like this, let's run."

Li Rui moved his body for a while, and was about to order the kitty to add BUFF to the team, and suddenly felt a seemingly nonchalant gaze staring at him.

Looking upward following the induction, the heavy snow obscured the line of sight, and the sky and the earth were dim and pure white.

"what happened?"

"It seems that something is eyeing us, be careful."

Before the words were finished, a huge white shadow suddenly appeared on top of the team under the cover of howling snowflakes.

The light blue icy flame breath covered the entire team, and the huge shadow stretched out sharp long claws and grabbed it towards the direction where Li Rui stood just now.


A crisp impact echoed on the snowy field, and the attacker let out a scream, only feeling that his paw had hit a solid steel ball.

The strength of preparing to kick the ground instantly vented, and the huge figure staggered to one side, looking back angrily.

However, as the ice blue flame dissipated, what came into view was a translucent magic shield with a diameter of more than ten meters.

The magical aura of substance makes the shield present a glass texture. The snow outside the shield has been frozen into thick ice, but the snow inside is still fluffy and soft.

The huge vertical pupil shrank into a slit, and the attacker understood that this meant that his breath was completely shielded, without a trace of it leaking into it.

A slender figure appeared more and more. The center of the exaggerated M-shaped mask covered the tip of the nose. Two sharp blades extending from both sides were like temples hanging down to the neck. In the center of the head was a diamond-shaped golden gem, which looked like metal and bone. Layers of qualitative masks are like elk's horns raised back high, like a crown, filling her with majesty and evil charm.

The mask completely covered the eyes, only revealing the fuchsia cherry mouth and V-shaped white cheeks.

The solid ice crystal spread and stretched under her feet, without the slightest movement, she "floated" as if standing on the water and panning.

And only then did everyone see what the attacker was.

It was a huge white dragon standing on the snowy ground nearly three stories high. Its gray scales were thick and tough, shining with magical aura.

Four sturdy and powerful dragon claws crawled on the ground, and the two huge dragon wings spread upward like a demonstration, making it look larger than its actual size and full of oppression.

"Traveler, hand over your treasure, I can let you go."

Roaring out the unskilled Northland human dialect, the dragon watched vigilantly as the "tiny" figure floated towards him.

"Hehe, I can't find any place to break through the iron shoes, it's all effortless!"

The fair-haired white young man wriggled his wrists, and two shield claws covering his elbows instantly formed, making him look like a scorpion with teeth and claws.

Perceiving the other party's bad intentions, Bai Long instantly retreated.

It can survive in the North for so long, and it hasn't become the flesh in the pot of other races. It depends on following the inner will and spiritual guidance.

Once the situation is wrong, retreat immediately, relying on the dragon's flying talent and the cover of the natural climate in the north, few people can catch up with it in the wind and snow.

(End of this chapter)

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