Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 814: , Legendary Squad?

, The fastest update infinite **** installed in the latest chapter of the city!

"Hahaha, it's free! No money!"

Old Langman waved his hand, said boldly, and immediately changed his words, pleading sincerely.

"In addition, Mr. Wade, I have a request. Can I sell the keel to us? I can add an extra 50% to the market price!"

"This one……"

Li Rui pondered for a moment, and smiled in the eyes of everyone's expectations.

"Take the keel as a processing fee, please process it as soon as possible."

"How can this work? You suffer too much!"

Old Langman waved his hand in fear.

Ordinary people will take advantage if they take advantage, but in the face of this level of power, it will take advantage of their brains to take advantage of them!

"It's okay. Those of us don't have any other hobbies, so we just have a bite to eat. I like this snow dragon jerky very much. I hope you can make it delicious."

Li Rui chuckled and shook his head, making a decision without any explanation.

The white dragon meat itself is not very delicious, but the dried snow dragon meat is fragrant enough to swallow the tongue.

More importantly, it is nearly twice as nutritious as eating raw dragon meat!

Therefore, those auxiliary materials are by no means ordinary things, they should be genius treasures such as ginseng on the earth.

There are so many articles that can be done here!

If the materials are good, they are a little bit more, and the result is very different.

Exchange the inedible keel for the meticulous craftsmanship of the other side's gratitude and Dade.

In addition, Li Rui also wants to rely on these ground snakes to find more prey, how can he not give them some sweetness?

Seeing that Li Rui's will was firm and could not be refuted, the old Langman could only "reluctantly" agree.

Several tall old barbarians were no longer in the mood to eat, and picked up a variety of professional tools to surround the dragon corpse in amazement.

"It deserves to be one step short of entering the legendary dragon, and its bare body is two laps larger than an ordinary white dragon!"

"This Achilles tendon is thicker than my arm, and it can make at least eight siege crossbows!"

"The scariest thing is the wound on its body. The whole body is tattered like a ragdoll. The whole dragon wing is left with a bone frame, and all the meat is knocked out!"

Hearing this, everyone reacted and looked at the dragon, and then at Li Rui and others who were still devouring them, a glimmer of fortune could not help but rise in their hearts.

Fortunately, they did not offend them.

Look at the hapless guy Austin Hodge, I don't know how much torment he suffered before he died, and there was no good meat all over his body!

On the contrary, what about Li Rui and others?

Now I am eating red light, my mouth is greasy, and I can't find any wounds!

In other words, this team effortlessly killed a quasi-legendary dragon with a challenge level of 16!

So... the legendary team?

A trace of speculation flashed in his mind, and a few sturdy old men trembled, not daring to think about it.

Such big people together are enough to destroy the city and the country. What is their purpose?

I don’t know, we dare not ask!

Convergent emotions focused on testing, and soon several old men frowned.

After communicating with each other, the old Langman came forward and said to Li Rui cautiously.

"Mr. Wade, there is something wrong with this dragon corpse."

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Swallowing the bread full of soup, Li Rui glanced at him casually, handed the empty bowl to Little Lusha, and motioned for another bowl.

If some old men don't eat it, this pot of soup will be cheaper for them!

"The evil dragon Austin Hodge was identified as a 16th-level quasi-legendary dragon 13 years ago, but now its extraordinary spirituality is only up to 14th, and its quality is only A-, which is completely inconsistent with its strength!"

After a shock, Li Rui immediately guessed what was going on.

[Feast], [Extraordinary Evil Force], [Dragon Blood], [Deadly Predator], [Servant of Hades]...

This layer is squeezed down, and there are 14 levels of extraordinary spirituality left in the remaining flesh and blood, which is already pretty good!

"Um... I see, maybe our attack caused some pollution, you just need to operate normally."

Old Langman was relieved when he heard this, for fear that Li Rui thought they had moved something.

Just when he was about to let Li Rui put away the dragon corpse again, Luo Li, who was full, stood up and cut a large piece of flesh on the dragon corpse.


Seeing her beckoning to the calf-sized dogs around, little Lusha embarrassed her to persuade her.

"Sister Raven, these little guys are different from pet dogs. They never... eh??"

Before she finished her words, the ferocious dogs came up one by one with their tails, letting Luo Li rub their heads fiercely.

There was even a pleasing smile on the stupid dog's face.

"What did you just say?"

"Uh... nothing."

Little Lusha smiled awkwardly, resenting the group of dogs that circled Luo Li.

I usually feed so many delicious foods and never see you being so enthusiastic about me. What a bunch of stupid dogs with no conscience!

Others watched Luo Li feeding the dog with dragon meat with painful faces. Instead, Li Rui and others concentrated on fighting the thick soup, and the iron pot that was enough to be a bathtub soon saw the bottom.

When the happily returning old men came back, they happened to see the empty iron pot and... the fierce snake licking the bowl.


Where is our dinner?

At this moment, the old men's mentality has undergone some changes.


The nearly twenty-meter-high city wall is from far to near. When approaching the city gate, the blue-black wall stands up like a hill, full of oppression.

Looking at this magnificent city wall, Li Rui couldn't help feeling sighed.

It is indeed a great civilization that was able to create a floating city. The productivity in some aspects is higher than that of the earth!

Unfortunately, the universality is too bad!

When high-end extraordinary people travel around the stars and raise their city to the sky, the farmers in the countryside are still slashing and burning!

This deformed social form is simply unimaginable on earth!

That is to say, this man has a lot of aura, and the crops can yield 18,000 per mu without taking care of them. UU Reading www. If's Reiki tide declines to the point of earth, the civilization here is probably extinct long ago!

However, maybe they will also embark on the same technological path as the earth...

Thinking wildly about inexplicable topics, a huge caravan stationed in a camp outside the city to transfer the goods to the carriage.

"Your Excellency Wade, this is [Andemster], known as the northernmost jewel of Saiadin, and it is more than half a month away from [Bellockner] where you are going."

"We're not in a hurry for the time being, have the white dragon's range of activities that we asked you to sort out before?"

"Currently, all the active white dragons have been sorted out, but these large lizards are very cunning. We can only estimate the approximate range of their nests, and cannot accurately locate them."

"It doesn't matter, a rough range is enough!"

Li Rui took a scroll of magic maps from the old Langman, and after studying it carefully for a while, he nodded thoughtfully.

MMP, I don’t understand at all!

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