Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 806: , Why are you so loud~

, The fastest update infinite **** installed in the latest chapter of the city!

It seemed to have discovered its intention, and the figure floating towards it casually stretched out his hand and pushed forward.

[Frost Path]·Silver Step

Release a ball of ice claws, causing 300 (+60% spell power) magic damage to all enemies hit. Activating this skill again will allow the hero to teleport to the current location of the Ice Claw.


The hideous ice crystal giant claws composed entirely of magic power struck like a high wall. At the moment Aya Xiyi shot, every scale on the white dragon stood up, and the gaps in the dragon's pupils seemed to disappear.

The terrifying magic power made the whole world tremble, and the giant ice crystal claws nearly twenty meters high were bigger than the prostrate white dragon.

Not to mention being caught, just watching the claws rush towards him, Bai Long seemed to see the shadow of death covering himself.

The Magister of Humanity?

Legendary hero?

Why does such an existence appear in this northern wasteland where birds do not shit?

Before he could figure it out, Bai Long endured the pain of his feet and kicked upwards forcefully. The broad dragon wings set off the wind and snow, and he was about to go straight into the sky.

But the giant crampons that had rushed in front of him suddenly shattered, and a slender figure in the exploded ice crystal shook with magic power, releasing a surge of violent energy.



The thorns composed purely of ice crystals pierced into the white dragon's body instantly, and the upward movement of the dragon instantly solidified.


The screams resounded through the wasteland. Even with dragon scales' terrifying magic resistance and Bailong's natural immunity to ice magic, this trick still made it painful.

【Ring of Frost】·Silver Step

Inflicts 250 (+70% spell power) magic damage to surrounding enemies and a restraint effect for 4 seconds.

Looking at the white dragon that was almost wrapped in a transparent thorn dumpling, Li Rui pulled the burden off his back, and started with a grin.


Came in front of the white dragon in an instant, the sharp shield claws pierced a substantial intensity, and then slashed to both sides, as if to tear the enemy away.

[Dragon Tooth Spike]!


Three several-meter-long claw prints tore the dragon scales, and the muscles turned outward, leaving a hideous and terrifying wound on the white dragon.

Such injuries are enough to cut into several segments on humans, but they are not fatal enough on huge dragon creatures.

The golden-rank white dragon, it’s difficult for me to kill it quickly in a [do not use] posture!

Just one contact with Li Rui intuitively understood the difficulty of the giant alien, and his eyes subconsciously aimed at the enemy's wing roots.

Although the vitality of this giant creature is dozens or even hundreds of times that of the humanoid creatures of the same order about two meters away, as long as its wings are broken to prevent escape, the rest depends on how you want to manage it.

With all his strength to break free of the ice crystals, Bai Long didn't even have the courage to fight back, frantically flapping the dragon wings to fly into the sky.

The followers of this magister are not ordinary characters either, and the incidental chaotic power burrows into the flesh and blood in waves, which is too evil.

It's not bad for the two people to join forces today, let alone there are so many accomplices in the theater!


As long as you move a certain distance, you can use the space coordinates to transport yourself to a safe place!

Just fly to the sky...


Before Bailong could finish his thoughts, a piece of white light entwining a golden arc flashed away, and the weakest part of its wing roots instantly exploded a basin-sized penetrating blood port.

"Oh oh oh!"

The severe pain caused the muscles to contract uncontrollably, and the posture about to take off suddenly deflected, like a plane with its wings broken down.

Looking in the direction of the attack, the sharp dragon eye saw the handsome young man wearing a gorgeous brass glove armor and unfolding an illusory magic longbow.

With five fingers, the powerful energy condenses into a marble-sized magic crystal in front of his right hand. As he puts this crystal on his left arm, the visible Razer arc stretches from the illusory longbow, as if involved. With an invisible bowstring.


He complained constantly. If he encountered such an enemy in peacetime, Bai Long would definitely rush to kill him first.

But the problem is that there are two big mountains in front of him, and it can only watch the archer draw his bow again to aim.

Having personally experienced how sharp his "arrows" are, Bai Long didn't dare to make him hit again. He twisted his body crazily in mid-air, curling up as much as possible to protect his vitals.

"It's still easy to hit large targets. You can shoot with your eyes closed. Human-shaped targets are too dogged. They can hide bullets one by one, WDNMD!"

With long-standing resentment, Huang Juncai was full of energy, and the surging magic power was injected into his left arm like gunpowder, pushing the "bullet" out.


The sharp arrow dashed across the sky in an instant, piercing the thick dragon wings, and then continued to blast a pit of blood dozens of centimeters deep.

"This is what you forced me!"

Faintly aware that it is difficult for him to escape, the ferocity in the depths of Bai Long's soul began to gain the upper hand.

However, a figure suddenly appeared in front of it, and the shield claws condensed sharp vigor and slashed on its head.

"What are you doing so loudly~"


As if a thunderbolt hit his head, Bai Long only felt an irresistible force flooding his forehead, and instantly turned into a posture on his head and feet and plunged his face into the ground.

"This skin is really thick, everyone is shoulder to shoulder!"

Li Ruisi let out a snarled roar, and the white-haired girl who had long been eager to try rushed out immediately.

As soon as the hammered Bai Long pulled his head out of the snow, he saw a figure wearing a self-cultivation armor and carrying a giant blade of a door panel rushing forward.

Without hesitation, he turned and flicked his tail, enough to explode the tail of the city wall and shook out the whistling of a train, calling Luo Li's side in an instant.

However, the heroic girl didn't have the slightest timidity. She slammed her toes on the ground, and her figure suddenly jumped forward.

【Go forward bravely】·Silver Stage

The hero makes a quick sprint forward and is armed with a shield to block up to 250 (+150% attack power) damage that is about to come. The shield lasts for 5 protection to the naked eye Shield's thump abruptly blocked, the scene where she imagined a tail drew her into blood foam did not appear. Bai Long's eyes widened in disbelief, and he felt the heart-piercing pain hitting the sky along the tail vertebrae.

Is this guy a steel puppet?

Why is it so hard?

However, it didn't give it time to think at all, and the giant blade of the door panel threw a silky smooth arc.

【The Dance of the Wings】·Silver Stage

The hero rushed forward and launched a surprise attack. This skill can be repeatedly activated another 8 times.

First hit and second hit: Slash forward, causing 100 (+100% attack power) physical damage to all enemies in contact.

The third blow...

The final blow: Leap into the air, then slam the ground, causing 150 (+120% attack power) physical damage, and centering on the impact point, knocking the surrounding enemies into the air.

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