Chapter 809

Rotating and jumping, the heroic girl is like a dancer on the battlefield, jumping on a cruel waltz with her huge blade and enemies.

With [Ionia Passion], [Frost Blood Wings], and [Gunsuo's Rage Blade] superimposed at the same time, Luo Li’s "dance steps" are getting faster and faster, and the offensive that looks like a storm is intoxicating. Smooth and elegant.









Because the movement of the move was too stretchy and silky, Luo Li didn't seem to have moved with her feet during the whole process, throwing out sharp blades of tens of meters in diameter in a posture of dancing on the ice.

The white dragon who had just recovered his senses was chopped and screamed. Even if he could only use 20% of the power of the artifact in his hand, Luo Li's armor-breaking ability completely ignored the dragon scales, which were as strong as steel.

The huge mouth of blood is open to both sides, and the white dragon is like a rooster running around and struggling after being cut through the throat by an unskilled butcher. The sweet dragon's blood is thrown everywhere, smudging a flower on the pure white snow. Duo Jiaoyan "flowers"


A "solid iron ball" condensed by magic accurately blasted the wound on the white dragon's wing, punching a hole in the dense bones exposed to the air.

【Two Eagles with One Arrow】·Silver Stage

The hero fires a bounce shot at the enemy target, causing 100 (+100% attack power) (+40% spell power) physical damage to the first target, and 100 (+120% attack power) to the second target (+50% spell power) damage. Both attacks can be accompanied by special effects and critical strikes.

If the first attack kills its target, the second attack will cause a critical strike.


The most critical bone was broken in half, and the white dragon let out a deafening roar, his whole body's magic condensed crazily in his chest, oozing out the ice blue aura visible to the naked eye.

However, a majestic and indifferent figure stood up without fear, and the two muskets in his hand exploded with a continuous barrage, smashing the dragon's breath back.

【The Favor of Doom】·Silver Stage

When attacking a new target, the hero will deal an additional 100% physical damage. (For 10 seconds)

【Stride Meteor】·Silver Stage

Passive: If there is no direct damage within 5 seconds, the hero will gain 25 movement speed. After another 5 seconds, this bonus will gradually increase to 150.

Active: Fully activates the movement speed bonus of [Stride Meteor] and provides 150% attack speed bonus for 60 seconds.

Every time [Doom's Favor] is triggered, the duration of the attack speed bonus will be extended by 5 seconds (when attacking the hero, the time extension will be doubled).

100% extra physical damage + 150% attack speed bonus!

These two skills alone turned Teacher Hanna into a human Vulcan cannon. The barrage within a short period of time even pulled a beam of light in the air, completely covering the front of the white dragon.

Even more terrifying is that she also activated another equipment active effect!

【Magic Cut】·Silver Stage

+140 attack power

+4000 mana

The only passive-Awe: Gain attack power, equivalent to 3% of your maximum mana. Return 25% of the mana cost.

The only active-impact: Pouring huge magic power into the weapon to obtain a temporary enchantment effect, consume 4% of the maximum mana per minute, and increase the temporary attack power 1.5 times the value.

[Impact] As soon as it opened, Teacher Hannah’s already powerful attack power took another step, and the panel data had reached 4000+!

Counting 100% extra physical damage, 8000+!

Even the scales of the Golden Tier dragon couldn't withstand the devastation of such firepower, the ice flame dragon breath that reached its throat was pressed back alive, and the dragon wings that closed the defense were also beaten to pieces.

In just ten seconds, Bailong felt as long as a century.

When it noticed that the firepower on the opposite side was weakening, it wanted to stir its wings and struggle to death, but found that only the skeleton of the two strong dragon wings remained.

Severe pain came from all over the body, and the blood pooled into a pond under it. It could no longer tell where the injuries were heavier. It only knew that its life was passing wildly at an unprecedented speed.

On the other side of the battlefield, watching Teacher Hannah's horrible burst of output, even Li Rui had to admit that he couldn't beat her in these 10 seconds!

Of course, only on the premise of [do not use] posture.

With a thought, a melodious piano sounded within a hundred meters, and the halo visible to the naked eye was spread out around Li Rui, completely covering the battlefield.

At the same time, a sharp force struck the dragon, cutting out a blood port several meters long on its back.

【Homage of Heroism】·Silver Stage

Active: Inflict 250 (+60% spell power) magic damage to the nearest 8 enemies (hero priority) and change the hero's energy chord bonus to staccato.

Melody: The hero gets an aura that lasts 10 minutes. Allies entering the aura gain a 10% (+1% per 100 spell power) attack speed bonus and an additional 5% additional damage. When the aura is activated, every time a friendly hero enters the aura, the hero will restore 80 mana (repeat entry is invalid).

Energy chord-staccato: cause 50% extra damage.

(The upper limit of the Silver Tier provides up to 40% attack speed bonus.)

A terrifying force is injected into the body, and the attack speed of the teammates within the range skyrocketed, and the effect is far from the simple description of the panel.

【Life and Death Balance】·Silver Stage

1. The healing and recovery effect of the hero unit is reduced by 70%.

2. The hero unit loses 3.5% of its maximum health every 24 hours.

3. All the positive effects of healing, recovery, shielding, acceleration, and magic recovery cast by this hero unit are increased by 150%.

When this terrifying god-level passively rose to the silver level, the kitten gradually revealed her savage fangs.

All positive effects increased by 150%!

The original 40% attack speed bonus has become 100%, and the 5% extra damage has become 12.5%!

Even more terrifying is the duration of up to 10 minutes!

Not to mention the [Secret Banquet Association] This kind of fairy team, if an army composed of ordinary people is so blessed, it will instantly transform into a Gundam division and hang up and fight the originally evenly matched enemy!

"Oh oh oh!"

In the painful and desperate dragon roar, blood and stumps were flying all over the sky.

The proud power of the white dragon can't shake the team in front of The tough dragon scales are enough to withstand the shooting of the siege crossbow, immune to magical damage below level 6, but in front of these monsters it seems to have become joke.

Anyone can easily break through its defenses and gouge out large pieces of flesh and blood on its body.

The only reason for it to survive until now is not its own strength, but the enemy's carelessness.

Yes, it can clearly feel that the other party is not using its full strength.

It is not so much that they are fighting with themselves, it is better to say that they are using themselves to test certain tricks and become familiar with the power that is not yet proficient!

With this understanding, Bai Long not only lost his anger, but fell into a deeper despair.

The first time you use the skills, everyone should take a closer look. In the future, you will only write the effect when you upgrade. Don't forget!

(End of this chapter)

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