Chapter 812

"Oh, then you can use it, but when will you realize the new power? You are either reading novels or chasing fans every day, and you have never practiced!"

"I thought of it while sleeping."

Aya Xiyi waved his hand gently, and the magic circle tens of meters in diameter instantly bloomed in the snow, slowly rotating around the dragon corpse.

"There was a [Death Contract] in the inheritance you gave me before, and another [Ice Vessel Expulsion] in the following inheritance, both of which are forces related to [Death Reincarnation], and they happen to be within my authority!"

While manipulating complex magical powers, Aya Kii easily explained.

"Combining these two with my own authority, I discovered a very interesting new ability."

As her voice fell, an illusory icy blue phantom appeared on the dragon's corpse.

The dragon soul, which was purely condensed by magic power, stood on the corpse, revealing a transparent texture like a thousand years of profound ice.

His pupils shrank slightly, Li Rui's eyes flickered, and he looked at the three passive skills on the system panel of Aya Xiyi.


The body is emptiness, holds the netherworld, is in harmony with the Tao, and is the same as nature.

【Death Contract】·Silver Stage

The hero can sign a contract with an extraordinary life, and when the life dies, it will be transformed into a spiritual body, retaining all the memories and most of the strengths during his lifetime, and continue to live in the world.

Moreover, the hero is immortal, the contracted spirit is immortal, and can be resurrected infinitely.

(The number of contracts is related to the skill level, and the highest energy level does not exceed the silver level.)

(The contracted spirit body is theoretically eternal, but every time it dies, it loses part of its memory and strength.)

【Ice Vein Drive】·Silver Stage

After killing an enemy hero, you can twist its undead into a frozen servant. The ice-bound servant is driven by the hero to fight and reduces the movement speed of the enemies around him. After a maximum of 12 minutes, the ice-bound servant will be crushed from the extreme cold, causing (+70% spell power) magic damage to nearby targets.

"[Death Contract] cannot contract for existence beyond my own level, and both parties must voluntarily..."

Aya Xiyi said faintly, the huge magic power was continuously poured into the ice crystal dragon soul, and the deep blue chill penetrated into the skin, and even Li Rui couldn't help shivering.

"But the advantage is that the spirit body retains itself, is eternal and can be resurrected infinitely."

"And [Ice Pulse Drive] is a forced enslavement, ignoring the energy level and the enemy's original wishes, but the disadvantage is that it will explode after a maximum of 12 minutes."

"Combine these two abilities, eliminate each other's shortcomings, retain the strengths, and get this, I call it..."

"Servant of Hades!"

As the voice fell, the haunting ice crystal dragon soul suddenly spread its wings, and grew a huge mouth to roar the soul that pierced the brain.


Frowning his eyebrows insignificantly, Li Rui gradually narrowed his eyes as he looked at the behemoth that stirred its wings to float in the air.

Aya Xiyi has transformed into a golden necromantic servant!

It seems that you still have a certain sense of self?

The illusory dragon pupil turned into a transparent blue staring at everyone in doubt, and his slightly sluggish vision was full of confusion.

"[Servant of Hades] retains the most basic fighting instincts, and will not be as rigid and stupid as [Ice Vessel Drive]. I don't need to be distracted and manipulated. As long as I give orders, they will automatically attack the enemy."

"Of course, it can't completely retain all the strength it had in life, probably... around 60 or 70%."

"However, the greatest benefit of [Servant of the Hades] is that it is not afraid of consumption, it can still be used after seven or eight deaths, but its strength decreases with each death."

Aya Xiyi raised her little hand and gently moved her five fingers in the air. The ghost dragon in the sky hovered and swooped under her will, like a bomber throwing death.

While manipulating his new toy, Aya Kie introduced it to his teammates enthusiastically.

"Like this golden white dragon converted servant, after being killed 4 or 5 times in a short period of time, it will fall to the Silver Step, but as long as it has enough death energy and energy, it can slowly rise back, but it needs The time is too long, and the upper limit is their pre-death level, at best they can be used as consumables."

Looking at the dragon waving icy blue cold in the sky sluggishly, the eyes of the teammates became a little complicated.

Turtle, this is going to be an army alone!

"It's not easy to switch such a big thing?"

Glancing at Aya Kiyi's data panel, Li Rui asked thoughtfully.

"Well, it consumes most of my mana, but you don't need to worry about it after forming, just put it in the nether space to warm it up."

A dark and unpredictable purple-black field flashed away, swallowing and compressing the ghost dragon in the sky, and instantly retracted Aya Kiyi's body.

Patting her chest, the cold mature beauty made a silly laugh, as if she had collected her favorite otaku.

"Li Rui~Li Rui~"

Arched to her side like a white worm, Zhao Youxuan skillfully climbed onto Li Rui's back and groaned.

"What are you doing?"

"Have you run out?"

The charming fingers pointed at the dragon corpse on the ground, Li Rui was shocked and turned to look at her in disbelief.

"Did you also develop new tricks?"

"No, I just ask, can this dragon soak?"


Seeing Bailong's claws along the fingertips that were stronger than Liang Zhu, Li Rui fell into deep thought.

"It should... can't..."

"Try it, try it, I want pickled pepper dragon claw~"

Zhao Youxuan hugged his neck and shook her life, causing Li Rui to roll her eyes.

"Good, good, I will try."

To comfort the foodie first, Li Rui watched Dragon Claw's trouble.

It's so big...not tasty!

After pondering for a moment, Li Rui suddenly felt a sense of guilt.

This dragon is really miserable.

Swallowed vitality and blood by [Feast], reaped soul by [Extraordinary Evil Force], stripped of traits by [Dragon Blood], dissociated by [Deadly Natural Enemy], and the only thing left is to be transformed by Aya Nozomi into a servant of the Hades!

In the end, you even have to enter the belly of the fierce It really squeezes it clean, no waste at all!

That's it! That's it!

I'm not a devil. Keel should be a drug dealer, and it would be too pitiful to use it for soup!

Severely praised for his kindness, Li Rui walked to the side of the dragon's broken spine and stretched out his hand lightly.


The hill-like dragon corpse was collected into the material warehouse of [City of Origin Sea], and the only dragon head still looked up at the sky with eyes blankly.

With the blood crystal sword spreading in his palm, Li Rui was about to dismantle the dragon's head and find the most valuable dragon crystal inside. Suddenly, there were noisy animal calls and human curses behind him.

Putting away the sword in his hand, Li Rui instantly put the dragon head into the material warehouse, watching the huge team gradually becoming clear in the dim snowstorm.

(End of this chapter)

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