Chapter 813

It was a large caravan with more than 500 people. Thousands of six-legged deer-shaped creatures were pulling piles of sledges, and they were walking hard in the snow.

In the team, dozens of majestic dogs shuttled back and forth, organizing the team in order.

"Abo, there is the smell of dragons ahead, and the snow deer are very disturbed."

The girl in fur found the leader and looked forward anxiously.

"This area is the territory of the evil dragon Austin Hodge. It is not strange to have its smell. We must cross this road as soon as possible to reach the next town, otherwise the longer the stay, the more dangerous!"

An old man over three meters tall, with white beard and hair, covered in tendons, controlled the leading sled, and said without looking back.

"Wait, there seems to be someone in front!"

The girl screamed, and the old man controlling the sled hurriedly pulled on the reins.

As he slowed down, the huge team that stretched for hundreds of meters came to a halt like a whole.

Horse thief?

No, there is no horse thief in this area!

Even those gangs of robbers can't come to such places where the birds don't shit. Are they lost travelers?

The old man with gray hair turned his mind sharply, but he subconsciously raised his alert.

"Tell the boys to prepare to meet the enemy!"

Quietly instructing the granddaughter behind him, the old man touched the hilt of the sword beside him, and stared at the gradually clear outline of the human figure.

As the distance drew closer, both sides could see the face of each other clearly. Li Rui's face was full of smiles, while the old man felt cold in his vest.

The dressing of this group of people is too weird!

Except for the tattered (punk rock style) young man in the middle, everyone else just looks hard to mess with!

Stopping a few tens of meters away, the old man shouted vigilantly: "Who are you? Why are you blocking the road?"

"Dear elders, please don't panic. We are adventurers heading to Bellokna. We accidentally lost our way in this snowy field. I wonder if we can go to the next town with you?"

Li Rui walked up alone with a chuckle, indicating that he was not hostile.

"Bellockner is thousands of miles away from here, where did you come from?"

Behind the old man, a group of sturdy young men surrounded him and asked hostilely.

All of them were more than two meters tall, and their muscles were knotted. Even in the wind and snow, they were bare chests, as if they could not feel the biting cold wind.

At their feet, there was a calf-sized vicious dog, staring at the crowd with fierce eyes, exposing sharp and ferocious canine teeth, and a low, threatening roar in his chest.


But Li Rui didn't look at them, just stared at the old man with a gentle smile.

Obviously there is no coercive aura, but the calm eyes make the old man feel uneasy.

It seems that if I reject him, something very bad will happen.

However, the white-haired girl behind Li Rui frowned in dissatisfaction, looking at those vicious dogs who dared to bark her teeth, and also exposed small tiger fangs, and let out an undetectable low growl in her throat.


As if being shocked by an electric shock, dozens of vicious dogs scrambled their tails together, wailed in horror, hid behind their master, and was frightened by the pressure of the soul blood.

Perceiving keenly the little movement of the girl, the white-haired old man stared backwards hating iron and steel, suppressed the panicked team, and then calmly looked at Li Rui.

"What's your name?"

"Wade Winston Wilson, you can also call me [Rider Rider]."

"This is my companion, [Witch] Lisandra."

"[Assassin] Raven."

"[Emperor] Sarah."

"[Lotus Snake] Cassiopeia."

"[Adventurer] Ezreal."

Every time someone is introduced, the old man's brows and feet twitch once.

[Witch] The exaggerated crown mask was too glaring, and the magical power of ice crystals visible to the naked eye surged under her feet, which gave him a great sense of oppression.

But the so-called [Assassin] is wearing a tough and gorgeous armor, holding a rune giant sword in his hand, it looks like a battlefield meat grinder in every way.

[Emperor] The dress is most normal, but the brows reveal a high degree of coldness and majesty. This is not the aura that ordinary nobles can develop, is it really the empress of a certain country?

The last two people puzzled the old man even more, Naga? Elf?

The composition of this team is really complicated!

But when seeing Ezreal's face, the old man's vigilance immediately disappeared.

High-level elves!

It even looks like the royal family among elves-moon elves!

These creatures are mostly arrogant existences with pure hearts, and it is almost impossible to associate with evil.

In other words, it is very unlikely that these adventurous people who look very strong will attack the caravan!

Thinking of Austin Hodge, the dragon entrenched in this generation, and the anxiety of the beasts, the old man had a mind.

The more powerful the caravan, the safer it is. If you really want to encounter that evil dragon, you can't stop its harassment by yourself, and you must suffer heavy losses.

With a team of masters in vain, even if you really encounter that big lizard, you can start it away!

It is usually expensive to hire these powerful peers, but now it is not bad to rub them all the way for nothing!

Nodding, the old man agreed with Li Rui's request in the angry eyes of the young man behind him.

But he didn't completely relax his vigilance. He arranged an independent sleigh for Li Rui and others, which faintly meant to isolate them from the team.

Li Rui didn't dislike them, and sat in the spacious sled cab and looked around curiously.

This cockpit is a bit like an airplane cockpit. The wind and snow are completely insulated by glass, and the inside is warm like spring.

The back half of the sled is an open-air cargo hopper, full of cargo wrapped in huge fur.

"My God, this seems to be a whole piece of fur. Every car has one. What kind of animal is this big!"

Huang Juncai watched the team through the window and was amazed.

"It should be the Warren Snow Bear, a fairly common monster in the North, with the largest record of ten meters in length."

Teacher Hannah also looked around enthusiastically, observing these strange creatures that had only been seen in books before.

After a few glances, Li Rui opened the door and rushed up the leading sleigh like a ghost.

This sled is nearly twice as tall as other sleds. It does not have a warm cab. Instead, it is replaced by a wide open platform that can overlook the entire team when you turn your head.

Its "body" is also covered with a layer of fur, but the outline does not look like normal cargo.

"Old man, thank you for taking us a ride."

The old man, who got into the driving position like a familiarity, was discussing something with his granddaughter in a whisper and shuddered. His white hair and beard were all erected, like a lion with full beard and hair.

After a while from get off work, there are only two chapters today. (;′??Д??`)

(End of this chapter)

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