Chapter 810

The gap between the two sides was too big, it didn't even have a chance to squeeze its back, and could only watch it step by step toward death!

Is headhunting an elk bad? Why do I provoke them with a cheap hand...

The sorrows and joys of humans and dragons are not interlinked. Li Rui, who was watching a play outside the battlefield, blinked and suddenly realized that something was missing. After thinking about it for a long time, he realized, what about the snake?

Looking back, the icy snowfield was vast and vast, with only a round outline that was very eye-catching.

He came to this pile of snow, and the high temperature breath blew gently, and the thin snowflakes melted instantly, revealing Zhao Youxuan, who was curled up into a sound sleep underneath.

Everyone is fighting hard, you stepped on a horse and paddled!

She picked her up, and Zhao Youxuan, who was awkwardly asleep, felt the familiar breath, rubbed her head lightly, and babbled in her dream.

"Hey, I can't eat anymore..."

"Wake up! Wake up!"

He pinched the cheek of the mature beauty, but no matter how Li Rui messed with her, the snake in the hibernation state groaned and squirmed like a caterpillar, unwilling to open his eyes.

After pondering for a moment, Li Rui attached to her ear and uttered a few words softly.

"Your chicken is gone."


The purple-red vertical pupils burst into dazzling cold light in an instant, the wind and snow in the sky solidified, and the cold killing intent seemed to tear the world to pieces.

Seeing her regained consciousness, Li Rui kicked her legs, twisted her waist, and shot her out like a gun.

Eat me with a trick to throw a snake!


Before I understood what was going on, an ugly dragon face appeared in front of him. Zhao Youxuan subconsciously struck her neck, revealing her cold flashing forehead.

"Snakehead hammer!"


The dull loud noise spread out dozens of miles, and countless wild animals looked up vigilantly in the direction of the sound, their ears pricked up.

But after a long period of vigilance, there was no follow-up, and the icy snowfield regained its tranquility. The animals once again shoveled away the snow under their feet, looking for moss buds that were sufficient for their belly.

On the battlefield, a huge white dragon stood on the spot, his pupils slowly enlarged, gradually losing focus.

Its forehead has been completely sunken into a pit the size of a bathtub.

The viscous liquid mixed with blood flowed out of its orifice and was frozen before it hit the ground, turning into red and white popsicles.

"Uuuuu...wo Didi brains..."

Holding her head, Zhao Youxuan hummed and struggled on the ground, ignoring her current beautiful and mature image.

As the white snake's tail swept away the snow, the stiff dragon lost its balance and slowly fell, smashing the solid frozen ground into a huge hole.

Ignoring Zhao Youxuan's call, Li Rui slowly walked up to the giant dragon and looked at its godless eyes.

It has to be said that the vitality of this giant transcendent creature is terribly tough, and even if it receives such a fatal injury, the power in its body is slowly repairing the wound.

If you don’t kill it completely, it may take a few days to recover a little mobility, and then hide in an inaccessible cave and lick its wounds silently. After a year and a half, it will be a good dragon again!

Unfortunately, you have no chance...

A grinning smile was raised at the corner of his mouth, and a giant mountain-like beast gathered behind Li Rui.

The terrifying alien worm, which is more than ten stories tall, is bigger than a white dragon. Two monsters stand together like a male lion and a cheetah. The gap is visible to the naked eye!


The Zerg Faxiang roared in joy, and gradually opened his black hole-like mouth, slowly lowering his head.

While dying, Bai Long's pupils shrank and focused like a glare, and saw a huge, terrifying mouth full of rows of jagged fangs falling towards him.


As soon as the neck hurts, the final consciousness fades away, and the cold vertical pupil spreads uncontrollably, quickly losing its luster.

"The battle is over, you participated in the killing of a heroic unit."

"You gained 10358 experience points."

"Complete the first victory task every day and gain 20 experience points."

"You got 1392 gold coins."

"You killed a gold-level unit and gained 41 high-level law fragments."

"[Feast] swallowed the enemy, you gain 6152 permanent health points, and the number of feasts is +1."

"[Overgrowth] Absorb the withering vitality and you gain 16 permanent health points."

"[Extraordinary Evil Force] Harvest the soul of a hero, and you will gain 91 permanent spell growth."

"[Dragon Bloodline] Strip the dragon source material, gain 6 permanent armor growth, 8 permanent magic resistance growth, and 10% cold magic resistance (this effect will begin to decay after 240 hours)."


The ferocious Zerg Faxiang chewed on a piece of spine, chewing crunchy, blood and meat dripping down the corner of its mouth, splashing everywhere.

"It's really ugly to eat."

Aya Kiyi, who was wearing a majestic horn mask, moved slowly over, and Li Rui could see her disgusting expression through the mask.

However, there was no time to pay attention to her, Li Rui's complexion flushed red, and he tried his best to maintain the movement of the law.

This is the first time that after the Zerg's magic phase swallowed the target, it still maintained its existence and did not disperse immediately.

"How is it? Can you persist?"

Rotating the musket and inserting it into the gun pouch on both sides of the thigh, Hannah teacher walked up to Li Rui, winking his chin like silk.

"If it's too fast, the teacher can~ no~ hi~ happy~ oh~"


He couldn't hold his breath, the giant worm behind him was rippling like water, quickly dissipating into the air.

"After a year of practicing spiritual release, I can't grasp the secret. How can there be such a stupid person in the world?"

Aya Xiyi talked to herself in confusion, causing Li Ruiman's brain to jump around.

"The teacher interferes with me!"

"Does the enemy interfere with you during the fight?"

He choked with a word and Li Rui couldn't speak. After thinking for a long time, he roared in anger.

"Speaking so lightly, would you?"

Turning her head suddenly, Aya Xiyi looked at Li Rui with her mouth open, and she could see her shocked expression through the mask.

Immediately, the glamorous magenta cherry mouth curved, showing a proud sneer.

"Huh! Of course...Yes!"

Accompanied by her cold voice, a phantom with six arms nearly 100 meters high and a fuzzy face instantly solidified behind her Li Rui grinned in embarrassment as she looked at the majestic and oppressive face sluggishly.

Ma Dan, really good?

You shouldn’t pretend to be Shabi at this time, say no?

Why don't you play cards according to the routine?

"Why haven't I seen you use it before?"

"Because it's not easy to use."

Aya Xiyi waved her small hand, and the huge magical phase disappeared like a phantom. Instead, a piece of ghost spread around her, dragging a space of nearly one kilometer into the kingdom of the dead.

"The golden-level dhamma is only the most basic application mode for spiritual release, and [Domain] is the advanced mode for spiritual release!"

Following her words, terrifying ghosts and ghosts emerged from the ground, looking at everyone with green eyes like hungry wolves.

(End of this chapter)

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