Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 813: , Processing fee

, The fastest update infinite **** installed in the latest chapter of the city!

The snowy white soup was quickly served in a bowl, and the large pieces of dragon meat plus vegetables similar to potatoes and tomatoes gave the whole camp a strong and delicious aroma.

"Guru~ How much jerky did you use, elder? It's too fragrant, right?"

"I don't think those people are great. Why do you treat them like this?"

"That is, the arrogant and rude guys should let them survive in the snowy field!"

The lads who made fire in other places complained as they swallowed their saliva, smelling the wonderful smell floating in the distance, the steaming thick soup in their hands suddenly lost its fragrance!

On the other side, the soft white bread that was roasted with wheat aroma was soaked in the soup, soaking in the deliciousness of vegetables and meat, and after a bite, the unprecedented rich freshness exploded in the mouth.

In the freezing cold wind, the solid dragon meat was swallowed into his stomach, and after a sip of the soup, Li Rui only felt his whole body warm.


The food in his hand was solved three times and five times, Li Rui stared at Old Langman with scorching eyes while Little Lusha was in the time to feed him.

"Old man Longman, do you sell Xuelong jerky?"

"Hahaha, we don't have enough to eat ourselves. The young guys of the [Da Kui Ye] tribe can grow so strong that they have been drinking this kind of thick soup made from dragon meat since they were young. Generally, we don't sell this key material to the outside world."

Old Langman laughed, but then the conversation changed.

"But if you like it, I can give you some."

"Well... my companions have a bigger appetite..."

Looking at his teammate whose eyes were narrowed, Li Rui's eyes rolled.

"So, if someone hunts a white dragon, can you help to process it into dried snow dragon meat?"

I don’t know how to cook the dragon meat like a hill. If there is no special preparation method for this extraordinary ingredient, it will not only taste bad, but it will even accumulate a lot of toxicity!

Wouldn’t it be beautiful to give it to local professionals to turn it into delicious jerky?

Old Langman, who was stuffing bread in his mouth, paused slightly, and silently exchanged glances with several of his companions, and there was a slight faint excitement in his pupils.

"Um... it can be, but there are several accessories that are more precious than the dragon meat itself, and the processing fee is not cheap."

Seeing what the old Langman meant at a glance, Li Ruihun smiled indifferently.

"Old man Longman, as long as it is a normal cost, we can accept it!"

Listening to the rereading of the normal two words, Old Langman's heart jumped, but soon calmed down.

"You really want to hunt dragons? It's very dangerous, those big lizards are treacherous and cunning, and countless adventurers die in their hands every year!"

He kindly persuaded him, but watching Li Rui smile without saying a word, the companions behind him did not take the danger of hunting dragons into their minds at all, and were still struggling with food intently. Old Langman frowned involuntarily. .

Although Bailong was hailed as the shame of dragons, some low-powered children were even expelled from the dragon status and classified into the category of beasts.

But after all, the blood of the Dragon God is flowing in the body. Even the weakest white dragon will automatically grow over time. Normal humanoids are not the opponents of these huge monsters at all!

An adult white dragon of level 10 or higher usually requires four or five of the same level, and a tacit understanding of transcendents can compete with it.

If you want to kill it, the number of transcendents must at least double!

And this strange team in front of him... seems to have not taken Bai Long seriously at all, is this arrogance? Still confident?

Just as the old Langman was lost in thought, Zhao Youxuan, who had finished eating a bowl of thick soup, suddenly raised her head, looking at him in expectation.

"That... do you know how to make pickled pepper dragon claws?"


Pushing the fierce snake back, Li Rui smiled: "Let's talk about the processing fee!"

Blinking his eyes, Old Langman suddenly reacted, staring at him with wide eyes: "Do you have a white dragon in your hand?!"

"Well, I just hunted one, luckily, it somehow delivered it to the door by itself."

Li Rui scratched his head, got up and walked to a wide open space, stretched out his hand and waved his mind to communicate with the material warehouse of [City of Origin Sea].


The hill-like headless dragon corpse crashed to the ground, and the smell of dragon blood made the entire camp riot instantly.

The originally docile six-legged elk struggled frantically and tried to break all the reins tied to his body.

The calf-sized vicious dogs screamed and screamed at the dragon corpse, but the four trembling legs and the shaking heads proved their inner fear.

Wipe off the oil stains on the small purple mouth, and the evil [witch] spit out two words lightly.



The power of the strange laws enveloped the world, and the manic camp became silent in an instant, only the biting cold wind was still roaring.

Touching his incapable neck, Old Langman and others looked at Aya Xiyi's eyes with awe.

Such a relaxed exercise of the law, this is the power of the great priest!

Is she a dependent of a certain deity?

Or is it an incarnation of a **** walking on the earth?

When they turned their heads to see the huge dragon corpse nearly two stories high next to Li Rui, their eyes were filled with fanaticism!

This is a, the white dragon in the prime of life!

At least up to level 13, the lads in the clan finally have advanced potions!

A few seconds later, the power of the law dissipated, and the camp resumed the excitement, but this time no one dared to make a loud noise, even if the animals only whined softly from the deep throat, as if they were afraid of disturbing some great existence.

Everyone looked frantically at the center of the camp, that huge dragon corpse contained the future of many of them!

At the same time, they were also in awe of the figure in front of the dragon corpse.

Can contain such a huge corpse, either an artifact-level space equipment, or an archmage who specializes in space-time magic!

The former represents power, and the latter represents strength!

But no matter what kind, it is a noble existence that they cannot touch.

"Honorable where's its head?"

Old Langman suppressed his excitement and walked to Li Rui and asked respectfully.

"Head oh!"

In response, Li Rui waved his hand again and took out the terrifying dragon head.

"Austin Hodge!"

An exclamation screamed around him, and an old man about the same age as the old Longman walked up excitedly, gritted his teeth with carelessness.

"Evil dragon Austin Hodge! My father died in his hands, and I recognize him when he turned to ashes!"

After speaking, he looked at Li Rui, raised his hands above his head, and made a pious and strange movement.

"Thank you, great adventurer, thank you for avenging my many families in the North!"

Blinking his eyes, Li Rui smiled: "So... can the processing fee be discounted?"

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